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TNA Final Resolution Card
30 Minute Iron Man Match for the TNA Title:
-Bobby Roode © vs. AJ Styles

Escape the Cage Match:
-Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff Jarrett. If Hardy wins, he becomes #1 contender to the TNA Title. If Jarrett wins, Hardy must leave TNA. Karen Jarrett will be handcuffed to Sting at ringside.

TNA Knockouts Title Match:
-Gail Kim © vs. Mickie James

TNA Tag Team Title Match:
-Matt Morgan and Crimson vs. The Pope and Devon

X-Division Title Match:
-Austin Aries vs. Kid Kash

TV Title Match:
-Robbie E vs. Eric Young

-James Storm vs. Kurt Angle

-Rob Van Dam vs. Christopher Daniels
I haven't watched lately. How has it been?
Really looking forward to Roode/Styles Ironman match.

Angle/Storm should be pretty good too.
I'm hearing Angle is still not healthy
When is he ever healthy Sad
^ Great point
someone will still interfere in the Hard/Jarrett Match and more than likely in the Roode/Styles match
^ I think the end of the feud with Hardy/Jarett comes Sunday, so I think hardy finds the way to get a win.

As for Roode and Styles, I'm not sure who would interfere. I don't see a clean finish, but Roode will win
I know Karen Jarrett has to be handcuffed to Sting at ringside during the Jarrett/Hardy match, so I don't see her playing a role in the match unless someone takes out Sting or something.
^ I forgot all about that. So, the booking makes it look like there can't be any interference, which always means......there will be interference. Good call-out J-Rod, I think we see some kind of swerve here and Jarrett finds a way to get a win.
I don't see it.

Interference likely, but Hardy "outsmarts" them and comes out the winner.

Pushed to the main event.

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