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Paintsville Freshman starters take a loss to Sheldon Clark?
Does anyone know what happened at the game last night. Paintsville started their "starters" and ended the first quarter down 18-9. Coach Vanhoose pulled out the "starters" and put in his 2nd string, those little hustlers made a 9 point run and tied the score 18-18. Now, guess what!!! Coach Vanhoose pulls out the little point scorers and puts back in the "starters"? Well long story short, Paintsville looses to Sheldon Clark 56-46. What is up with Paintsville accepting big ole "L"s on their record as to play the proper players.............Come on Paintsville coaching staff, forget the $ and go with talent....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This problem seems to have run over from the varsity...:please:
J was a good player, but hes not such a good coach
"LazerMan" Wrote:Come on Paintsville coaching staff, forget the $ and go with talent....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This problem seems to have run over from the varsity...:please:

What???? What are you talking about "This problem seems to have run over from the varsity..." Name ONE situation where $ has come to play with Paintsville's rotation, BMR plays the best players on the team. Get real LazerMan. :please:
I'm not big on paintsville, but i do know one thing. paintsville has 6 good players and why is everything about $$$ if someone doesnt get to play. I'm sure if they were better than the starters they would play. I think BMR does the right thing by not putting anyone off the bench in the game with the exeption of one. If you dont get to play......PRACTICE MORE!!!!!!
"bill tom" Wrote:I'm not big on paintsville, but i do know one thing. paintsville has 6 good players and why is everything about $$$ if someone doesnt get to play. I'm sure if they were better than the starters they would play. I think BMR does the right thing by not putting anyone off the bench in the game with the exeption of one. If you dont get to play......PRACTICE MORE!!!!!!

Thank You bill tom
"PC_U_KNOW_98" Wrote:What???? What are you talking about "This problem seems to have run over from the varsity..." Name ONE situation where $ has come to play with Paintsville's rotation, BMR plays the best players on the team. Get real LazerMan. :please:

First, I have to say, that I believe that BMR is a great coach!!! But I think lazerman might be in disagreement of BMR's rotation. I have questioned it a few times, but that is my right to opinion. Is it just coincidence that Paintsville is about a .500 team when Bundy doesn't start?? Maybe. Did Paintsville play better as a team against Central when Bundy was on the floor?? Yes. Is it another coincidence that in that game, Paintsville got outplayed in the fourth and Bundy sat for 95% of the 4th period? Maybe.
All I can say is, that I think Bundy needs to be on the floor.
I don't know for sure if this is anything close to lazerman's thinking, but, it is at least worth a debate, IMO.
Now back to the thread.
I think that the non-chosen freshmen starters for Paintsville, are just proving that there really is not that much difference from top to bottom on this 12 man freshmen team, the second string just has to play harder to get PT, they did in this game and maybe the starters should be thinking, that if they want the glory, they need to step their play up a little more and cut down the turnovers and finish their shots. Then again.....maybe that ain't it at all!
"HomeGrown" Wrote:J was a good player, but hes not such a good coach
J isn't the head coach of the fresmen team.
Didnt Paintsville's freshman team get beat by Pikeville Monday evening? Who was the starters in it? How much of that game did they play?
The second sting did great in the second quarter, but they didn't do anything in the 3rd or the 4th!!!!!!! Get Real the best players are starting !!!!!! If you think money gets playing time, why don't you go talk to the coaches instead of posting on this site!!!!!!
The biggest problem with the freshman team is they are outsized!!!!! The line-up never has 3 of the bigger players in at the same time.. They have only played 5 games all season and they don't get any practice time. Its like the coaches could careless about freshman or JV!!!!! Other JV teams have played 12 or more games. Paintsville has played 2!!!!!!!!!:boo:
pcuknow98, please dont get so defensive. i dont have a dog in the fight, i try to support paintsville and central alike. i only post on the games that i attend and see first hand. every team at this point in the season has problems that need to be worked out and attitudes adjusted for the players and coaches alike. everyone is learning at this point. the rest of this season is going to be interesting for both teams. if paintsville is as perfect as you get on here and shout, their record would be better. they are loaded with talent but face it, they are having problems, it happens. the loss that the paintsville freshman suffered against sc, is unexcusable as a coach, i guess like players he had a bad decision making night, guess what, it happens. as far as the $ comment, sit back and watch for yourself before riduculing someone for having an opinion, that is what this site is for.
BMR has been coaching for a while.. He knows what he's doing.
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:Didnt Paintsville's freshman team get beat by Pikeville Monday evening? Who was the starters in it? How much of that game did they play?

They didn't get beat, they got HOSED by Dave Tomas and the other ref......
Paintsville is a good team, but right now I would have to say that Prestonsburg is playing like best team in region.
"The Guru" Wrote:First, I have to say, that I believe that BMR is a great coach!!! But I think lazerman might be in disagreement of BMR's rotation. I have questioned it a few times, but that is my right to opinion. Is it just coincidence that Paintsville is about a .500 team when Bundy doesn't start?? Maybe. Did Paintsville play better as a team against Central when Bundy was on the floor?? Yes. Is it another coincidence that in that game, Paintsville got outplayed in the fourth and Bundy sat for 95% of the 4th period? Maybe.
All I can say is, that I think Bundy needs to be on the floor.
I don't know for sure if this is anything close to lazerman's thinking, but, it is at least worth a debate, IMO.
Now back to the thread.
I think that the non-chosen freshmen starters for Paintsville, are just proving that there really is not that much difference from top to bottom on this 12 man freshmen team, the second string just has to play harder to get PT, they did in this game and maybe the starters should be thinking, that if they want the glory, they need to step their play up a little more and cut down the turnovers and finish their shots. Then again.....maybe that ain't it at all!

All I was saying was that $ is NOT a factor, if that was the case then some of the boys on the bench would be getting ALOT more playing time.
"LazerMan" Wrote:pcuknow98, please dont get so defensive. i dont have a dog in the fight, i try to support paintsville and central alike. i only post on the games that i attend and see first hand. every team at this point in the season has problems that need to be worked out and attitudes adjusted for the players and coaches alike. everyone is learning at this point. the rest of this season is going to be interesting for both teams. if paintsville is as perfect as you get on here and shout, their record would be better. they are loaded with talent but face it, they are having problems, it happens. the loss that the paintsville freshman suffered against sc, is unexcusable as a coach, i guess like players he had a bad decision making night, guess what, it happens. as far as the $ comment, sit back and watch for yourself before riduculing someone for having an opinion, that is what this site is for.

Paintsville does have some problems, they aren't playing team ball and to be honest I don't think they play very hard at all. When have I ever said that Paintsville was PERFECT, when do I ever shout about how great they are. As for your opinion about $, it's BS. Like youguysrmorons said, if you think $ gets playing time, why don't you talk to the coaches about that, don't get on a public thread making accusations that you know NOTHING about.
"PC_U_KNOW_98" Wrote:Paintsville does have some problems, they aren't playing team ball and to be honest I don't think they play very hard at all. When have I ever said that Paintsville was PERFECT, when do I ever shout about how great they are. As for your opinion about $, it's BS. Like youguysrmorons said, if you think $ gets playing time, why don't you talk to the coaches about that, don't get on a public thread making accusations that you know NOTHING about.

why would i want to talk to the coaches? :wtf1: if i had a kid playing and felt some sort of unfairness, i would, i have stated that i am a spectator and a spectator only, i get on here and post opinions like everyone else. i guess the thread labeled "most overrated team in the 15" is driving you hairless.....:HitWall: ..........i personally think, if you dont see a game, then dont post. and no, you didnt say that paintsville players were perfect, but guess what pc98,, their coaches arent either!Confusederved:
I dont understand why the topic states that Paintsvilles starters lost. Did they play two games with two teams? If not, then no matter who did what in the game, the fact is the TEAM lost. Not the starters lost and the bench players won. Why try to split up a team that I am sure all the players on it are trying to win?
"LazerMan" Wrote:why would i want to talk to the coaches? :wtf1: if i had a kid playing and felt some sort of unfairness, i would, i have stated that i am a spectator and a spectator only, i get on here and post opinions like everyone else. i guess the thread labeled "most overrated team in the 15" is driving you hairless.....:HitWall: ..........i personally think, if you dont see a game, then dont post. and no, you didnt say that paintsville players were perfect, but guess what pc98,, their coaches arent either!Confusederved:
OOOOHHH MAN, I got served, :please: . So we got me never saying Paintsville was perfect cleared up, NOW tell me when I have EVER said Paintsville's coaches ARE perfect. As for being hairless, not quite LazerGirl, I have a full head of hair, and pretty hair at that. "Most overrated team in the 15th" thread doesn't bother me a bit, I could care less, I know when it comes tourney time and the boys know it's win or go home, they will play to their ability, so people can say they are overrated all they want, IDC, they are overrated right now and that's fine.

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