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Rep. Rick Nelson files new bill on food stamps
It would prevent any recipient of any person receiving food stamps to by pop or candy with them. Any thoughts?
NothingTrivial Wrote:It would prevent any recipient of any person receiving food stamps to by pop or candy with them. Any thoughts?
I agree. Food stamps should be used to put enough food on the table to provide a balanced diet for children and to prevent able bodied adults from starving. The downside of placing too many restrictions on what can be purchased with food stamps is that there is a thriving black market for them and qualifiers already sell them to obtain money for cigarettes, alcohol, and other "luxury" items. The moocher class will find a way to buy their beer and drugs, regardless of what laws are passed.
Ive known rick for years and talked to him extensively about this yesterday, he will also be proposing that food stamp recipients be required to present ID when using, as well as holding vendors being held accountable for letting violations occur such as with tobacca and alcohol.
I know every single person on this site has had there run in with the first of the monthers.

Every time i go to wal mart or the dollar general down the road, ill get behind one of these sorry asses.(And yes some people do need it, however 99% do not and dont deserve it)

I get in line and ill see one of those pretty American flag cards get whipped out to pay for stuff it can pay for. Then, there 14 kids will run up and put down 400 candy bars and people magazines before mommy (300 pounds, tweety bird t shirt and no bra) whips out about a thousand dollars in cash and then they climb into there 2012 Chevy Tahoe and drive off.
You havent seen anything until you have seen then in walmart with 4 cart full of soda that they proceed to go sale at a pawn shop.
This bill wont go far. I could see it making advances if they said they could still buy diet soda because even schools have outlawed sugary pop, I think.

Also, for the record, a person CANNOT buy beer and cigarettes with an EBT, right?

I see this as a domino bill. Many will love it and many will hate it. What I mean by domino bill is that if this bill actually becomes law, it will start the domino effect of "No pop or soda, now it will be no chips, no chip-dip, only low-fat oils, no boxed-meals that are over 500 calories per serving, etc..."

I disagree with RIUTG about the percentage, I would go as high as 20% that legitimately need it. There are many people in this state that have SSI because of real and serious disabilities like being blind, crippled, completely deaf, etc... that keeps them from being able to work in a real job. They get I believe $600 per month or a little over $7,000 per year. Because of people like RIUTG and NothingTrivial mentioned, it REALLY irritates me when people honestly abuse the system, like mentioned above.

The system that REALLY gets abused is WIC and Medical cards. I know personally of dozens of people that make $50,000 per year that somehow can loop-hole around and get WIC and medical cards for their children. Not for themselves but their children. A family member of mine was unemployed and fresh out of college but her husband was a certified welder of some kind that required college and further certifications, yet they had medical cards for years on their children.

Do not get me wrong, I have ALWAYS said, if the system will allow you to obtain things like this to help your family go for it. It would be silly not to. If I was told that I could COMPLETELY LEGALLY have full medical insurance for my family and not pay a dime other than a few dollars of co-pay, what would I say to them as a dad if I did not take that advantage. Keep in mind, that I want to teach them to work hard and be the best they can be, but at the same time I would say that life does not offer many advantages, if an advantage is out there for you, take it. Would we teach our children not to take federally funded college grants? The government pays for them through tax-payer money as well...... I guess the difference there is the stigma. No stigma behind my $16,000+ of federal grants that I received for college, but if my daughter had a medical card to pay the doctor and prescription bills for her, it is somehow different.

I am not a fan of advantage programs being as wide-spread as they are and as available as they are but as long as they are there people will take advantage and why not? To save you or I some money back on our pay checks? I am all for keeping every penny that I have ever made, but if it goes for helping the blind lady in town be able to eat and pay for medicine, I will sleep a little easier. What I have the problem with is money coming out of my check for the Twetty-bird lady in her brand new car that knows how to manipulate the system and for the politicians to have their inflated LIFE-LONG salaries and expense accounts while in office.

Again, to sum it up. The government is the real party at fault for the abuse of these programs. Do not make the loop-holes available. I am in favor of full medical exams for every person wanting any of the assistance programs. I am somewhat in favor of the drug-test programs, as long as it is done properly, (as in not constant monthly invasive testing. I am fine with COMPLETELY random once or twice per year at a required medical exam in a doctors office. Not at a random lab where they hand you a cup and send you to do you business. Kill two birds with one stone. )

I really got off topic didn't I, lol.
Im sure you all have witnessed this but the number one thing that pisses me off more than anything is when these low lifes take the foodstamps they recieve and either trade them for pills or sale them so they can go buy drugs.

This is why i was all for the drug testing of welfare recipents. While i know its not neccesarily cost effiecent and will cost a lot to drug test them all, i believe wed save more money in the long run by doing it, as over half of the recipients would fail IMO.
^The trading of food stamps is why they went to the EBT card. Nobody can carry around food stamps now. They would have to purchase the items and then trade them because they cannot trade actual stamps now.
LWC Wrote:^The trading of food stamps is why they went to the EBT card. Nobody can carry around food stamps now. They would have to purchase the items and then trade them because they cannot trade actual stamps now.

You must not know how these low lifes work.
I know they went to the EBT cards.
What they do now is give the card to whoever they traded pills or drugs with and that person goes and buys his money worth as you dont need to show i.d.
It wouldnt matter anyways as there are so many little country stores that doesnt care where you got it as long as you spend the money anyways.
They will also literally go to the store, buy the food for the person they traded with and take it to them.
Back home Ive heard of them selling the ebt card for .25-.50 per dollar on the card. People eat it up, its crazy.
^So sad guys, it really is. I just meant that people are not handing out the stamps anymore. I assumed some type of trade was still going on.
NothingTrivial Wrote:Back home Ive heard of them selling the ebt card for .25-.50 per dollar on the card. People eat it up, its crazy.

They will go in convienent stores around barbourville that ive seen and spend there entire ebt card on 12 packs of pop.
Then, they will go outside the store and set up in the parking lot and sale the pop for half price, so of course people buy it.
I have lol'd at this thread...I love it.

And I think the soda and candy thing might get through, But not the ID thing. Too much at one time, lol. I'd like to see both. Those people would get very pissed though...taking away a big convenience of theirs.
^ Screw them Wink

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