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And So...He was a US Citizen Born in Hawaii
Isn't it amazing what the art of practicing electoral politics can produce?

Donald Trump, welcome to the mainstream party. You've come quite a bit late, but not too late to be granted admittance.
Pick6 Wrote:

As I have said before, politics is an art, and, mostly, the art of figuring out how to W I N. Brutal. Unethical. Body blows and upper cuts. I read the link. Now, tell me what it is you are suggesting. Shall we reason together on what it is you are insinuating?
With all of the problems we have in this country, and all of the energy we need to exert on fixing these problems, this is what we worry about?

Stupid media. Stupid left.
Bob Seger Wrote:With all of the problems we have in this country, and all of the energy we need to exert on fixing these problems, this is what we worry about?

Stupid media. Stupid left.

The left can only yell bigot, racist and sexist while the constituencies they supposedly serve destroy each other with drugs, violence and slavery to government dependence. Their idea of creating jobs is borrowing more money from China to pay for more public sector jobs that not only do not contribute anything economically, but deter and inhibit economic progress.

Minorities vote for their own enslavement!
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:As I have said before, politics is an art, and, mostly, the art of figuring out how to W I N. Brutal. Unethical. Body blows and upper cuts. I read the link. Now, tell me what it is you are suggesting. Shall we reason together on what it is you are insinuating?

You might have said it before, but it's still a liberal rationalization. You evidently believe the realm of politics lies outside the boundaries of decency and personal integrity. I however, do not. Lies are still lies, and dishonesties are destructive at the national level especially. Once the left got past any reservations they might have had to brutalize the meaning and intent of the founding documents for the sake of their own ideological gains, the floodgates to activism from the bench and politicization through false charges of racial or gender bias became their go-to tool to effect social change. Said change is BTW, is on it's face and by definition completely opposed to the standards of morality upon which this nation has been based since its inception. Liberals are eager to wink at the lies and encourage everyone else to do the same. A bunch of everready bunnies to champion evil in any form.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Isn't it amazing what the art of practicing electoral politics can produce?

Donald Trump, welcome to the mainstream party. You've come quite a bit late, but not too late to be granted admittance.

Hillary's campaign was the likely origin of the birthers. It was her campaign that released the photo of young Barack dressed in his Kenian regalia. Trump picked up on the matter and many millions of suspicious Americans were glad he did.

I guess you were too young or too a-slosh on the koolaid to care, thankfully my own memory of the matter is a bit more clear. The fact that the in-the-tank media would try to twist the old news of this to ironically blame Trump for an invention of Hillary's forces, is certainly no surprise. It does seem a bit inconsistent though, for a guy whose leaning is supposed to be for Trump, to always be seeing things through the eyes of a Hillary supporter. Don't you think?
Trump perpetrated the lie that Ted Cruz has been involved in not one, but at least five extramarital affairs. He also tried to give legitimacy to the National Enquirer and its charge that Rafael Cruz was buddies with Lee Harvey Oswald and may have been involved in the assassination of JFK. Having Trump as its presidential candidate does not give the GOP the moral high ground that any presidential candidate should have to lecture liberals on ethical campaigning. Nobody runs dirtier campaigns than the Clintons and Obama, but Trump is a worthy challenger in that competition.

That being said, I am glad that Trump finally dialed back the childish insults and heated rhetoric and began taking good advice from competent Republican strategists. The upcoming debates are going to be among the most interesting in history, if both major candidates participate.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Trump perpetrated the lie that Ted Cruz has been involved in not one, but at least five extramarital affairs. He also tried to give legitimacy to the National Enquirer and its charge that Rafael Cruz was buddies with Lee Harvey Oswald and may have been involved in the assassination of JFK. Having Trump as its presidential candidate does not give the GOP the moral high ground that any presidential candidate should have to lecture liberals on ethical campaigning. Nobody runs dirtier campaigns than the Clintons and Obama, but Trump is a worthy challenger in that competition.

That being said, I am glad that Trump finally dialed back the childish insults and heated rhetoric and began taking good advice from competent Republican strategists. The upcoming debates are going to be among the most interesting in history, if both major candidates participate.

Hoot, its time for you to get real and get on the Trump Train! Even hypocrites like Flake, Graham, Kasich and Sasse will get on board once they realize Trump is going to get elected.

They cannot afford to politically opposed to a Billionaire President. Although, I'd revel in President Trump campaigning for said primary opponents, AND funding their PACS!
TheRealThing Wrote:Hillary's campaign was the likely origin of the birthers. It was her campaign that released the photo of young Barack dressed in his Kenian regalia. Trump picked up on the matter and many millions of suspicious Americans were glad he did.

I guess you were too young or too a-slosh on the koolaid to care, thankfully my own memory of the matter is a bit more clear. The fact that the in-the-tank media would try to twist the old news of this to ironically blame Trump for an invention of Hillary's forces, is certainly no surprise. It does seem a bit inconsistent though, for a guy whose leaning is supposed to be for Trump, to always be seeing things through the eyes of a Hillary supporter. Don't you think?

Of all people, TRT, and with a memory as you claim, I would think you would reflect without bias on the candidates. Donald Trump championed the notion that a twice elected President was not a US citizen. Then, in a terse statement, capable of being uttered by a 4th grader, he said, in effect, and with tribute to SNL's Gilda Radner, "Never mind." I realize certain issues are vital to you, and that the SCOTUS and who is appointed is crucial, but I am under no obligation to stop critically assessing until I pull the curtain.

Now, I have not said that politics is a moral art form, nor an integritous one, nor that there are zero politicians who occasionally rise above the morass. However, the object is to win, and the stakes are high. Very high.
Pick6 Wrote:Hoot, its time for you to get real and get on the Trump Train! Even hypocrites like Flake, Graham, Kasich and Sasse will get on board once they realize Trump is going to get elected.

They cannot afford to politically opposed to a Billionaire President. Although, I'd revel in President Trump campaigning for said primary opponents, AND funding their PACS!
Trump's fate will not depend on my support. If it does, then he is in serious trouble. Supporting Trump's childish threats to interject himself in campaigns against incumbent Republicans is just crazy talk. If he is elected, Trump will need the support of every Republican in Congress to implement his agenda. There are far worse Democrats that Trump should be eager to defeat than Republicans who did not kiss his ring.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Of all people, TRT, and with a memory as you claim, I would think you would reflect without bias on the candidates. Donald Trump championed the notion that a twice elected President was not a US citizen. Then, in a terse statement, capable of being uttered by a 4th grader, he said, in effect, and with tribute to SNL's Gilda Radner, "Never mind." I realize certain issues are vital to you, and that the SCOTUS and who is appointed is crucial, but I am under no obligation to stop critically assessing until I pull the curtain.

Now, I have not said that politics is a moral art form, nor an integritous one, nor that there are zero politicians who occasionally rise above the morass. However, the object is to win, and the stakes are high. Very high.
It is true that the object in politics is to win elections, but how you win does, in fact, matter.

The reason that Congressional approval numbers has been so low for so many years is in large part due to the tactics employed to get incumbents of both parties re-elected with OUR money. Gerrymandering district lines to create as many safe Republican and safe Democratic seats as possible and the phony campaigns where nearly every Republican campaigns as a conservative and nearly every Democrat poses as a moderate, have understandably soured most Americans on their federal government.

The fact that most of the current members of Congress, the current occupant of the White House, and both major presidential candidates have been active participants in a corrupt electoral process is not a good reason to accept that the current system is the best that we can do without a whimper. Anybody old enough to have watched the way that the Watergate scandal was handled, including the firing of a young lawyer named Hillary Clinton for her unethical conduct, knows that our nation is capable of holding crooked politicians accountable.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is true that the object in politics is to win elections, but how you win does, in fact, matter.

The reason that Congressional approval numbers has been so low for so many years is in large part due to the tactics employed to get incumbents of both parties re-elected with OUR money. Gerrymandering district lines to create as many safe Republican and safe Democratic seats as possible and the phony campaigns where nearly every Republican campaigns as a conservative and nearly every Democrat poses as a moderate, have understandably soured most Americans on their federal government.

The fact that most of the current members of Congress, the current occupant of the White House, and both major presidential candidates have been active participants in a corrupt electoral process is not a good reason to accept that the current system is the best that we can do without a whimper. Anybody old enough to have watched the way that the Watergate scandal was handled, including the firing of a young lawyer named Hillary Clinton for her unethical conduct, knows that our nation is capable of holding crooked politicians accountable.

I don't disagree with your good post here. Politics is rough and tumble. So is human nature. I think most of the time a society gets the politicians that reflect its values, its inner core, for lack of a better way of putting it.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I don't disagree with your good post here. Politics is rough and tumble. So is human nature. I think most of the time a society gets the politicians that reflect its values, its inner core, for lack of a better way of putting it.
When the electoral process is fair, then I agree that people get the government that they deserve. We do not have a fair system in this country. The system is rigged, although not in the way that Donald Trump claims it is rigged.

Arcane campaign finance laws and the way that Congressional district lines are just two ways that the system is rigged against good people who would make excellent representatives but lack the finances to run a competitive campaign. I really have no issue with how political parties run their internal affairs - how they nominate candidates, for example. My beef is the way that the parties pass laws that give their own candidates a built in electoral advantage by unreasonably restricting ballot access for third party candidates and challengers to incumbents of their own parties.

Their is an longstanding and ongoing conspiracy between our two major political parties to make sure that the two-party system is never threatened. Federal and state governments should be working to ensure a fair electoral process for all eligible candidates, but that is not happening. We are slowly but surely moving toward a banana republic.

The manner in which Hillary Clinton has managed to evade justice for acts that would have landed an average citizen in prison would have shocked George Orwell. The Clintons are our version of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos - and that criticism may be unfairly harsh to the Marcos family.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Of all people, TRT, and with a memory as you claim, I would think you would reflect without bias on the candidates. Donald Trump championed the notion that a twice elected President was not a US citizen. Then, in a terse statement, capable of being uttered by a 4th grader, he said, in effect, and with tribute to SNL's Gilda Radner, "Never mind." I realize certain issues are vital to you, and that the SCOTUS and who is appointed is crucial, but I am under no obligation to stop critically assessing until I pull the curtain.

Now, I have not said that politics is a moral art form, nor an integritous one, nor that there are zero politicians who occasionally rise above the morass. However, the object is to win, and the stakes are high. Very high.

You stick up for political deceit as if it exists in a universe of its own. Maybe the Blumenthal/Clinton email is not true and maybe it is. Given Hill's current difficulties with emails, existing or erased, I wouldn't put anything past her. But you're correct, my memory is clear and so was my account in the previous post.
TheRealThing Wrote:You stick up for political deceit as if it exists in a universe of its own. Maybe the Blumenthal/Clinton email is not true and maybe it is. Given Hill's current difficulties with emails, existing or erased, I wouldn't put anything past her. But you're correct, my memory is clear and so was my account in the previous post.

I think it is a distortion to suggest I am "sticking up" for "political deceit." The art of politics exists, has existed, and will exist long after we are gone. Human nature is what human nature was.
^^We disagree. World events clearly point to the extreme likelihood that man has arrived at the end of God's timetable. In light of the volatile conditions which dominate the daily lives of so many of the nations around the globe, only the sublimely naïve have mastered the art of living life in the kind of bubble the liberals have mastered.

It is my contention then, only a small fraction of man will survive the events of which he is imminently faced, and almost no one will be around long after we're gone. Again to fall back on the Lord's own 20/20 vision for guidance in the matter, globalization will be mankind's final solution. The outcome of which, He has already seen and written about in His Word. With the coming of a world government will come a singular figure of authority to head it up. Even the overall timeframe for the reign of this one world leader (the antichrist) is given. Only seven years will pass, from the day he ascends to power before his murderous rule is crushed by Christ's own hand. But the big tip-off prophetically are two things, first is the fact that people at the end will be traveling "to and fro" across the earth. Second is the age of information, "Knowledge will increase." Knowledge doubled every 100 years or so at the turn of the 19th century. Not so long ago that length of time rhad been cut to every 25 years. Today it's once every 12 months but, experts at IBM now say the 'doubling' will soon occur every 12 hours.

Time is short.
TheRealThing Wrote:^^We disagree. World events clearly point to the extreme likelihood that man has arrived at the end of God's timetable. In light of the volatile conditions which dominate the daily lives of so many of the nations around the globe, only the sublimely naïve have mastered the art of living life in the kind of bubble the liberals have mastered.

It is my contention then, only a small fraction of man will survive the events of which he is imminently faced, and almost no one will be around long after we're gone. Again to fall back on the Lord's own 20/20 vision for guidance in the matter, globalization will be mankind's final solution. The outcome of which, He has already seen and written about in His Word. With the coming of a world government will come a singular figure of authority to head it up. Even the overall timeframe for the reign of this one world leader (the antichrist) is given. Only seven years will pass, from the day he ascends to power before his murderous rule is crushed by Christ's own hand. But the big tip-off prophetically are two things, first is the fact that people at the end will be traveling "to and fro" across the earth. Second is the age of information, "Knowledge will increase." Knowledge doubled every 100 years or so at the turn of the 19th century. Not so long ago that length of time rhad been cut to every 25 years. Today it's once every 12 months but, experts at IBM now say the 'doubling' will soon occur every 12 hours.

Time is short.

We were debating the way politics is conducted. I take it that you are suggesting that politics will not carry on much longer, as the Man of Perdition is soon to command the world stage?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:We were debating the way politics is conducted. I take it that you are suggesting that politics will not carry on much longer, as the Man of Perdition is soon to command the world stage?

You suggested politics (lies by another name) would persist long after you and I are gone. I merely pointed out how dubious a suggestion that was as time is short.

But I understand the liberal's propensity for wrapping himself in what he imagines to be the near timeless eons of protracted human history. Things which science cannot explain, such as the problems associated with natural selection for example, sort of just dissolve away in time, like seashells do in the vast oceans. Scientists who deny the creation account love to wrap themselves up in the notion of vast geologic epochs. Sort of like their fuzzy blanket of rationalization. Time is finite and the end of it is discernible according to prophetic texts.
TheRealThing Wrote:You suggested politics (lies by another name) would persist long after you and I are gone. I merely pointed out how dubious a suggestion that was as time is short.

But I understand the liberal's propensity for wrapping himself in what he imagines to be the near timeless eons of protracted human history. Things which science cannot explain, such as the problems associated with natural selection for example, sort of just dissolve away in time, like seashells do in the vast oceans. Scientists who deny the creation account love to wrap themselves up in the notion of vast geologic epochs. Sort of like their fuzzy blanket of rationalization. Time is finite and the end of it is discernible according to prophetic texts.

As Peter suggested, there are those who think things will just continue on, and on, and on. I do not. I certainly see things like the move closer to a cashless society, and IBM's "Watson," with a mindful eye at the eastern skies; however, I was mostly making a point about how human nature and politics dovetail.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:As Peter suggested, there are those who think things will just continue on, and on, and on. I do not. I certainly see things like the move closer to a cashless society, and IBM's "Watson," with a mindful eye at the eastern skies; however, I was mostly making a point about how human nature and politics dovetail.

Actually I believe in that particular reference, the idea is more that all scoff at the idea of the coming of Christ and the end of human history except of course, those who are TRULY saved. And these are not your garden variety Church goers who're merely impressed with a general need to honor God, but who nonetheless still retain full control over their own life and the decisions associated there with. These are those who trust fully in the finished work of Christ on the cross, cede control of their own lives to God, and make decisions based on what they believe He would want knowing and understanding that in being a believer, they are indwelled by The Holy Spirit and are thus guided reliably by His presence.

"Because stait is the gate, and narrow the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it." Life eternal and thus truth are unfortunately, gifts and privilege of the few. In saying that, I make no inference as to the spiritual state of anyone other than myself. :biggrin:

That does however explain why so few accurately interpret the times.
TheRealThing Wrote:Actually I believe in that particular reference, the idea is more that all scoff at the idea of the coming of Christ and the end of human history except of course, those who are TRULY saved. And these are not your garden variety Church goers who're merely impressed with a general need to honor God, but who nonetheless still retain full control over their own life and the decisions associated there with. These are those who trust fully in the finished work of Christ on the cross, cede control of their own lives to God, and make decisions based on what they believe He would want knowing and understanding that in being a believer, they are indwelled by The Holy Spirit and are thus guided reliably by His presence.

"Because stait is the gate, and narrow the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it." Life eternal and thus truth are unfortunately, gifts and privilege of the few. In saying that, I make no inference as to the spiritual state of anyone other than myself. :biggrin:

That does however explain why so few accurately interpret the times.

It seems more likely that "scoffers" refers to folks who have abandoned by active, conscious choice both the creative and destructive power of God, his Alpha and his Omega. His greeting is to sincere believers, thus "scoffers" most probably refers most closely to a type of "god is dead," or "science is god" mindset, in my view.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:It seems more likely that "scoffers" refers to folks who have abandoned by active, conscious choice both the creative and destructive power of God, his Alpha and his Omega. His greeting is to sincere believers, thus "scoffers" most probably refers most closely to a type of "god is dead," or "science is god" mindset, in my view.

Well I'm not going to argue doctrine with you, I know we disagree there. Scoffers are non-believers and I just showed you the ratio of true believers versus nonbelievers is striking.

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