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Paintsville-91 Sheldon Clark-64
TheFan3 Wrote:Did u reveiw the tape where u could tell he didnt do on purpose. Because from where i was he didnt. It was an accident. If you know grimm the way I know him and all he doesnt play dirty nor cheap. Look at all his games he doesnt do anythign stupid.

I agree, he does not play dirty or cheap he plays hard, and those things happen when you do. I was there also and I didn't think he hit him, but, if he did it was not intentional. Both are great kids and I hate to see that happen.
I also agree that the refs were terrible the two T"S they called on I think #33 for SC were unjustified.
Sounds like a rough game matter pretty or ugly i guess all it comes down to is the win or a loss....But this puts my tigers at 7-0..keep up the good work boys....And i also wish the best to Goble and hope he is alright
Best of wishes to Goble. Hope he recovers from this. Keep us updated.
Is there any new updates on Goble? wish him the best of luck!
Ridge Runner Wrote:Funny. OTH got baned for "insulting" another poster, by calling him a dumb donkey. But, I guess it's fine to "insult" a highschool kid on here by calling him uncllassy.

There were 2 SC players and Grimm in the same area. From the way it looked the kid was hit by his own player.

Didn't call grimm unclassy, I said it was a unclassy move.
Cards09 Wrote:Oh he didnt get hit by his own player we reviewed the tape last night and grimm took his elbow and put it right in the back of his head.
and the last i heard on goble he had blood coming out of the back of his eye socket.

I never said grim didn't do it. I said from the way it looked. i am sure the camera had a different angle than I. But, I can assure you Grimm wouldn't do something like that on purpose. He just flat out plays hard.
devilhead Wrote:Didn't call grimm unclassy, I said it was a unclassy move.

Same thing. Rolleyes
A bad screen in general is a pretty unclassy move. There are more dumb fouls from the result of a bad or illegal screen, on both sides of the ball than any move on the court in high school ball. Shane Grimm is always seemed to me to be a nice young man. The Goble boy as well. The problem both were competing at 110%. The result was a bad one because of it. The refs set that horrible roughness early on by some calls they made. The refs on the other hand should maybe stick to middle school games. Assistant Coach Allen for SC got technical and he is usually a very level headed man. I believe that same ref squad had screwed up some calls in prior games involving SC based on how man Allen got at one of them.
I could see Grimm or any of the Painstville players pulling a dirty move like that for meaness. I know them all in person and they are all cheap shotters if they are getting a taste of their own medicine. Pure garbage to have a kid knocked out cold. That's not called playing hard or 110%, that's called playing stupid, errogant, and cheap. You people act like it's easy for a basketball player to get knocked out cold in the middle of the game?? That's not an every day thing folks. Maybe in football you get knocked out cold. It's not meant to get knocked out cold in the game of basketball where you are never supposed to put your hands or elbows to someone's face or back of their head. The body or jersey isn't even supposed to be pulled on or tugged at, let alone the face getting punched and back of the head getting drilled with an elbow.
Good win for the Tigers!
Watchful Eye Wrote:A bad screen in general is a pretty unclassy move. There are more dumb fouls from the result of a bad or illegal screen, on both sides of the ball than any move on the court in high school ball. Shane Grimm is always seemed to me to be a nice young man. The Goble boy as well. The problem both were competing at 110%. The result was a bad one because of it. The refs set that horrible roughness early on by some calls they made. The refs on the other hand should maybe stick to middle school games. Assistant Coach Allen for SC got technical and he is usually a very level headed man. I believe that same ref squad had screwed up some calls in prior games involving SC based on how man Allen got at one of them.
:confused: How could a crew cause a game to be rough by calls they made? A lack of calls could lead to a game getting out of hand, but I don't understand what ya mean that they caused the game to be rough by calls that they made early on. Help understand. Sad
TheFan3 Wrote:Did u reveiw the tape where u could tell he didnt do on purpose. Because from where i was he didnt. It was an accident. If you know grimm the way I know him and all he doesnt play dirty nor cheap. Look at all his games he doesnt do anythign stupid.

I agree. I'd say that oif Grimm knows of the Goble kid's injury, he feels badly about it. He's a good boy. I'm sure both are good boys and big time competitors.
timtherebel23 Wrote:I could see Grimm or any of the Painstville players pulling a dirty move like that for meaness. I know them all in person and they are all cheap shotters if they are getting a taste of their own medicine. Pure garbage to have a kid knocked out cold. That's not called playing hard or 110%, that's called playing stupid, errogant, and cheap. You people act like it's easy for a basketball player to get knocked out cold in the middle of the game?? That's not an every day thing folks. Maybe in football you get knocked out cold. It's not meant to get knocked out cold in the game of basketball where you are never supposed to put your hands or elbows to someone's face or back of their head. The body or jersey isn't even supposed to be pulled on or tugged at, let alone the face getting punched and back of the head getting drilled with an elbow.

Well Paintsville is as rough as any other team. But they wouldn't do something as bad as what happened to Goble on purpose. If you claim to know them well, you must not know them that well. They are too smart and dedicated to doing something stupid such as that on the court. But anyway, you are right about basketball players getting knocked out cold being rare. I've watched Paintsville for years and can't recall it happening. That seems odd for a bunch of cheap shotters as you call them. However, I've seen a few hospital required injuries, but not in Paintsville games.

Now, as for your comment that there should be no tugging of the jersey, then why was SC players all over the Tigers the entire game. Geez, one foul called on SC had a SC player with am arm lock on Landon as he came up with a rebound. How is that not a foul and how is that playing basketball. This was a basketball game not a wrestling match. And several of the SC players were tugging jerseys many times. That is common. So don't give me that bunch of garbage that SC players are a bunch of little saints and Paintsville is a bunch of thugs. Basketball is rough and things happen. Players play hard and Paintsville's get as much as they give. And yes players have to go to the hospital from time to time due to accidents. Fortunately it is rare. A lot of players will take cheap shots, Paintsville received many in the game with SC last night and that is just part of it. But I sure don't know of any basketball players around here that have intentionally injured another player to the point of knocking him out on purpose and sending him to the hospital. Any player that would do that needs to be in the stands not on the floor. So get over it. I hope Goble is okay and it is unfortunate that he was knocked out, but don't get on here and blast the Tiger players unless you are prepared to discuss your own players first.
devilhead Wrote:Yes it was, Goble was taken to hospitial, don't know his condition yet, hope he is ok. That was a very low and unclassy move by Grimm. Cards played tough and actually lead towards the end of first half. At one point in second half the fouls were 14 - 2. Not sure how the fouls could be that lopsided with 2 teams playing as hard and physical as they both were.

Unclassy the kid hit him in the face the play before that
wasn't there but can tell you that I have seen enough basketball to know that cheapshots are a part of the game. Name a team out there that doesn't on occasion? If you ca, then you mmust only watch the ball. It happens in every game, watch the lane next game. Unfortunate that Goble was hurt, but it happens. No one but Grimm knows if he really wanted to hurt Goble or if he was just letting him know he was there.
Congrats Tigers!
Steven is okay (I guess). I'm pretty sure my dad said he has a concussion and I'm sure he has a pretty bad headache. He didn't play tonight; he didn't even go to the game so he could rest. I really hate this for him since it's his senior season. I don't know what happened exactly because I wasn't at the game, but from what I hear it was not pretty.

Get well soon Steven! Hope you feel better!
Ring'Em Up Wrote::confused: How could a crew cause a game to be rough by calls they made? A lack of calls could lead to a game getting out of hand, but I don't understand what ya mean that they caused the game to be rough by calls that they made early on. Help understand. Sad

Ring'em Up, what I was attempting to get across was that the really early fouls that were pretty physical were not called. I don't know if it was the location of the refs or maybe a player in front of them but bottom line they were not called. Soon after they gained a little progression in contact, meaning they got a little rougher. Whether it was attempting to block a shot or keeping your man from driving the lane, it got rough. SC set a screen, Grimm tried to get through it. Despite what anybody else might run off at the mouth and say, it was not intentional. A young man got hurt and it was and is horrible.
Guru you are 100% right. They are cheapshots in EVERY game. I hope everybody else with a little bit of sense realizes that.
That's cool. That's what thru me off, when ya said calls they made, but if it said calls they didn't make, I could understand that. Glad to hear the kid is doing better.
Congrats Paintsville!!
Good to hear that Goble is alright!!
Goble is fine. I talked to him today and he said that he has a slight concussion but should be ready for Maggofin Co.

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