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China begins scramble for Afghanistan's oil reserves
State-owned China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) was given approval by the Afghan government to sign the joint-venture deal with diversified Afghan company, the Watan Group.

The Chinese will lead the exploration for oil in three fields in the Kashkari, Bazarkhami and Zamarudsay basins, located in the northern provinces of Sar-e Pul and Faryab, which are estimated to hold around 87 million barrels.

Compared globally, the oilfields are comparatively small but are significantly profitable for Kabul.

Crucially, the deal gives China a leading foothold in its quest to tender for drilling rights at the country’s larger oil and other hydrocarbon reserves located elsewhere in the country.

Meh, doesn't really matter to me. Alot of the workers China sends to Afghan will be kidnapped/killed anyway after we leave, and the government won't be a government within 2 years of us leaving.

I'm so sick of Karzai doing everything in his power to alienate us and disagree with us on literally everything. He is against everything we try to do to fight the enemy...he tried to actually get us to completely stop night raids, which is ridiculous because that's when we catch most of the bad guys and weapons caches. We said no, and instead started bringing Afghans along pretty much letting them lead it, but now we have to worry about getting shot in the back by some Afghan.

As you can tell, I hate the guy. He's as radical as they come. He will bring his country to his knees, I guarantee it. Whatever they do now with their natural resources isn't going to matter, the Taliban will own them soon enough.
^ But we will still want to keep our hands in the oil....
Stardust Wrote:^ But we will still want to keep our hands in the oil....

We couldn't care less about their oil. They don't even have that much, and it's hard to get. Afghanistan's real money make is their minerals, not really their oil. They make plenty of money from oil, but most of it comes from what they're paid for oil pipelines that are in their country going up into Russia.

Afghan's two main cash crops are opium and weed, both of which the Taliban uses to make money, especially opium. We destroy what opium we find, or keep it and the Afghans sell it to pharmaceutical company's. The Afghan government makes money off of marijuana, that's why we don't mess with it, but they don't make that much.

Afghanistan is just one big shithole.
^ Afghanistan real money is in Opium! All we need is for the Chinese to get there hands into that...
Stardust Wrote:^ Afghanistan real money is in Opium! All we need is for the Chinese to get there hands into that...

lol, that stuff gets you really, really high. It'd make those Chinamen and their tiny peckers go crazy! Most pain-killers are derived from it ya know...Taliban just turn it into heroin and sell it and get high on it.

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