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Dianne Feinstein vents ire over 'avalanche of leaks'
If loose lips sink ships, then the U.S. Navy is heading for rough waters. When liberals like California liberal Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein starts criticizing the Obama administration for national security leaks, you know that his campaign is in trouble.

Quote:[COLOR="Blue"]Dianne Feinstein vents ire over 'avalanche of leaks'

In a televised interview Wednesday, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein repeatedly vented her ire over leaks of classified information and she signaled that she favors a more aggressive crackdown on those who are passing national security secrets to the press.

"What we're an Anschluss, an avalanche of leaks. And it's very, very disturbing. You know, it's dismayed our allies. It puts American lives in jeopardy. It puts our nation's security in jeopardy," Feinstein (D-Calif.) said on CNN's "Situation Room" program. She said the Senate Intelligence Committee plans to meet Thursday morning with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to discuss the issue.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If loose lips sink ships, then the U.S. Navy is heading for rough waters. When liberals like California liberal Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein starts criticizing the Obama administration for national security leaks, you know that his campaign is in trouble.


From top to bottom they have no honor. Nothing is sacred except their own egos. I would bet "Hail To the Chief" plays in Obama's head 24/7.
TheRealThing Wrote:From top to bottom they have no honor. Nothing is sacred except their own egos. I would bet "Hail To the Chief" plays in Obama's head 24/7.
Remember the outrage of the Democrats and their media allies when a diplomat working for Colin Powell leaked the fact that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA? The special prosecutor continued to investigate after he already knew the name of the leaker and sent Scooter Libby to prison. Now, the media does not seem to have much interest in holding the Obama White House accountable for far more damaging leaks.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Remember the outrage of the Democrats and their media allies when a diplomat working for Colin Powell leaked the fact that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA? The special prosecutor continued to investigate after he already knew the name of the leaker and sent Scooter Libby to prison. Now, the media does not seem to have much interest in holding the Obama White House accountable for far more damaging leaks.

Of course not, they're all on the same team. Hence the term, 'media bias'.

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