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Vanderbilt 21 Kentucky 17
Just sad. Dawson needs to go he sucks and can't coach.
Can John Clay and Mark Story kiss Mark Stoops' a-- anymore the past few weeks with all the articles they have written saying they are improving and needs more time? AND that they do have the TALENT needed to play against the SEC? WHAT THE HELL!!!! They can't even beat a BAD Vandy team now! We are back to the Curry days. How is that showing improvement? This is PATHETIC!!!! This team, and program, are lost!!! Stoops has no control anymore! This is utterly insane that we are back to seeing this program to how it is now.
I'm just not convinced any of them need to stay. Has the recruiting gotten better? Yes. BUT when you don't have a staff that can develop the players you have then it's doesn't matter. The playbook should only be about half a page because they run the same few plays over and over, the play calling is just awful. In game decisions are worse by Stoops. He calls a timeout when he's punting anyway, but let's the play clock run out for the field goal which was missed. Problem is this, next year these down SEC teams won't be down so much, which means another season of misery unless this staff is changed.
There is so much wrong with this team I don't know where to start...

Dropped passes, int (pick six), blocked punt, fumbles, stupid penalties, missed blocks, miss tackles, not lined up properly on a punt, not knowing you where suppose to be on the field goal team, throwing low and behind receivers, poor play calling, failing to cover or even see the wide receiver lined up all by himself, a missed field goal, very poor coaching decisions and the QB jerk off...I am sure I left out a few more...

How much of this shit is on players and how much is on the coaches...

I now believe if Stoops stays new cordinators needs to be hired, plus a special teams coach...

Unbelievable to lose this game...
You know I never knew why a Special Teams coach was never hired? Just stupid. I guess Stoops just wanted to wing it but yet all he wants to do is fair catch it, that get's old and has gotten old.

Please for the love of God fire Shannon Dawson and DJ Eliot.
We also sucked inside the red zone, hell inside the 3 yard line...
4 plays inside the 3 and we can't punch it in. Lol. Just keeps getting worse. Stoops is just in over his head, not just being in the SEC but as a head coach. His decisions are killing UK.
The Official 2015 UK Team Photo.

The way this Ky bunch gave Vandy td's and on the other hand the way we squandered amazing opportunities is simply MIND BOGGLING. I truly believe the in game coaching that I am seeing out of this coaching staff is the worst I have seen in many many years in the SEC.......
Pulp Fiction Wrote:The Official 2015 UK Team Photo.

Hey friend? Do us all a favor and remove that picture! That is beyond ugly!! We can complain about things, but that picture is SICK....NOT FUNNY IMO
What in the world are you talking about.
Its a dumpster fire. Exactly what UK is.
As for the game.

1. Im glad I don't watch. UK is the new Vandy of the SEC and will be until you clean house and hire a proven winner. This has been said before.

2. If the coaching staff isn't fired, fire Barnhart, then fire the staff.

3. This is a complete embarrassment. If it means getting rid of these idiots, I hope we lose the last two games.

4. If I have to listen to Matt Jones and Ravi Moss call another basketball game on the internet, im going blow my brains out.

5. Cant wait for Fball to be done and UK playing on the SEC network or ESPN.

That is all. As usual.
runitupthegut Wrote:as for the game.

1. Im glad i don't watch. Uk is the new vandy of the sec and will be until you clean house and hire a proven winner. This has been said before.

2. If the coaching staff isn't fired, fire barnhart, then fire the staff.

3. This is a complete embarrassment. If it means getting rid of these idiots, i hope we lose the last two games.

4. If i have to listen to matt jones and ravi moss call another basketball game on the internet, im going blow my brains out.

5. Cant wait for fball to be done and uk playing on the sec network or espn.

That is all. As usual.

#4 😁🔫
Here's my question. Now that we've seen Barker play, for some reason Stoops pulled him because in his words he wanted experience on the field (like that's been working), does this QB situation heat up even more? Not a good situation while in a losing streak..I think Towles has the goods on Stoops or something.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:As for the game.

1. Im glad I don't watch. UK is the new Vandy of the SEC and will be until you clean house and hire a proven winner. This has been said before.

2. If the coaching staff isn't fired, fire Barnhart, then fire the staff.

3. This is a complete embarrassment. If it means getting rid of these idiots, I hope we lose the last two games.

4. If I have to listen to Matt Jones and Ravi Moss call another basketball game on the internet, im going blow my brains out.

5. Cant wait for Fball to be done and UK playing on the SEC network or ESPN.

That is all. As usual.
Can't stand Matt Jones either.
Mark Stoops game management skills are the worst I have ever saw! It is no wonder the UK football team looks like a circus! Stoops has been a conservative game manager for 99% of his UK coaching career. I have no idea why he decided today was the day he would pretend to be Hal Mumme?? I have no idea why he would not kick the field goal on 4th and goal ? Vandy has struggled on Offense all season long so points are more valuable than they are in a normal game! It is common sense people! By not kicking the FG you let the Vandy's offense off the hook from a major mistake, the Vandy defense gains confidence when they stop you on 4th and goal from the 1 yard line! I have no idea why Stoops decided to go for a 4th and 1 at midfield late in the Half when he had already been stopped on 4th and short 2 times in the game? Had Stoops managed the game right the score of the game would have been 14 to 13 at halftime and the TD UK scored in the 2nd half would have been the game winner. Stoops' poor game management didn't end there , after scoring a TD in the 2nd half Stoops elected to kick a totally meaningless extra point???? Come on Stoops it's Grade school math if you convert the 2 point play and make the score 18 to 21 that means a FG will tie the game WTF? It's common sense 2 field goal or a TD still win the game for you no matter if the score of the game is 16 to 21 or 17 to 21 so why not go for 2 to position your team to tie the game with a FG? It is sickening to me that they are paying this Clown $3.25 Million dollars a year and he coaches like he has never been to a real football game before! This is just bone headed in game stuff. I have no idea why anyone would stick with a QB the whole season then in a game you must win to get into a bowl you decide to go with a back up?? The blind leading the blind! Fire Stoops !
Congrat on being an oxymoron again. Kentucky football = jumbo shrimp, clean coal, and military intelligence
Well it wasn't 9-3 as I predicted.

But not scoring any points inside your opponents 5 yd line twice is not excusable!!! :flush:

The following article confirms what we already knew and will furthermore increase fan scrutiny. This team has to beat Charlotte convincingly and be very good to beat UoL the week after. I don't see that happening....

But I've been wrong before! :eyeroll:

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
Like I said on the update thread, I would be surprised if there are any more than 15,000 actual fans in the stands for the Charlotte game. Probably not what Barnhart envisioned when all the upgrades to the stadium were being completed.
I liked how Dawson blames Stoops for going back to Towles yesterday. Now the staff is turning on each other.
Spirit100 Wrote:Well it wasn't 9-3 as I predicted.

But not scoring any points inside your opponents 5 yd line twice is not excusable!!! :flush:

The following article confirms what we already knew and will furthermore increase fan scrutiny. This team has to beat Charlotte convincingly and be very good to beat UoL the week after. I don't see that happening....

But I've been wrong before! :eyeroll:
So that article pretty much sums up what I said yesterday. The clowns are running the circus, and nobody in lexington cares. When that attendance start hitting joker numbers they will pay attention. Also UK will beat Charlotte but U of L will once again beat UK due to our lack of leadership on the field and our inept coaching.
Attended my first UK game at Stoll Field in 1964...I am a UK graduate ...I have been a season ticket holder since 1982 and K fund donor, I am not a big donor...
I have watched a lot of bad UK football and this is bad footbal...I have seen other teams improve as the season is winding down while we have not...I have tried really hard to give Stoops and company a chance but lyesterday was it for me...

No way a good coordinator is going to come for 1 or 2 years iif Stoops doesn't work out...Barnhart will not pull the trigger this year on Stoops so it seems to me we are stuck with this bunch for another year...I feel like Bill Murrey in Ground Hog Day, I wake up every morning and UK football is still the same...
Complete and total disorganization is what I see with this Ky football team right now and it all starts at the TOP with a guy very comfortably hauling in nearly $3,500,000.00 a year for his services?? His defense, offense and special teams are all for the 3rd straight year just simply a complete and total mess... Week after week we hear all the coaches talk about terrible mistakes and poor decisions!!! At this point in the 3rd year of this long Journey the wheels have come completely off of this bus and they are no where to be found, the bus is miserably grounded and going NOWHERE. I find it impossible to see one thing to make me feel like things could get better moving forward........Under this current leadership next year could be even more painful to handle as a fan......It's also very clear that you are not going to ever win football games with Mr Towles at QB and I don't see a lot to make me believe that Barker is any better. Yesterday's game against no doubt the worst offense in America was probably the most embarrassing bunch of nonsense I've seen in a long time!
Something tells me that most folks are home this evening still hoping and praying that they just woke up from a bad dream and that game yesterday and all the unbelievable nonsense that went on really didn't happen! Lol....
Black Bear Cuz Wrote:Something tells me that most folks are home this evening still hoping and praying that they just woke up from a bad dream and that game yesterday and all the unbelievable nonsense that went on really didn't happen! Lol....
The funny thing is, for all the ones that seen this happening since earlier in the season was called trolls, and told to relax the sky isn't falling, yet here we are back to being at the bottom below Vandy, paying a coach big bucks to run the most disorganized program in the NCAA. Even lexington reporters are calling out Stoops now, and all he can do is act like a 2 year old saying, "Write whatever you want to write". Now the talk off arguing between the offense and defense in the locker room. Stoops has lost this team, and now losing supporters, next will be recruits and transfers. Just wait for it.
If im thinking right, we are still one game up on Lville in the all time series even though there douche bag fans think there football program is soooo much better.
UK will once again need to beat Lville to make a bowl game.

Hopefully they don't let a backup QB come in and tear them up again like last year.
dangerousdaneerfan Wrote:Congrat on being an oxymoron again. Kentucky football = jumbo shrimp, clean coal, and military intelligence

Sadly, even WVU's football program is an oxymoron now.
You use to have somewhat of a pull in football, but its just as bad over there.

Ah, at least we still got your frosh calling us out in bball in what was the worst beat down ive ever seen.
This team has fallen off the tracks. Turmoil is the order of the day. Total disorganization in all facets.
I can't even put together a string of rational thoughts with this team, much like our coaching staff's in-game coaching decisions. Watching this game made my head hurt and reminded me of the Bill Curry teams I watched get slaughtered on a weekly basis as a child. This team looks worse than they did against Louisiana-Lafayette and i'm really not sure how a team regresses this much over the course of a season but it sure as hell has. There's no freaking way we'll beat no morality Petrino and the dirty birds playing like this. 5-7 is once again looming and my patience with the coaching staff is at an end.

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