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Letter I got from the RNC this morning...
Ok, went and picked up my mail this morning. Only thing there was a two paged letter from the Republican National Committee asking me to donate, because of course, I'm a Republican. Well, the reason why I felt the need to post a topic about it is for the language used towards President Obama and the Democrats that I'm about to painstakingly type out with a broken finger, lol...

With such a horrible record to run on, you can be sure Barack Obama's Chicago political machine will carry out an extremely negative campaign of attacks, lies, excuses, blame, and threats to take advantage of people's fears.

The desperate power brokers on the left will do everything possible to re-elect President Obama. With so much of the peoples' wealth redistributed their way, these selfish liberal interests will raise and spend over a billion dollars to protect their gains under Obama to prevent any reversal to their elitist status quo.

They are the leftist mainstream media, anti-free market "occupiers", Big Labor bosses, eco-alarmist hypocrites, Hollywood utopians, and globalist "progressive" billionaires who all profess to know what's best for you, your family, and our nation.

(the above in italics is exactly how it was written)

Are you serious?!?! I feel like they think they're talking to retards! What the hell? I'm not one of those old Vietnam vets that believe every word that comes out of Jesse Ventura's mouth who eat this kind of talk up...what is with this shit?! We're lowering ourselves with this kind of ridiculous language in a freakin' campaign donation letter. Jesus Christ, I would think the RNC could come up with better ways to underline his and his party's screw-ups, especially when they point over at the unicorns and rainbows Left and say they are using scare tactics, and then they put this horsecrap into a letter.

How can we criticize the left for using scare tactics, when we're doing the exact same thing!? I don't understand damn honest. I'm at the end of my patience with my government and my party. I'm really seeing no end to the kind of times we're in now.

There has to be someone else out there that can see through this hypocrisy. Both party's suck, both will screw us, I'm sick of it. They're all so damn greedy and our for themselves. How can you put yourself above your country?!?! I would rather die! I don't care if "everyone else does it" when it comes to reasons why politicians do the things they do. I would rather put a bullet into my head than to spit on my flag and say "screw my country", and just simply not think about all of the people that I'm responsible for...
vundy33 Wrote:Ok, went and picked up my mail this morning. Only thing there was a two paged letter from the Republican National Committee asking me to donate, because of course, I'm a Republican. Well, the reason why I felt the need to post a topic about it is for the language used towards President Obama and the Democrats that I'm about to painstakingly type out with a broken finger, lol...

With such a horrible record to run on, you can be sure Barack Obama's Chicago political machine will carry out an extremely negative campaign of attacks, lies, excuses, blame, and threats to take advantage of people's fears.

The desperate power brokers on the left will do everything possible to re-elect President Obama. With so much of the peoples' wealth redistributed their way, these selfish liberal interests will raise and spend over a billion dollars to protect their gains under Obama to prevent any reversal to their elitist status quo.

They are the leftist mainstream media, anti-free market "occupiers", Big Labor bosses, eco-alarmist hypocrites, Hollywood utopians, and globalist "progressive" billionaires who all profess to know what's best for you, your family, and our nation.

(the above in italics is exactly how it was written)

Are you serious?!?! I feel like they think they're talking to retards! What the hell? I'm not one of those old Vietnam vets that believe every word that comes out of Jesse Ventura's mouth who eat this kind of talk up...what is with this shit?! We're lowering ourselves with this kind of ridiculous language in a freakin' campaign donation letter. Jesus Christ, I would think the RNC could come up with better ways to underline his and his party's screw-ups, especially when they point over at the unicorns and rainbows Left and say they are using scare tactics, and then they put this horsecrap into a letter.

How can we criticize the left for using scare tactics, when we're doing the exact same thing!? I don't understand damn honest. I'm at the end of my patience with my government and my party. I'm really seeing no end to the kind of times we're in now.

There has to be someone else out there that can see through this hypocrisy. Both party's suck, both will screw us, I'm sick of it. They're all so damn greedy and our for themselves. How can you put yourself above your country?!?! I would rather die! I don't care if "everyone else does it" when it comes to reasons why politicians do the things they do. I would rather put a bullet into my head than to spit on my flag and say "screw my country", and just simply not think about all of the people that I'm responsible for...
I too think the letter is a little over the top. At the same time, I get the jest of it. Sadly, many people get their information on candidates from the daily network news and campaign adds and will vote accordingly. The Obama machine with a billion dollars will be waging an all out ruthless war on whoever the republican nominee is. Their tactics will not be to tout Obama's accomplishments, but to destroy the opponent with anything they can come up with. I suppose the RNC sent the letters in hopes of getting potential voters to listen to the candidates, research their records and to make their own minds up on who will be the best president. A billion dollars would go a long way in slandering a saint. Although you or myself may be offended by the letter, some may read it and pay less attention to the sickening barrage of negative adds and the grossly biased media we are getting ready to hear and see...Probably not though, they'll vote for the candidate that the media brainwashes them to.
Neal Boortz talked last week about a letter going out to registered republicans (from the BHO campaign) in an attempt to tout the republican least likely to beat Obama. As soon as they figure out which two republicans it's coming down to, the letters will be sent. It's a thug method used when you don't want to face a certain opponent. If the Obama machine deems Romney the weakest foe, they will spend millions to help him get the nomination. In other words, he doesn't want the Amercian people to decide who the best opponent is, he will do whatever he can to get the weakest. If he could pay them not to run, he would. What a guy!
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I too think the letter is a little over the top. At the same time, I get the jest of it. Sadly, many people get their information on candidates from the daily network news and campaign adds and will vote accordingly. The Obama machine with a billion dollars will be waging an all out ruthless war on whoever the republican nominee is. Their tactics will not be to tout Obama's accomplishments, but to destroy the opponent with anything they can come up with. I suppose the RNC sent the letters in hopes of getting potential voters to listen to the candidates, research their records and to make their own minds up on who will be the best president. A billion dollars would go a long way in slandering a saint. Although you or myself may be offended by the letter, some may read it and pay less attention to the sickening barrage of negative adds and the grossly biased media we are getting ready to hear and see...Probably not though, they'll vote for the candidate that the media brainwashes them to.
Where do you get this figure? A government website says he has only had contributions in the amount of about 86 million. Just wondering where you come up with a billion dollars.
These idiots like Cantor, Boehner, Ryan, et als. better get something straightened out extending the payroll tax cut. In their own little worlds they may think they have the upper hand. All they need to do is check with the general public (the voters) and they will soon learn that they are cutting their throats and the throat of whoever seeks to beat the little fellow in the White House.

All this principle crap is of no consequence. All that matters is winning the election. Being right and being out of power aren't acceptable results. The country cannot survive four more years of creeping socialism particularly since, in a second term, it won't creep- it will fly.
Truth Wrote:These idiots like Cantor, Boehner, Ryan, et als. better get something straightened out extending the payroll tax cut. In their own little worlds they may think they have the upper hand. All they need to do is check with the general public (the voters) and they will soon learn that they are cutting their throats and the throat of whoever seeks to beat the little fellow in the White House.

All this principle crap is of no consequence. All that matters is winning the election. Being right and being out of power aren't acceptable results. The country cannot survive four more years of creeping socialism particularly since, in a second term, it won't creep- it will fly.
Some good points...But whatever we do, let's don't let the morons actions in congress (both sides) dictate how we vote in the presidential race. As stupid as the Boehner and the house not going ahead and not "folding" on passing the bill, the "2 month" extension is just as stupid. Polls show what people think about congress. I refuse to vote for sitting congressman from my district. If we can't get a congress in place that will work on term limits, all we will ever have is a bunch of self serving, insider trading, overbearing twits.
TheRealVille Wrote:Where do you get this figure? A government website says he has only had contributions in the amount of about 86 million. Just wondering where you come up with a billion dollars.
Oh, if it's a government website that says he only has 86M it must be true and I recall my estimate.
I see no problem with the letter. If telling the truth is a scare tactic, then I favor using scare tactics. The kind of scare tactics used by liberals in the past has included repeated lies that if the Republican candidate gets elected, he or she will vote to slash Social Security and Medicare benefits. That has never happened, but it will not stop Obama and the Democratic slate of candidates from trying to scare senior citizens with the same claim again in battleground states like Florida.

If somebody can point out something in the GOP fundraising letter that is not true, then maybe I will be able to work up some outrage.

The $1 billion dollar number has been widely cited as the Obama campaign's expectation for the 2012 campaign - although given their candidate's horrible record and given the delusional, inept Chairwoman that Democrats selected to head the DNC, that goal may have since been slashed. Obama's campaign manager is on record saying that the campaign's goal is "just north of" $750 million.

Quote:From NPR:

2012: The Year Of The Billion-Dollar Campaigns?


Quote:Per the Chicago Sun-Times' Lynn Sweet, Jim Messina, Obama's campaign manager, has told top campaign donors the president plans to raise "just north" of $750 million for his 2012 re-election effort. - more
My main point is that we can't criticize others for using shady tactics and not doing the right thing when we do the exact same things. I'm just so tired of leaders that are only out for themselves...has it always been this bad??

Hoot, where have you been man? Seems like it's been a good while since I've seen you post on here..
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I see no problem with the letter. If telling the truth is a scare tactic, then I favor using scare tactics. The kind of scare tactics used by liberals in the past has included repeated lies that if the Republican candidate gets elected, he or she will vote to slash Social Security and Medicare benefits. That has never happened, but it will not stop Obama and the Democratic slate of candidates from trying to scare senior citizens with the same claim again in battleground states like Florida.

If somebody can point out something in the GOP fundraising letter that is not true, then maybe I will be able to work up some outrage.

The $1 billion dollar number has been widely cited as the Obama campaign's expectation for the 2012 campaign - although given their candidate's horrible record and given the delusional, inept Chairwoman that Democrats selected to head the DNC, that goal may have since been slashed. Obama's campaign manager is on record saying that the campaign's goal is "just north of" $750 million.

Did you notice in the article that republicans are going to raise 10 figures as well? BTW, welcome back hack, errrr, Hoot, we've missed you.
Well it is the Democrat's fault
vundy33 Wrote:My main point is that we can't criticize others for using shady tactics and not doing the right thing when we do the exact same things. I'm just so tired of leaders that are only out for themselves...has it always been this bad??

Hoot, where have you been man? Seems like it's been a good while since I've seen you post on here..
I agree with your main point, but "shady" to me means lies and half truths. The fundraising letter was aimed mainly at people who have already concluded that its contents are truthful, so I don't see it as a shady letter. Had the letter accused Obama of taking deliberate steps to intentionally destroy our economy, then it would have crossed over to the "shady" category, IMO. That is what sets it apart from those scare the senior citizens into voting for Democrats tactics that Democrats use in practically every national election. Republicans have controlled each of the three branches of government and they have never cut social security programs. While Obama, as part of Obamacare, has, in fact cut medicare benefits for seniors. Mediscare is a shady tactic because it has no basis in fact.

I have been busy with my project at work. I have also been on a Scrabble binge. I am thinking of entering some local tournaments, so I have been working to build my Scrabble skills online.
TheRealVille Wrote:Did you notice in the article that republicans are going to raise 10 figures as well? BTW, welcome back hack, errrr, Hoot, we've missed you.
The point of my post was, in part, to explain the basis of the $1 billion figure, which you implied was pulled out of thin air. I hope that Republicans are able to raise more money than Obama because they must overcome the considerable bias of the mainstream media.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The point of my post was, in part, to explain the basis of the $1 billion figure, which you implied was pulled out of thin air. I hope that Republicans are able to raise more money than Obama because they must overcome the considerable bias of the mainstream media.
I didn't imply anything, I just wanted to see where he got the number.
TheRealVille Wrote:I didn't imply anything, I just wanted to see where he got the number.
The amount of campaign contributions to any candidate at this point has very little to do with how much will ultimately be spent. Most campaign cash is raised later in the campaign cycle, when there is much more interest in the election. The Obama campaign set a figure somewhere between $750 million and $1 billion as their fundraising target. Hopefully, donors will be unwilling to reward him so handsomely for a job poorly done.

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