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700 Billion Plan a Power Grab in a Crisis
700 billion dollars... Paulsen with nigh dictatorial authority. The Obama campaign has received $9.8 million from financial industry: John McCain campain has received $6.8 million. Both campaigns are laced with former government officials who came to the campaigns from high dollar jobs in the financial industry. Aristotle suggested that the greed of the human race cannot be sated. FOR SALE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER... campaign slogan on both campaign buses. Hard to maintain hope or optimism when the most important color in government is green.
What would be your plan for this issue?
My plan is let the companies fail. Other companies will buy them out. Nothing is ever as bad as they say as most people on the boob tube are pessimists. Our economy would take a major hit. Probably not a depression, atleast not more than a 6 month stint, right now all we are doing is putting a bandaid on a bullet wound. We gotta let this bleed out and put more regulations on the financial industry since they have proven they are incapable of running it without letting greed get in the way.
Oh btw the 2 financial advisors for Obama are former bigwigs for fannie and frediie.
Beetle01 Wrote:Oh btw the 2 financial advisors for Obama are former bigwigs for fannie and frediie.

Former senator from Texas helped deregulate banking industry in mid to late 90's...major player in McCain's economic policy making. Do you really want to play back and forth on this issue? Without equitable and fair regulation, human avarice runs wild...middle to poor people lose...and lose big.
thecavemaster Wrote:Former senator from Texas helped deregulate banking industry in mid to late 90's...major player in McCain's economic policy making. Do you really want to play back and forth on this issue? Without equitable and fair regulation, human avarice runs wild...middle to poor people lose...and lose big.

In the mid to late 90's it paid off. Then companies started abusing it. Now we are where we are at because of that abuse.
Beetle01 Wrote:In the mid to late 90's it paid off. Then companies started abusing it. Now we are where we are at because of that abuse.

Human avarice never pays off. Settlers nearly blasted the buffalo into extinction (greed). Ranchers still today would like to see ALL the black and grey wolves exterminated (self-interest magnified). Any economic policy that does not account for human greed takes a very flawed view of human nature.
Thanks to the Republicans we now live in a Socialist Economy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who would have ever thought?

After all the Democrats= Socialists accusations on this website I find it funny that the "Hens came home to roost on the White House Lawn."

Next thing ya know we'll have socialized medicine. Which I would rather have than a socialized economy.
DevilsWin Wrote:Thanks to the Republicans we now live in a Socialist Economy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who would have ever thought?

After all the Democrats= Socialists accusations on this website I find it funny that the "Hens came home to roost on the White House Lawn."

Next thing ya know we'll have socialized medicine. Which I would rather have than a socialized economy.

As long as insurance barons help write policy, give big to politicians, your prognostication is empty.
thecavemaster Wrote:Former senator from Texas helped deregulate banking industry in mid to late 90's...major player in McCain's economic policy making. Do you really want to play back and forth on this issue? Without equitable and fair regulation, human avarice runs wild...middle to poor people lose...and lose big.

The trouble arises when we have no regulations coupled with no consequences. As long as the government keeps getting involved in the bail out business then our economic system will remain a mess.
lawrencefan Wrote:The trouble arises when we have no regulations coupled with no consequences. As long as the government keeps getting involved in the bail out business then our economic system will remain a mess.

When human avarice is left unregulated, the poor and middle feel the crunch. Our economic system is a mess for many reasons... trickle down economics depending on the super rich to share being one of them.
If we gave every American, as a minimum, free food, healthcare, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and a yearly stipend of say $25,000 per head, would that satisfy the liberals? If it would, then put me down for it. Raise my taxes, whatever you need to do, but I bet you that even that would not satisfy them.
lawrencefan Wrote:If we gave every American, as a minimum, free food, healthcare, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and a yearly stipend of say $25,000 per head, would that satisfy the liberals? If it would, then put me down for it. Raise my taxes, whatever you need to do, but I bet you that even that would not satisfy them.
Not when CEO's of corporations that are closing up shop and asking for bailouts when at the same time getting millions in Bonus $$$$.
DevilsWin Wrote:Not when CEO's of corporations that are closing up shop and asking for bailouts when at the same time getting millions in Bonus $$$$.

You see, it's not really about what I have. It's about what other's have.
lawrencefan Wrote:You see, it's not really about what I have. It's about what other's have.
Are you saying that it matters not how they get what they get? Even when guys like Jeffery Skilling and Ken Lay get millions in bonuses while their employees loose their life savings and retirement plans that they have worked their whole lives for doing what they're supposed to be doing?

The decisions these greed mongers make effects others but justice be ****ed?

But the ultra rich and the ultra powerful don't have to play by the same rules?

You and your kind are destroying the middle class and in that you are also destroying America and it's values.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

lawrencefan Wrote:If we gave every American, as a minimum, free food, healthcare, clothing, housing, transportation, education, and a yearly stipend of say $25,000 per head, would that satisfy the liberals? If it would, then put me down for it. Raise my taxes, whatever you need to do, but I bet you that even that would not satisfy them.

Every study on personal happiness I've ever seen includes meaningful work amongst the two or three necessary ingredients. The Apostle Paul said, "if a man be among you who will not work, he should not be on the food list." Those who cannot work through some legitimate disability or condition, I would assume, would be on the food list. I have no problem with tough love; it's absence of compassion and mercy for the human condition that are troublesome.
DevilsWin Wrote:Are you saying that it matters not how they get what they get? Even when guys like Jeffery Skilling and Ken Lay get millions in bonuses while their employees loose their life savings and retirement plans that they have worked their whole lives for doing what they're supposed to be doing?

The decisions these greed mongers make effects others but justice be ****ed?

But the ultra rich and the ultra powerful don't have to play by the same rules?

You and your kind are destroying the middle class and in that you are also destroying America and it's values.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."


Just curious. What are America's values.
lawrencefan Wrote:Just curious. What are America's values.
I just showed you America's Values. You're apparently too greedy to see them.
DevilsWin Wrote:I just showed you America's Values. You're apparently too greedy to see them.

Are you talking about the poem on that French statue? My ancestors, who wrestled this country from the Natives, nature, the British, Spaniards and Mexicans were here before that statue. What are true American values?
lawrencefan Wrote:Are you talking about the poem on that French statue? My ancestors, who wrestled this country from the Natives, nature, the British, Spaniards and Mexicans were here before that statue. What are true American values?
LOL You kill me!

Those were my ancestors too.

Wrestled it from Nature? LOL Not yet but I give you points for trying.

Make no mistake. Our ancestors are also responsible for Genocide against the Natives.

Are those the kind of values you prefer?

Deny the past and you're destined to repeat it my friend.

The Bill of Rights is a pretty good depiction of our "American Values".

Now I pose the same question to you.

What do you call "American Values"?

I'm sure this is gonna be good!
DevilsWin Wrote:LOL You kill me!

Those were my ancestors too.

Wrestled it from Nature? LOL Not yet but I give you points for trying.

Make no mistake. Our ancestors are also responsible for Genocide against the Natives.

Are those the kind of values you prefer?

Deny the past and you're destined to repeat it my friend.

The Bill of Rights is a pretty good depiction of our "American Values".

Now I pose the same question to you.

What do you call "American Values"?

I'm sure this is gonna be good!

The Natives were destroyed not by bullets, but by becoming dependent on government charity, the same way the government is trying to eliminate poor people in inner cities today.

America used to be a place of freedom, where a man could go out and fail or succeed unfettered by the economic chains placed on him by his government.
DevilsWin Wrote:Thanks to the Republicans we now live in a Socialist Economy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who would have ever thought?

After all the Democrats= Socialists accusations on this website I find it funny that the "Hens came home to roost on the White House Lawn."

Next thing ya know we'll have socialized medicine. Which I would rather have than a socialized economy.

A Democrat caused ALL of this.....and I'm a Dem.

Bill Clintons deregulation of our financial system along with his push to allow more people to buy homes got us to where we are now.
NEXT Wrote:A Democrat caused ALL of this.....and I'm a Dem.

Bill Clintons deregulation of our financial system along with his push to allow more people to buy homes got us to where we are now.
Not so fast, if you want to blame anyone blame Greenspan and Phil Graham.
DevilsWin Wrote:Not so fast, if you want to blame anyone blame Greenspan and Phil Graham.

If you want to blame someone blame greedy corporate big wigs. Also blame irresponsible Americans who make terrible financial decisions.
Beetle01 Wrote:If you want to blame someone blame greedy corporate big wigs. Also blame irresponsible Americans who make terrible financial decisions.

Any society which feeds on consumerism breeds unwise, "keep up with Mr. and Ms. Jones" type movement. Measured in constant dollars, the world's peoples have consumed as many goods and services since 1950 as all previous generations put together. Industrialized nations are the glutton barons of consumption. Days after 9/11, one of the things we were told was that, in order to not let the terrorists' win, we should go to the mall. Interesting...
Bush's "Ownership Society" Doctrine is also to blame.

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