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Freshman/JV SF@ BL 1/4/06
who do u think will win these matchups
i think sf will get the win over bl cause the freshman at sf hasent lossed a game n with tackett gettin over 25 points a game n slone there 2 back him up...they will win by 20 or more.
"#12" Wrote:i think sf will get the win over bl cause the freshman at sf hasent lossed a game n with tackett gettin over 25 points a game n slone there 2 back him up...they will win by 20 or more.

Number 12 ur killin me sf will win but all u have been talkin about it jody tackett...he isnt that good...n he dont get 25 points a game...if he was as good as u put him out 2 be then he should be startin varsity...n slone has his back just like he should have slones back but i think in previous post he has put slone down n if he keeps doin that then no1 will have his back...n prob. nothing 2 do with him.
i think sf will win freshman with jody n adam, n they should win jv cause sf has lyle johnson, wes akers, kyle brown, jody, n adam. who dose bl have that can stop them?
SF should win but I would like to go watch the game to see how good Justin Collins is..
I would like to see the game but I will be home watching the Rose Bowl.
As far as the freshmen goes. I think SF will win and not because of Jody, but more because of Adam. Adam has a quality that every player can learn from him. His willing to give up the points for the extra pass and assist. He was the leading scorer in floyd county middle school his 7th grade year at stumbo. His 8th grade year, he averaged what the rest of the middle school team did at SF, less than 10 a game. The same as the whole first 5 for SFMS last year. That is the kind of player that coaches love to get. Ones who look out for the team first and themselfs second.
good post bbof
i say that BL jv will come out with the win of this game, freshmen will come playing really good.
and the game is on 1/6/06
What time does the game start? And is it in the dome or on the hill?
the game is on the 1/4/06 and idk wut time but it is at the dome... the varsity plays the 1/6/06 on the hill and agian idk wut time
oh my bad i thought they played when varsity did. why would they play on the hill
i think he is talking about SF's hill
oh ok, my bad
but i think sf will win both games..we will get to see how good the sensational junior justin collins is..... is it at the dome.. or on the hill at bl?
Probably on BL's hill Juice! I'm gonna go watch this game so I can see Justin Collins play. They gave him alot of recognition lets see if he can back it up!
i agree
what time does this game start?
coming from the deepest part if melvin....i think that these younger guys are gonna do the same thing that the varsity will do to bl....everyone come and watch this game b/c it is only a preview of the game on friday.....and that is a fact from the MELVIN MUSKRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there aint no1 can hold the freshman n jv team of south floyd down
sf won freshman and lost jv
What was the score? Any stats?
score was 58-37 it looked like SF sure beat uBL jv by 20 points
I was surprised Sensation didnt get his usual 50 a game. What happened to him?
south floyd freshman came out on top.....and the Jv lost but i didnt see much from this sensation kid justin his name ....i saw him sit as much as i did and i was in the stands i think lyle johnson had 19 points tho...congrats SF and BL:thumb: ....but on the other hand the ref was horrible in this game never saw worse calls then in the JV game:flame: :ref1:
justin played one good game he had 16 points , 6 blocks , 3 boards. i think he played good and so did the rest of the team. there bench came out playing ggod at the end.
Yeah the Fro lit it up. LMAO
"no one knows" Wrote:justin played one good game he had 16 points , 6 blocks , 3 boards. i think he played good and so did the rest of the team. there bench came out playing ggod at the end.
no way in this world he had 6 blocks....i saw 3
i know how to count and i counted 6 blocks you need to learn how to count

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