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Rumors of War 3
Extremely informative 1 hour long show from GBTV.

I would recommend everyone watch it.

I thought the study that showed that within 12-18 months after an EMP attack that 90% of Americans would be dead, was extremely eye opening.
I figured this documentary would have sparked some discussion.

Some very compelling stuff in there.
Beetle01 Wrote:I figured this documentary would have sparked some discussion.

Some very compelling stuff in there.

Beetle you're not going to get a rise out of any dems about something like this. Their heads are buried so far down in the sand about world threats it's rediculous. Guarantee you, most of them believe if we would just play nicey-nicey with our enemies, the whole world would be singing Kum bay ya.

They are so use to pulling the wool over their own eyes most are blaming George W for 9/11. They can't remember ever a decade ago, and the realities of the fact that there are truly bad guys out there who want to lay waste to the USA. More than willing lambs to the slaughter. IF, Obama is reelected, America will be so economically straped and so militarily weakened
we'll be lucky to survive. Gotta get BHO out and Romney in.
I will have to watch the rest another time, but that was an interesting video. And as to TRT's post, it's scary to think about us being both economically and militarily weakened with another BO term but it is true. I am still not sure what to think about George W. Bush, but one thing I did admire was that he did not take crap from any of the muslims. This group seems to think we should apologize for every little thing to the muslims, despite the fact that they burn Bibles, etc. If one apologizes to a muslim, they look at that as a sign that the person is weak. Which means that Iran and some of the other muslim countries are looking at us as a pretty weak country right now.

Obama Must Go
Seems to me to be a bit of a war mongering...but other than that, it's pretty informative.

I'm just a bit weary when it comes to anything from Glenn Beck..
Not a Glenn Beck fan, but it wasn't actually produced by him or his show, it just aired on his show.

Although when it comes down to it, I look less at who is giving the message and more at the content that is given.

They did a pretty good job showing direct links between guys who are close to the President and part of DHS and their links to the the Muslim Brotherhood. My buddy dates a girl from Iran. She has some interesting things to say about how most of that population feels.

Also, I think the documentary did a good job of pointing out that it is not just some small % of muslims who are part of the anti-west movement and terrorism. These guys get money and funding from all over the middle east, and now that governments are becoming controlled by members of extremist groups, I think that shows more the overall feeling of the general muslim population.
Beetle01 Wrote:Not a Glenn Beck fan, but it wasn't actually produced by him or his show, it just aired on his show.

Although when it comes down to it, I look less at who is giving the message and more at the content that is given.

They did a pretty good job showing direct links between guys who are close to the President and part of DHS and their links to the the Muslim Brotherhood. My buddy dates a girl from Iran. She has some interesting things to say about how most of that population feels.

Also, I think the documentary did a good job of pointing out that it is not just some small % of muslims who are part of the anti-west movement and terrorism. These guys get money and funding from all over the middle east, and now that governments are becoming controlled by members of extremist groups, I think that shows more the overall feeling of the general muslim population.

Yep. When it first started, I laughed at some of the stuff they were saying. But they backed it up, have to say I was surprised.

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