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National Database
According to the Washington Post, President Barack Obama is preparing to pull out all the stops in pushing his anti-gun agenda in what the newspaper calls “a far broader and more comprehensive approach” than the Clinton-era ban on semi-autos.

That ban expired in 2004 after a ten-year lifespan. Passage of the measure cost Democrats control of Congress in November 1994.

The moves will be sold as an effort to curb “gun violence,” but it appears there is much more in the president’s plan, including what the Post calls “measures backed by key law enforcement leaders that would require universal background checks for firearm buyers (and) track the movement and sale of weapons through a national database…”

“National database” just might sound like “national gun registration” to some firearms activists. The concept is almost certain to be toxic to the firearms community. Fear of impending gun restrictions has fueled a buying rush across the nation, and is reportedly swelling the ranks of gun rights organizations with thousands of new memberships.

What an unbelievable chain of events we citizens are watching unfold. Obama's new byline--- "If even one child's life can be saved" we must act. As mentioned in another thread, we surely don't hear him singing that tune about the millions of annual abortees now do we? We could save a million or so right off the bat, if we stopped just giving them out like cell phones. How about the four heros we turned our backs on in Benghazi? Still no word about that 127 days later. One life? :please:

A national database, with the names of ALL gun owners, their addresses, phone numbers, and descriptions of guns owned. I'm sure criminals or foreign invasion force would find that info handy! And, anybody who thinks these are not the first steps of the long held liberal dream of total government gun control, is sadly naive. What say you?

There are a ton of articles and news groups listing the facts that you have posted. The one above is particuliarly nauseating to me as he used children and the horrible tragedy that happened in Conneticut to bolster his position. He further states that he would use "whatever weight this office holds" to get gun laws changed.

The "great divide" in America is stronger by the day, and it's political outrageousness like this that continues to polarize a nation that is already on the brink.

I must wonder if this separation is exactly the target of Obama and his know; divide and conquor.

I certainly do not want a civil uprising that will pit citizen against citizen, but I absolutely believe that is the direction in which we are heading. It doesn't bother me too much thinking about the effects on my generation, but it really concerns me when I think of my grand children. When my daughter was 7, we bought her her first weapon, .22 rifle. That was back when my husband and I used to go shoot every weekend...LOL (ammo too expensive now) But gun safety was the first order of business. We took her with us to our range, and she had gone to 3 "shooting sessions" before she was allowed to load the rifle. By then, my husband had versed her quite well on gun safety and the correct method to shoot. She'll be 40 in two weeks, and can still shoot with the best. (she's never beaten me, though) I haven't done this with my grand children. I wonder if that's a mistake.
I wonder if the democrats had lost the election if they would be talking civil war and a divided country.
But I do agree with you guys.

The attack on our constitution over gun rights that we deserve as Americans is sickening.

If they really want to save evrery single life then they need to start with abortions.
He said $500 million was being used...

What is the money needed for? Even if everything that he is proposing goes into effect, just seems to me that it is just restrictions and more paperwork.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:But I do agree with you guys.

The attack on our constitution over gun rights that we deserve as Americans is sickening.

If they really want to save evrery single life then they need to start with abortions.

Wildcatk23 Wrote:I wonder if the democrats had lost the election if they would be talking civil war and a divided country.

I'm glad you recognize that the problem is that our constitution is under attack. But, I believe you are missing the point a little with regard to this being about democrats and republicans, even though the battle for constitutional adherence is being loosely fought between the two parties. The traditional interpretation of the US Constitution and, America herself, does indeed have a very real nemisis. Call them liberals, or progressivists, they call for change. Why do they want change? Because they hate everything America stands for. Personal liberty, free enterprise, her sovereignty and her opulence. They absolutely hate taditional America. Why do you think her institutions of government and finance are under such a withering assault? I mean, you don't really think we'er going to be better off once we have fully implimented state-run health care, or have managed to ban the use of fossill fuels, or have limited the mobility of every American to travel even short distances, or accept as the 'new normal' the fact that the labor force participation rate, which measures the share of working-age people currently working, has sunk to 64.3% — the lowest since 1981, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, or that one day soon every American family will find their household utitity usage restricted by law, do you?

In fact, it was the dems who welcomed the liberal into their midst. And, it is the liberal who has so thoroughly poisoned the well for dems. Like I have said, I watched them lose control of their own party as they mutated over the past couple decades, from viable legislators into the glassy eyed social justice husbandmen, and the self appointed green police we know today. And I saw the main stream media evolve into the tool, with which to deliver their new found doctrines. Unless and if they can manage to rid themselves of this scourge, they will continue to legislate us into la-la land. Meanwhile, everday citizens actually believe the propaganda the dems spew daily which denegrates the integrity of the one force standing in their way, the republicans.

The republicans, to my way of thinking, are falling short of the challenge to defend us, because they think public opinion has turned against them. All I can say is one does not win a fight by quitting. They need to keep gettng the truth out there, and they need to expose all the fox-in-the-hen-house-liberals, for what they are.

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