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Politics and basketball
I recently recieved an email from the Trey Grayson campaign asking for my vote because Rand Paul went to Duke. Does anyone else think that is just stupid. I believe Grayson went to Harvard. But I have now made up my mind who I will vote for.

[ame=""]YouTube- Rand Paul will be in Pikeville December 1st[/ame]
Lol. I believe that it is dirty, but VERY smart politics. If he is saying that he went to Harvard and the other guy only went to Duke (fact is fact, Duke is a REALLY good school) that is REALLY bad.

I think the point in this area is that many people HATE Duke SOOOO bad that they may vote for Grayson because Paul went to Duke. It is REALLY dirty, but VERY smart.

Giving an honest answer, I believe MANY of Richie Farmer's votes were because of his basketball and not because of his political abilities.
As much as I enjoy watching Duke's basketball team lose, I agree that this is really stupid politics. If I knew nothing else of the candidates but each one's respective alma mater, I would not hesitate to pick the Duke graduate. Based on outcomes, graduates from Harvard and Yale seem very unqualified to serve the people effectively.
If you vote for someone simply because of where they went to college maybe you shouldn't vote?
Didn't Trey go to Harvard? He must be one of those HAARVARD elitist? Do we need an Ivy Schooler leading Kentucky?
Silly using where you went to school as a political tool
Impressive Obama had Murray State on his card to beat Vanderbilt.
bulldog149 Wrote:Impressive Obama had Murray State on his card to beat Vanderbilt.

Even a blind squirrel will find a nut every now and then.
^SPoken from experience, eh?
bulldog149 Wrote:Impressive Obama had Murray State on his card to beat Vanderbilt.

Given the way he has handled things else up till now, perhaps Vanderbilt now gets a new science building for "taking a fall".:yikes:
thecavemaster Wrote:^SPoken from experience, eh?

More so from reading your ramblings for the last three years.
Old School Wrote:More so from reading your ramblings for the last three years.

Good one.
Old School Wrote:More so from reading your ramblings for the last three years.
:thatsfunn True dat!
Hoot Gibson Wrote::thatsfunn True dat!

May I be so presumptuous to suggest, Hoot, that when you get Schoolie a present, that it be jewelry.
thecavemaster Wrote:May I be so presumptuous to suggest, Hoot, that when you get Schoolie a present, that it be jewelry.
Well short of hilarious, CM - but you had a tough act to follow. I give you a C+ for effort though...
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Well short of hilarious, CM - but you had a tough act to follow. I give you a C+ for effort though...

Let us hope for Schoolie's sake that you are a better gift giver than grade assesser...
thecavemaster Wrote:Let us hope for Schoolie's sake that you are a better gift giver than grade assesser...
I believe that Old School is gainfully employed, so neither B. Hussein Obama nor I need to be sending him gifts. We are net tax payers. And yourself? Are you a net tax payer or a net tax consumer?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I believe that Old School is gainfully employed, so neither B. Hussein Obama nor I need to be sending him gifts. We are net tax payers. And yourself? Are you a net tax payer or a net tax consumer?

And here we go again. I pay taxes. But what does that have to do with your buying Schoolie a gift? Jewelry is for love, Hootie Blowhard, not for healthcare.
thecavemaster Wrote:And here we go again. I pay taxes. But what does that have to do with your buying Schoolie a gift? Jewelry is for love, Hootie Blowhard, not for healthcare.
I should have been more specific. I was speaking of federal income taxes. Sales tax on beer and lottery tickets does not count.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I should have been more specific. I was speaking of federal income taxes. Sales tax on beer and lottery tickets does not count.

While cold beer, Michelob Ultra in particular, is tasty, and though I don't partake of the lottery, I pay taxes. Try again, Hootie Blowhard, try again. The ways of the hack are shallow and thin.
thecavemaster Wrote:While cold beer, Michelob Ultra in particular, is tasty, and though I don't partake of the lottery, I pay taxes. Try again, Hootie Blowhard, try again. The ways of the hack are shallow and thin.
You are boring me, CM. Thanks for the chuckles but I have wasted enough time on trolls for one night. Good night!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are boring me, CM. Thanks for the chuckles but I have wasted enough time on trolls for one night. Good night!

Fly away, little Hack Sparrow, fly away.

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