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Say Hello to the New 29 Hour Work Week
"In the Washington Post, Robert Samuelson highlights how Obamacare would needlessly complicate our society, make it more maddeningly litigious, give the I.R.S. more prominence, and make it harder for workers to get employers to give them so much as 30 hours a week. In other words, under Obamacare, get ready for the prominence of the 29-hour work week — with corresponding pay."

Across the nation more and more companies have had to resort to cutting hours to avoid the consequences of ObamaCare. So, as just one unintended consequence of the passage of ObamaCare, folks who are already cash strapped, find they must now learn to live somehow on 29 hours a week. Or, try to work more than one job.
Our road crew boys have a 29 hour week by Wednesday most weeks they get at least 10-15 hours of overtime. I don't see how a lot of people are gonna make it with this new law in place.
Typical Obama and his liberal friends.
They dont think anything threw and dont realize the consequences.

If they really want the economy to get better, (which i honestly dont believe they do, it doesnt work for a socialist government) then they should have known employers would do this, furthering the depression. (And yes, i call it a depression, the recession was over years ago)
Well, I don't think they have the experience to think anything through. Not that you could tell them that. For a clear view on the matter, and if you like a good book to read once I a while, "The Amateur" by Edward Klein is worth the price. It wasn't Klein who dubbed Obama an amateur however, it was none other than the venerable William Jefferson Clinton.

According to Klein, Obama doesn't understand basic American idealism and in fact, his presidency embodies his own personal rage against everything he feels is wrong with our society. I believe he thinks he is fixing things, by remaking America in his vision. Sincerity not withstanding, we none the less, are in some real trouble and soon we will be out of the channel without a paddle. I believe one of the last markers for our nation, if not the very last, before we launch out into the deep, may well be the mid-terms of 2014. If we can gain enough seats in the senate. We might manage to stall the liberal agenda enough until 2016 to at least keep a marker in sight. At such time, Obama and his legions of anti-American kooks, Czars, movers and shakers all, by virtue of the power of the presidency, will have to clear out of DC.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, I don't think they have the experience to think anything through. Not that you could tell them that. For a clear view on the matter, and if you like a good book to read once I a while, "The Amateur" by Edward Klein is worth the price. It wasn't Klein who dubbed Obama an amateur however, it was none other than the venerable William Jefferson Clinton.

According to Klein, Obama doesn't understand basic American idealism and in fact, his presidency embodies his own personal rage against everything he feels is wrong with our society. I believe he thinks he is fixing things, by remaking America in his vision. Sincerity not withstanding, we none the less, are in some real trouble and soon we will be out of the channel without a paddle. I believe one of the last markers for our nation, if not the very last, before we launch out into the deep, may well be the mid-terms of 2014. If we can gain enough seats in the senate. We might manage to stall the liberal agenda enough until 2016 to at least keep a marker in sight. At such time, Obama and his legions of anti-American kooks, Czars, movers and shakers all, by virtue of the power of the presidency, will have to clear out of DC.

That's one of the big, big problems of our society, electing people because they are "cool" rather than competent and experienced. Like you had mentioned in a post a while back, there is no substitute for experience. According to liberals, it's all about having degrees and as much "education" as possible. The result? An inexperienced group that doesn't know what in the world is going on, and then Obamacare gets rammed through congress. I hope, for America's sake, that we wake up at mid-terms.
WideRight05 Wrote:That's one of the big, big problems of our society, electing people because they are "cool" rather than competent and experienced. Like you had mentioned in a post a while back, there is no substitute for experience. According to liberals, it's all about having degrees and as much "education" as possible. The result? An inexperienced group that doesn't know what in the world is going on, and then Obamacare gets rammed through congress. I hope, for America's sake, that we wake up at mid-terms.

Your analysis is correct. However, America will never change. Our elections are now decided by the "will nots" who feel they are entitled to live off the rest of us. That isn't going to change.

One side supports opportunity to earn your way to success. The other side offers handouts. The younger populace of this country is primarily made up of lazy dullards- uneducated and unmotivated. They decide the elections. They obviously will keep electing those who buy their votes with promises of more and more "entitlements". I know this because, as a college professor, I see them every day. They don't know the name of their congressman but they can name the Kardashian sisters. They are ill-prepared by the government schools and, thus, a very large percentage of them take remedial courses. And, with all the various and sundry handouts and grants, the taxpayers foot the bill.

What can the side that stands for individual initiative do? I suppose they can become like the other side. They seem to be moving in that direction. However, in truth, they can never out give those who have a long and established history of trading giveaways for votes.

Khrushchev said that this country would destroy itself from within. It looks like he was right.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Your analysis is correct. However, America will never change. Our elections are now decided by the "will nots" who feel they are entitled to live off the rest of us. That isn't going to change.

One side supports opportunity to earn your way to success. The other side offers handouts. The younger populace of this country is primarily made up of lazy dullards- uneducated and unmotivated. They decide the elections. They obviously will keep electing those who buy their votes with promises of more and more "entitlements". I know this because, as a college professor, I see them every day. They don't know the name of their congressman but they can name the Kardashian sisters. They are ill-prepared by the government schools and, thus, a very large percentage of them take remedial courses. And, with all the various and sundry handouts and grants, the taxpayers foot the bill.

What can the side that stands for individual initiative do? I suppose they can become like the other side. They seem to be moving in that direction. However, in truth, they can never out give those who have a long and established history of trading giveaways for votes.

Khrushchev said that this country would destroy itself from within. It looks like he was right.

You are right HRV, and what is scary is that the "takers" reproduce at a much faster rate than the people who contribute.
WideRight05 Wrote:You are right HRV, and what is scary is that the "takers" reproduce at a much faster rate than the people who contribute.

Yes, indeed they do so. Of course, other than picking up their freebies and handouts on a regular basis, what else do they have to do with all that "idle" time?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Yes, indeed they do so. Of course, other than picking up their freebies and handouts on a regular basis, what else do they have to do with all that "idle" time?

They are "productive!" No pun intended. They probably play their XBox systems and drink lots of beer.
vector Wrote:
Shhhhh. They think it's "Obamacare". Confusedhh: They really don't, but they don't know squat about healthcare. They won't even listen to the one person on this board that knows healthcare.
Threw my companies HSA plan, we have a deductable of 2000. Once you met that 2000, the company use to give us 400 tax free back so we really only had 1600.

One of the many issues of obamacare and on one of the thousands of pages of it, it no longer allows employers to do this. So now, im out 400 more dollars due to obamacare.

On an interesting note, due to obamacare, employs here at the local burger king have to pay almost 350 a month for health insurance. So minum wage workers spend almost half there pay on health insurance if they want it.

So yes, your liberal obamacare is doing such great things for both the middle class and poverty level people, which is where most of his votes came from wasnt it? Confusedhh:
TheRealVille Wrote:Shhhhh. They think it's "Obamacare". Confusedhh: They really don't, but they don't know squat about healthcare. They won't even listen to the one person on this board that knows healthcare.

You guys just decided to run right over the opening line in the article you cited huh?
"Employees are increasingly losing employer-sponsored health-care plans, but they can’t blame the new health-care reform entirely for their lost coverage."

Not only are employees going to be losing their health care coverage in droves, they're likely to lose their jobs as well. When the US Government decided to force other people to pay for poor folks insurance and treatments, they bit off more that they could chew. Employers will shut their doors long before they give up the fortunes they have worked so hard to amass.
TheRealThing Wrote:You guys just decided to run right over the opening line in the article you cited huh?
"Employees are increasingly losing employer-sponsored health-care plans, but they can’t blame the new health-care reform entirely for their lost coverage."

Not only are employees going to be losing their health care coverage in droves, they're likely to lose their jobs as well. When the US Government decided to force other people to pay for poor folks insurance and treatments, they bit off more that they could chew. Employers will shut their doors long before they give up the fortunes they have worked so hard to amass.
My daughter in law just got her hours cut to 29 a week. They have a new baby and she will have to find full time work if possible. The company she works for will not make it in my opinion. Their sales were down anyway and now they are running off the good workers with these rules.
the other guy Wrote:My daughter in law just got her hours cut to 29 a week. They have a new baby and she will have to find full time work if possible. The company she works for will not make it in my opinion. Their sales were down anyway and now they are running off the good workers with these rules.

Sorry to hear that other guy. Hope she finds the job she needs very soon.

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