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First Black President?
So much has been made of the fact that Obama will become the first black President in US history. My question is with one black parent and one white parent, under this criteria, could he also be the next white President. What is everyones thoughts?
Hands down he is black
There used to be a saying, that even "one drop" of African American blood made a person black.
I heard on the radio this morning that he considers himself black. He said that while growing up that American Society forced him to be "black".
Yeah, I know, he may be the first mixed-raced president, but he isn't entirely African American.
This has been discussed. He's 50% White, 42% Arab, and 8% Black. If anything he is Arab American.

Why do you think he doesn't want to release his college transcripts to the public? Because he applied to school as an Arab.
LOL Who cares? What difference does it make?
DevilsWin Wrote:LOL Who cares? What difference does it make?

Yeah you say that to Oprah and you'll see who cares............Smile
Beetle01 Wrote:This has been discussed. He's 50% White, 42% Arab, and 8% Black. If anything he is Arab American.

Why do you think he doesn't want to release his college transcripts to the public? Because he applied to school as an Arab.

42% Arab???? What the heck??? LOL

I thought his father was from Kenya....isn't that in Africa??? And why would he even have to release his college transcripts??? Some of you are wanting this man to do things that has not been asked of any other President in history!
cheerdad Wrote:42% Arab???? What the heck??? LOL

I thought his father was from Kenya....isn't that in Africa??? And why would he even have to release his college transcripts??? Some of you are wanting this man to do things that has not been asked of any other President in history!

Smile Smile

None of the other "firsts" of his election have seemed to bother him. Confusedhh:
I think he's actually 41.785% Arab!Smile
Super-Card Wrote:Yeah you say that to Oprah and you'll see who cares............Smile
Why should I care about what Oprah thinks?
DevilsWin Wrote:I think he's actually 41.785% Arab!Smile
Barack Obama invited Andy Kennedy to the transition team office. Kennedy arrived with fifteen extra people. Obama told him that was too many for the fire code and that they couldn't all come in. Kennedy tried to punch him and called him derogatory names based on the Islamic religion and Middle Eastern politics. "Andy Kennedy" goes by a lot of names on BGR.
I don't care if he is Arab, White, Black or w/e. I just hope he does a good job. So far has been wishy washy, he promised transparency and definetly hasn't delivered on that. So far its been same ol same ol. Yet Im not going to judge until he is actually in office.

Why Kenya is part of Africa, Barack's family descends from the Arab region, they were slave traders who came to Africa to sell blacks into slavery, which is why I find it somewhat hilarious all the black people getting behind him. He had one black person in his family and that was his great grandmother.
DevilsWin Wrote:Why should I care about what Oprah thinks?

I'll punch Oprah in the :redboxer:
Ever seen the picure of his Dad? I would say "African" would be a FAIR assessment.
vundy33 Wrote:I'll punch Oprah in the :redboxer:

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