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In U.S., 15% of Registered Voters Have Already Cast Ballots
Another poll taken by RV's favorite pollster, Gallup, and the results are not good news for President Obama's campaign.

Quote:In U.S., 15% of Registered Voters Have Already Cast Ballots

Romney Leads Among Early Voters, Similar to His Likely Voter Lead

Thus far, early voters do not seem to be swaying the election toward either candidate.

Romney currently leads Obama 52% to 45% among voters who say they have already cast their ballots. However, that is comparable to Romney's 51% to 46% lead among all likely voters in Gallup's Oct. 22-28 tracking polling. At the same time, the race is tied at 49% among those who have not yet voted but still intend to vote early, suggesting these voters could cause the race to tighten. However, Romney leads 51% to 45% among the much larger group of voters who plan to vote on Election Day, Nov. 6.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Another poll taken by RV's favorite pollster, Gallup, and the results are not good news for President Obama's campaign.


Can't wait to see the numbers this time around and which polls will aquit themselves.
TheRealThing Wrote:Can't wait to see the numbers this time around and which polls will aquit themselves.
My money is on Rasmussen to be the most accurate again. He conducts so many polls using the same basic methods, that the results don't seem to swing between extremes as quickly as those of most other pollsters do.

I wonder if Obama is regretting threatening to sue Gallup yet. I don't recall polls on early voting in previous campaigns. Maybe I just was not paying as much attention.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Another poll taken by RV's favorite pollster, Gallup, and the results are not good news for President Obama's campaign.

Does it matter that most of the early voting is done by seniors, and in the west and south at present?

Quote:Thus far, early voters do not seem to be swaying the election toward either candidate.
Quote:Early voting this election year is most prevalent in the West, followed by the South and the Midwest, but is relatively light in the East. These differences largely reflect regional differences in state laws on absentee and mail voting, with two states -- Washington and Oregon -- not only encouraging early voting, but mandating it. One in four voters in the West say they have already voted, and another 30% plan to vote before Election Day. The combined 55% in the West contrasts with 40% in the South, 23% in the Midwest, and 9% in the East
You can hope all the hell you want, but posting slanted stuff won't affect the outcome.
The funny thing is, I don't live and die by politics. I'll be ok either way. :moon:
TheRealVille Wrote:I can't find anywhere on your link that Romney is ahead in early voting. I sure can't find the quote you have.

I did find this, though.

You can hope all the hell you want, but posting slanted stuff won't affect the outcome.
Your reading comprehension issues are not my problem. The quote is there - try reading the entire article. If you are too lazy to do that, then learn to do a search of the text on the page.

I find the last sentence of your post hilariously ironic. You, who touted the Gallup results for weeks while Obama led in their daily polls are now referring to their results as "slanted."

Truth is stranger and funnier than fiction and your post is proof positive of that fact. :lmao:
TheRealVille Wrote:Does it matter that most of the early voting is done by seniors, and in the west and south at present?

You can hope all the hell you want, but posting slanted stuff won't affect the outcome.

Huh? Who said anything about hoping? I just heard a democrat talking all about how they were way out in front with the early voting, which is supposed to be a huge advantage and further, was one of the brilliant strategies employed by team Obama last election. There's your slant, LOL
TheRealVille Wrote:The funny thing is, I don't live and die by politics. I'll be ok either way. :moon:
More humor. You say that you don't live and die by politics but yet you spend hours on end here, posting Obama's talking points. When Romney wins, I am sure that you will be just fine.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:More humor. You say that you don't live and die by politics but yet you spend hours on end here, posting Obama's talking points. When Romney wins, I am sure that you will be just fine.
Because I love screwing with your head. That's where I win, I don't care, you do. You better hope he wins, I've got so much shit on you, it isn't even funny. I love seeing a 50 something man take everything so serious, he just about dies over politics.
TheRealThing Wrote:Huh? Who said anything about hoping? I just heard a democrat talking all about how they were way out in front with the early voting, which is supposed to be a huge advantage and further, was one of the brilliant strategies employed by team Obama last election. There's your slant, LOL
:Thumbs: If these results are accurate, it means that Obama's GOTV effort has been a big flop so far. Democrats need extra time to get their supporters to the polls because so many of them have to be loaded onto buses and driven to the polls. Obama voters do not seem to need more coaxing than Romney voters do and these results reflect that fact.

These poll results will have Democrats in panic mode.
Hoot Gibson Wrote::Thumbs: If these results are accurate, it means that Obama's GOTV effort has been a big flop so far. Democrats need extra time to get their supporters to the polls because so many of them have to be loaded onto buses and driven to the polls. Obama voters do not seem to need more coaxing than Romney voters do and these results reflect that fact.

These poll results will have Democrats in panic mode.

LOL, how many voters can a liberal squeeze into a Prius?
TheRealVille Wrote:Because I love screwing with your head. That's where I win, I don't care, you do. You better hope he wins, I've got so much shit on you, it isn't even funny. I love seeing a 50 something man take everything so serious, he just about dies over politics.
You know, you are one sick individual, RV. How does one become so obsessed with another adult man that you become a stalker, collect "shit," and make so many veiled threats? The bottom line is that you are a very poor debater and an even worse loser. Stalkers are generally people who take things too seriously.

I have no interest in knowing anything about you, RV. I just come here to discuss sports and politics. You claim that I take things too seriously and in the same post admit to stalking. Crazy only begins to describe that kind of behavior.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You know, you are one sick individual, RV. How does one become so obsessed with another adult man that you become a stalker, collect "shit," and make so many veiled threats? The bottom line is that you are a very poor debater and an even worse loser. Stalkers are generally people who take things too seriously.

I have no interest in knowing anything about you, RV. I just come here to discuss sports and politics. You claim that I take things too seriously and in the same post admit to stalking. Crazy only begins to describe that kind of behavior.
Where did I admit to stalking? I just said I have tons of your "Obama won't win" stuff. Don't be vain, I have tons of the same quotes from your two brothers on here. It's just fun to see you all so sure Obama will lose, when it's a dead heat. That's why I save all your "so sure Obama loses" quotes. I'm just hoping I'll have a big ass thread of your President Romney quotes.
TheRealVille Wrote:Where did I admit to stalking? I just said I have tons of your "Obama won't win" stuff. Don't be vain, I have tons of the same quotes from your two brothers on here. It's just fun to see you all so sure Obama will lose, when it's a dead heat. That's why I save all your "so sure Obama loses" quotes. I'm just hoping I'll have a big ass thread of your President Romney quotes.
If Obama wins, eating crow about my predictions will be the least of my worries. I will be almost as worried if Romney wins by a narrow margin because Obama strikes me as a very sore loser. A close election means a very dangerous lame duck session of Congress.
As far as stalking goes, you call my name out in tons more posts than I do yours. You also won't let a post of mine go without responding. I beg to differ on who the stalker is. Hmmmm, I don't even remember calling your name out in a post, before you have even posted in it. You called me out in post #1. Stalker.
TheRealVille Wrote:As far as stalking goes, you call my name out in tons more posts than I do yours. You also won't let a post of mine go without responding. I beg to differ on who the stalker is. Hmmmm, I don't even remember calling your name out in a post, before you have even posted in it.
Then you have a short memory. I have never thrown out your age or any other personal information in a post and the fact that you have shows that you have asked around about my identity. That is what I call stalking.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Then you have a short memory. I have never thrown out your age or any other personal information in a post and the fact that you have shows that you have asked around about my identity. That is what I call stalking.
I don't know your age, or who you are, and could not care less about either, but it isn't hard to figure stuff out with remembering what you post on here about your schooling, and work history, and years of each. That is what I call bullshitting you about what I know about you, lol.
Hoot Gibson Wrote::Thumbs: If these results are accurate, it means that Obama's GOTV effort has been a big flop so far. Democrats need extra time to get their supporters to the polls because so many of them have to be loaded onto buses and driven to the polls. Obama voters do not seem to need more coaxing than Romney voters do and these results reflect that fact.

These poll results will have Democrats in panic mode.

A large percentage of Kardashian supporters aren't motivated to do anything other than collect welfare payments. They certainly have no motivation to work. If you mention the word "work" around them, many go into a fetal position. However, they will all be bused to the voting booth and instructed to look for the chicken.
To put the significance of the early voting results in this election into context, according to Gallup, Romney holds a 7 percent lead. On Oct. 31, 2008, Gallup estimated that Obama held a 15 percent lead over McCain in early voting.

From 2008:

Quote:Interest High: One in Five Have Already Voted

These early voters are more likely to say they have voted for Barack Obama than for John McCain, by a 55% to 40% margin. Among those who plan to vote on Election Day, the spread is much closer -- only a 48% to 45% Obama advantage.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If Obama wins, eating crow about my predictions will be the least of my worries. I will be almost as worried if Romney wins by a narrow margin because Obama strikes me as a very sore loser. A close election means a very dangerous lame duck session of Congress.

If Obama wins thats what we will be eating and that is not sarcasm.

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