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Principal Arrested On Drug Charges...

Why have I not heard about this? I'll keep quiet on who the juvenile is that is mentioned, but he has been mentioned on a certain forum on here quite a bit..Theres a lot more to the story that this mentions...
I read this....very sad..

I know the kid too....very sad....but I did what I could Sad
just a question... why cant we say the name of the pricipal? i mean it is on the news and in the paper... personally i think the name is funny. hits close to home.
Vincent Vega Wrote:just a question... why cant we say the name of the pricipal? i mean it is on the news and in the paper... personally i think the name is funny. hits close to home.

I think he means to keep the juveniles name out of it, which I plan to do...
yup :thumb:
i wonder what he overdosed on cuz you can't overdose on pot and shrooms.... unless you eat alot of shrooms, anyway does anyone know what the accual drug he oded on?
That is awful.
Shows what this world is coming to.
First Matt, and now this.
First this then Matt....but it just shows that it as it starts at ODing and then can lead to A LOT worse.
Of course it can.
Matt did drugs to fit in, to have different friends, drugs led to his situation, we all know that for a fact.
That's one thing I've never figured out....why one would have to do drugs to fit in :confused: I have friends that do it...but whenever they do I just make sure I'm not around.

And there are plenty of people that don't do it that you can be friends with.
He had friends that didn't do drugs. The people he grew up with AND new people from East Ridge were willing to be friends with him without the drugs but that is the part of the crowd that he wanted to be with. The danger of it was like a thrill to him. He wanted everyone to know he was a stoner and stuff. He wanted the title, the attention...
welp....guess he got what he wanted then....EVERYONE knows now Sad
Unforunately so.
Too bad that he didn't get help. If he had, maybe none of this would happened.
This will serve as a learning experience though. People may make changes in their lives. Maybe his friends will get off drugs, some will appreciate their friends and family, and others will be forever left changed and having a brand new outlook on life.
It is sad that it takes something like this for a change to be made but it could not have came at a better time.
I heard so many people today talking about changing and appreciation, I saw many many people making paintings for their parents telling them that they loved them and always did not show how much they appreciated them and stuff.
Yeah-- that really is sad.
I think it's sad what drugs can do to people...I mean I'm sure if he wouldn't have had his "problem" then half his family and him wouldn't be dead right now...and this has really affected alot of his friends and family and people who knew him pretty bad, cuz I got this friend and she knew him really well and she was pretty much bawlin the whole day today and i was like aww im sorry...
Thats soo sad Sad
The tragedy with Matt has effected so many people because everyone knows someone who knew him or his family or even Terry and it just hits home because most of our family was travelling home from work when Matt wrecked. I could have lost MY mom with HIS mistakes.

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