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Muammar Gaddafi dead!!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Why would anybody think that you and vector are one in the same? I did not mention you by name. Of all the people who post here and in the other forums that I frequent, why did you assume that I was referring to you? Are you being medicated for your paranoia?

I was just making a general comment about people the dishonesty of people who sign up for and use multiple accounts simultaneously. I believe that the admins can quickly spot these phony characters using their ip addresses. It would be great if our ip addresses were visible to everybody, as it would be a great deterrent to this practice. Don't you agree?
No, I just went back through the thread and saw that if you were talking about this thread it had to be me that you were talking about. There were no other options.

Everything in your second paragraph I agree 100% percent about multiple accounts. To go one further, if I were ever banned from this site, I would never come back under another name. If the owners didn't want me here, I wouldn't come back as somebody else. That's why I think Bob should admit who he is, and have one of the mods talk to TorQQue about the previous situation, and have the ban on the other nick reversed.
I love when threads stay on topic Smile
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I love when threads stay on topic Smile
Now you are finally seeing where he derails every thread?
Libya to bring Gaddafi killers to justice

Quote:Libya's new leaders have vowed to bring Muammar Gaddafi's killers to justice in a sharp break with their previous insistence he was caught in the crossfire with his own loyalists.
Meanwhile, the UN Security Council has unanimously voted to end the mandate for international military action in Libya, ending another chapter in the war against Gaddafi's toppled regime.
"With regards to Gaddafi, we do not wait for anybody to tell us," Abdel Hafiz Ghoga, vice chairman of the ruling National Transitional Council (NTC), told a news conference in Benghazi on Thursday.
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"We had already launched an investigation. We have issued a code of ethics in handling of prisoners of war. There were some violations by those who are unfortunately described as revolutionaries. I am sure that was an individual act and not an act of revolutionaries or the national army," the top interim official said.
"We had issued a statement saying that any violations of human rights will be investigated by the NTC. Whoever is responsible for that (Gaddafi's killing) will be judged and given a fair trial."

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Here's a video about Libya:
Hopefully, this is not a sign of things to come in Libya.[INDENT]
Quote:Flying proudly over the birthplace of Libya's revolution, the flag of Al Qaeda

The black flag of Al Qaeda was hoisted in Libya yesterday as Nato formally ended its military campaign.
The standard fluttered from the roof of the courthouse in Benghazi, where the country’s new rulers have imposed sharia law since seizing power.

Seen as the seat of the revolution, the judicial building was used by rebel forces to establish their provisional government and media centre.

The flag has been spotted on the courthouse several times, prompting denials from the National Transitional Council that it was responsible.

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Hoot Gibson Wrote:Hopefully, this is not a sign of things to come in Libya.[INDENT][/INDENT]
You do know that the daily mail is a tabloid, right?
TheRealVille Wrote:You do know that the daily mail is a tabloid, right?
I am very familiar with the London newspapers. Here is the same news from a source with which you are undoubtedly more comfortable. I found a link to this story in the Huffington Post. You still won't like the news. Of course, The Democratic Underground is in denial. The London media usually report news that might prove embarrassing to the Obama administration a few days before it appears deeply buried (if at all) in the New York Times. You probably will never see this in the the San Francisco newspapers that you read.[INDENT]
Quote:Al Qaeda Plants Its Flag In Libya

It was here at the courthouse in Benghazi where the first spark of the Libyan revolution ignited. It’s the symbolic seat of the revolution; post-Gaddafi Libya’s equivalent of Egypt’s Tahrir Square. And it was here, in the tumultuous months of civil war, that the ragtag rebel forces established their provisional government and primitive, yet effective, media center from which to tell foreign journalists about their “fight for freedom.”

But according to multiple eyewitnesses—myself included—one can now see both the Libyan rebel flag and the flag of al Qaeda fluttering atop Benghazi’s courthouse.

According to one Benghazi resident, Islamists driving brand-new SUVs and waving the black al Qaeda flag drive the city’s streets at night shouting, "Islamiya, Islamiya! No East, nor West," a reference to previous worries that the country would be bifurcated between Gaddafi opponents in the east and the pro-Gaddafi elements in the west.
[B]Read the whole story: VICE[/B][/URL]

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