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Favorite Baseball Quotes
I don't want to play golf. When I hit a ball, I want someone else to go chase it-Rogers Hornsby
Major League

Lou Brown
"Awe Dorn dont give me that 'O'Lay bull****!!!!!!!!

"Willie you may run like Hayes but you hit like ****!!!!!
"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity."
"Life is Like baseball, you Win some, you lose some, and sometimes it rains."
---Can't remember the movie
This is without question the best baseball quote ever:

You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. --- Jim Bouton former MLB pitcher, co-creator of Big League Chew, author or Ball Four
Good pitching beats good hitting any day......heard this from jason stowers at alice lloyd college
^^^^^^^^^^very nice avatar my friend very nice..............
"I'd like to tomahawk chop him!"-My dad (Cole Hamels almost started to cry his rookie year at turner field after he didn't get a call.)
"Are you crying?'....There's no crying in baseball!"........a league of their own....
"one hop, two hop....there it goes" the great eric thompson
90% of the game is half mental...
baseball is a simple sport you catch,throw,and hit a ball if you cant do that to well you may want to consider playin somethin else....i heard this when i was 7 years old from my pee-wee coach lol, what a guy!
Baseball is the only sport where the defense has the ball.
Kneepad Wrote:90% of the game is half mental...

the quote is actually "90% of the game is mental the other half is physical"
"it helps if the hitter thinks your a little bit crazy" nolyan ryan
this is by far my favorite
watch the ball hit the bat
LCthug Wrote:watch the ball hit the bat

?????Isn't that just something a coach says, any coach for that matter, probably dates back to the very first time someone every tried to hit a ball.
This is one of my favorites " I was one of those guys that did everything they could to win" - Joe Morgan
"it's not what your country can do for you; but what you can do for your country"
A baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into nine innings. ~Earl Wilson

check out this link and read lasorda's response to dave kingman hitting three homerun' was to long and to profain to post
LC-thug Wrote:"it's not what your country can do for you; but what you can do for your country"

That's not a baseball quote...Wink
From the Ty Cobb movie, a reporter interviewing him:

REPORTER: With all the great players playing ball right now, how well do you think you would do against today's pitchers?
TY COBB: Well, I figure against today's pitchers I'd only probably hit about .290
REPORTER: .290? Well that's amazing, because you batted over .400 a... a whole bunch of times. Now tell us all, we'd all like to know, why do you think you'd only hit .290?
TY COBB: Well, I'm 72 ******* years old you ignorant SOB.

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