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56th this year?
Any thoughts on how the rankings are gonna turn out this year for the 56th?? You've got Estill, Powell, Lee, & Owsley....
1.) Estill
1) Estill
2) Powell
3) Lee
4) Owsley
1. Estill
2. Powell
3. Lee
4. Owsley
I think the top 3 spots could go any way at any time.
Estill is always good but lost their ace pitcher along with shortstop(Reynolds), 2nd(Rader), and maybe an outfielder or 2(Hall i know). But they are well coached and have a big offense in Edwards. But I don't think they are the clear favorite this year as they were last year(as of right now that is).
Powell is always expected bring their game every year. McCoy is a great pitcher and will do alot for them. They lost 3rd and SS and Barnett is out with a knee injury and i hear that Crabtree might not play(why is this?). Anyway, Powell has a good defense and we'll hear alot from them. Also not ahead of the pack and have some improvements to be made.
Lee returns everyone from last years team. Including starting pitcher Smith who will be a key factor to this team. Struggled with hitting last year, but with time comes improvement. Bowling will be a good offense. Young team other than the 4 seniors they have all sophmores and a junior finishing the line-up. The underdog and imo sleeper of this district.
Owsley appears to be down in the dumps from the looks of last year. Coaching is an issue that will hold them back and defense and pitching will be thier downfall. Turner is a good player, but she can't play everywhere. Combs showed some spurts of good hitting last year, but they need all 9 to contribute in some way. They are also a young team.
The 56th should be a good one to watch this year

1.) Estill
1. Estill
2. Powell( if they had barnett..imo they would be ranked #1)
3. Lee
4. Owsley
If Barnett was playing this year, I see them taking the #1 seed. Without her they do lose quite a bit. She lead in almost every category in hitting last year as a sophomore, and would have done even better this year untill she tore her ACL. Tough break for such a good athlete.

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