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The Light vs. False lights of the world
Sea Turtles are on the endangered species list. One of the main reasons is because of their journey from their underground hatching area in the sand to the ocean.

They are instinctively drawn by the Light in to the ocean. Most, not all... but most sea turtles are born at night. They have no knowledge of anything... but they do know to head towards the Light. The ocean reflects the light of the moon off the waves and they make the enter in to their natural environment.

Sadly, thousands upon thousands of sea turtles die every year before they make it to the ocean because they go towards to the false lights of the world. Street lights, hotel and building lights are some of the biggest false lights that the sea turtles fall victim to. By the time the sea turtle realize what has happened, it is too late. They are too far away from the ocean and they die in a world not meant for them. They get ran over by vehicles, people kill on them on purpose and the sun is way too hot and they die before they can find any shade or make it back to the ocean.

Does this sound familiar? How many false lights are there in the world today that are drawing people by the thousands away from the real Light of the world?

John ch. 8 (KJV)
12: Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying,
I am the Light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of life.

The LGBTQI movement, YOLO (You Only Live Once), The Budweiser "Up For Whatever" campaign, the 'be a good person' movement, worshiping false idols and gods are just some examples of the false lights of the world that people are being drawn by. And sadly, by the time most, not all, but most people realize what has happened.... it is too late. They die in their sins and like the sea turtle, they end up in a place not made for them. Hell was not meant for us.... hell was meant for the devil and his angels.
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