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NEA Again Endorsed Obama
If the National Education Association leadership expresses the beliefs of its membership it is no wonder that public education is a failure. I'm sure no one is surprised that the NEA endorsed the reelection of Obama.

When you examine the statistics concerning the large and ever-increasing percentage of public school graduates who must take remedial courses upon entering college, you realize that these over-funded public schools continue to produce a growing generation of incompetents.

As a seasoned educator once said, "Today's students can't read, write, add, or subtract but, due to the self-esteem emphasis in the public schools, they feel good about themselves".

If you think this thread is an overreaction, take a typical public high school graduate, take away his/her calculator, cell phone, and computer, and have him/her write a paragraph using proper grammar, have him/her do a math problem involving long division, and have him/her name his/her congressman and US senators. Most are clueless.
^ You don't have to sell me. Today's classroom is as much about the ideologue's proganda and indoctrination as it is the three Rs. As I have mentioned on here before, the liberal extremists have a lot to say about text books and other things that are taught to kids these days, such as, the graphic and early introduction to sex, (between or among any of God's flora and fauna), redefining the concept of family, teaching evolutionism and excluding creationism, leaving out things about American history that don't support concepts like social justice and tolerance to the exteme view of totally open borders, and amnesty for all, then embellish or enflame minor points that can be misrepresented to seem to support their adgendas, to teaching them that global warming is an absolute science and fossil fuels are depleted and and destroying the planet.

When today's elementary student graduates from college he will be thoughly endoctrinated and well versed in all the tenents of the liberal ideologue.

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