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Top Juniors for 05-06 season
wich one is this fro or birdman
He could handle anyone on that team. I have been watching him play at the Y everyday after school. He could even beat Kris Bently because I watched them play a pick up game just last week. He made him look plum stupid. It was sickening. He could handle ANYONE on the BLHS team.Confusederved:
whatever buddy ive watched him play too and like i said a minute ago it doesnt matter cuase he doesnt play so sit down and be quite
haha, you ain't no T.I. You can't be no Rubberband man...your just mad cause that kid got more skills that you do. Let me tell you somethin, you call him up, challenge him to a game of ball. And then when he beats you..Write me up on herre and let me know. :mad: Confusedhithappe :yesno:
i dont think he could handle every 1 on the team he is good but some of the guys r magnificent pick up games are alot different from high skewl ball. He may be able to score but can he play team ball. Confusederved:
I believe he could play team ball. You just have to go watch him play one day.
Man i told u i dont care about that and if u got a problem with my nickname guess what i dont care and i aint gonna make fun of u or anything im just gonna be the bigger man and say Kurkowski isnt playing ball this year
so says the rubberband man
ethan johnson will prove to be a top player in the 15th region this year.
i dont think mason hall has nothing on other guys in the 15th. yea ne 1 could hot 5 3's a game shooting how many he's does. I think betsy layne has some of the best 3 point shooters this yr. Has ne one heard of dis junior from blhs his name is justin collins he can shoot the lights out
Jamie McCarty, Ive heard so much about him and never have played against him, looking forward to it though.
Either Jamie McCarty or Jesse Meek from Central. McCarty has the outside shot down, and can drive to the basket better than most people, and Jesse Meek is quick, and can shoot the ball pretty decent.
"youknowwhoibe" Wrote:Riddle will be a senior next year as well as Rowe. But I could me mistaken but Im pretty sure Im right.

Landon is a freshman this year and will be a sophomore next year. But I will say he will be better than all the juniors next season in the 15th.

Landon is actually a sophmore this year
jamie mccarty and daniel pugh
Landon Slone is a sophomore this year....and the center for Allen Central is Josh Martin
Jamie McCarty and Daniel Pugh. Period.

Jamie McCarty may be a top 5 Junior in the state later in seasons end when people see how talented this kid is and a coach who knows how to use him. Great player who has improved his skills over the summer and is capable of taking over games. I really like his style of play. Elevates well and has a true jumper. The kid can SKY.

Daniel Pugh.....although didn't play last year.....looking forward for him putting up big numbers this a natural born athlete in my book. Had a great freshman season and will do the same his junior and senior years...
Trai Witt from BL, great shot blocking ability but needs to work on catching and holding on to the ball in the low post.
Billy Joe Murphy from Monroe Co.....
etan johnson is a really good player, south floyd is lucky to have a junior of this potential to help with there hopes fpr a 15th regional championship
Justin Meek of paintsville can be an impact player for the tigers if he can remain healthy..

i do know that last yr. we did not see much of him due to his transfer from JCHS. This yr. he is still battling an injury from the summer...

I believe he broke his ankle playing hacky sack??
The best junior and overall player in the 14th will be Justin Hicks of Hazard. He will prove to be one of the best in all of eastern Kentucky.
daniel pugh is one of the best junors
The only Junior that im not hearing that is goin to be one of the best, is Hicks from Hazard!!! Remember that name when the state tournament comes around!!!
eathen johnson from south floyd will be the top junior:theman:
jamie mccarty/ ethan johnson
Ethan Johnson
Daniel Pugh
3.Jamie McCarty
2.Ethan Johnson
1.Ryan Collins
jamie mcarty and ethan johnson are the best juniors. i look for both 2 go off this yr.
Johnson from valley is a complete powerhouse,but east ridge has one by the name of Jordan Mullins that I think will really surprise people.
Jamie McCarty(JC), Ethan Johnson(SF), and then Josh Martin (AC) is showing a lot but as of right now I wouldn't put him in the top Juniors. Probably by the middle of the season I would![U]

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