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The Man Can Give A Speech...
Joe Friday Wrote:[Image:]

You are right, Cavemaster, this man sure can give a speech!

You're right, Matman. The Right Wing Flirty Party certainly is even minded, level headed, unfair and imbalanced. And, they sure do have a good sense of humor.
thecavemaster Wrote:You're right, Matman. The Right Wing Flirty Party certainly is even minded, level headed, unfair and imbalanced. And, they sure do have a good sense of humor.

I never said they were. However I do not believe you are any less bias. Do you ever think maybe you make people drift even further right? I'm a moderate. However, when I interact with you, I drift to the right. Its an attempt to balance things out. Its also instinct to distance myself from such insanity.
Matman Wrote:I never said they were. However I do not believe you are any less bias. Do you ever think maybe you make people drift even further right? I'm a moderate. However, when I interact with you, I drift to the right. Its an attempt to balance things out. Its also instinct to distance myself from such insanity.

A close relative used to work at Eastern State. In one ward, seven different men thought they were Jesus Christ. That's insanity, Matman. This is just jockeying back and forth in political debate. I don't believe George Bush (either of them) is evil... I just don't agree with many of their economic policies, several of their foreign policy choices. Are you sure you are moderate? Why would interacting with another person force you one way or the other? Say what you mean, mean what you say.
thecavemaster Wrote:A close relative used to work at Eastern State. In one ward, seven different men thought they were Jesus Christ. That's insanity, Matman. This is just jockeying back and forth in political debate. I don't believe George Bush (either of them) is evil... I just don't agree with many of their economic policies, several of their foreign policy choices. Are you sure you are moderate? Why would interacting with another person force you one way or the other? Say what you mean, mean what you say.

Thats not insane. That is just the games inmates play. But I get your point. I don't agree with most of Bush's economic policies. He was not a fiscal conservative. I want a balanced budget. I want small government. Trust the states to run their states. However on many social issues I am more liberal. To each their own. I believe there are certain areas we have to spend money in though. Education and National Defense being the two most important. So yes I am a moderate.
Matman Wrote:Thats not insane. That is just the games inmates play. But I get your point. I don't agree with most of Bush's economic policies. He was not a fiscal conservative. I want a balanced budget. I want small government. Trust the states to run their states. However on many social issues I am more liberal. To each their own. I believe there are certain areas we have to spend money in though. Education and National Defense being the two most important. So yes I am a moderate.
I agree that we should be spending money on education but I strongly favor the abolition of the Department of Education. There is no good reason for state and local governments to cede the control of our schools over to the federal government. Given that 19 percent of federal employees make more than $100K/year and the average federal salary is far higher than the salaries paid by local and state educational institutions, the money would be better utilized if it did not make a round trip to Washington.
Here is some more 'Right Wing Flirty' humor for you, Cavemaster.

[ame=""]YouTube- NewsBusted 2/9/10[/ame]
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I agree that we should be spending money on education but I strongly favor the abolition of the Department of Education. There is no good reason for state and local governments to cede the control of our schools over to the federal government. Given that 19 percent of federal employees make more than $100K/year and the average federal salary is far higher than the salaries paid by local and state educational institutions, the money would be better utilized if it did not make a round trip to Washington.

I agree. There should be limited interference from the federal government in state matters. Look at no child left behind. Complete failure. Where did you get the figure for 19 percent. I'm not debating it I would just like to see it. I'm a federal employee and don't quite make 100k a year. But our average pay is quite a bit higher than the school systems. Thats has been a problem i face. I would love to teach but i make more money doing what I do now. Which brings us to another problem. How can you keep good teachers, especially science teachers, when they can make so much more money.
Joe Friday Wrote:Here is some more 'Right Wing Flirty' humor for you, Cavemaster.

A lot of this is standard fare for the genre. However, the picture of Obama painted up as The Joker is, to me, over the top.
thecavemaster Wrote:A lot of this is standard fare for the genre. However, the picture of Obama painted up as The Joker is, to me, over the top.
What is this world coming to, I find myself agreeing with you again! What has The Joker ever done to deserve such an insult? :biggrin:
You are right, Cavemaster, the 'Joker' image is quite shocking - let me introduce you to the artist. His name is Firas Alkhateeb - say that three times fast. He is actually a Dennis Kucinich fan. He is more of a lefty than a 'Right Wing Flirty.' :wink:

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