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Interrogation Techniques

I may end up deleting this thread, but I would really like to hear your opinions on this matter. I've seen pictures popping up on my facebook page of Americans just before beheaded with a knife and folks jumping/falling out of the World Trade Center because they were trying to get away from the fire.

Do the ends justify the means??

What do you guys think???
Senator Feinstein is a piece of shit. If anyone is harmed by her demanding this unnecessary report be released she should spend the rest of her hopefully short life in prison. Their so called investigation into the CIA techniques didn't include any interviews of CIA leaders or anyone for that matter. I guess that old hag has already forgotten these people flew planes into buildings killing thousands, and are beheading Americans to this day.
When at war one does not do things in a dainty or humane fashion. This thing we call terrorism, is the occasional boiling over of a pot full of ill will. In this case the size and depth of said pot is nearly unfathomable and has been going on since the beginning of time. Somebody needs to explain that fact to our Secretary of State. But I digress, recently we were very concerned about the potential for epidemic that the Ebola threat posed, and we reacted accordingly. Conversely, we have failed to recognize the epidemic threat the hatred harbored by these third world nations pose to world peace and have buried our heads in the sand.

The beginnings of terror were relatively benign and we seemingly dealt with the plots and suicide bombers with a measure of confidence. Then came 911 and suddenly we realized the need to step up our efforts. Here we are 13 years later and we've seen something our government has errantly dubbed the Arab Spring, and one of the major players in the world of terror will soon be a nuclear power. That player is none other than Iran, whose very existence is tied their oath to wipe Israel off the map and those who support her. And, like Ebola is no respecter of persons when it comes to who it victimizes, Iran and other Arab World nations are not afraid to 'bring it' when it comes to attacking the USA.

As I have mentioned in the past, we've always had pacifists in our midst. They marched behind banners in the streets of America before and after we declared war on Japan, and many have found their way into high elected office in our day. Communication as well as a show of love and support for their issues and problems, won't amount to spitting into a fire. These peoples are our enemies and the only way we will ever keep them at bay is by military power and the strength of character necessary to wield it.

I mentioned the boiling pot of hatred. The world will be consumed by war according to scripture, and that war will boil up from Mesopotamia. If what we are seeing is not the build up to that war, it will certainly do as an appropriate dress rehearsal. IMO, we're in denial about all this, in just the exact same manner we were in denial about the coming war on those blissfully beautiful mornings of Dec. 7, 1941 and to a lesser degree on Sept. 11, 2001.

I wrote about the systemic failure of the state department in the Benghazi attack. Hillary, with her recent call for a mass sending of love letters to these thugs under the pacifist banner she is branding as 'smart power', has in my opinion validated my observations on the matter. Bearing one's neck to the wolves is hardly the preferred course of action when he is at bay, but that is exactly what I believe likely happened in Benghazi. And that is exactly what we are doing in downsizing our military because liberals are listening to the voices in their heads telling them that man has 'evolved' past large scale war.

There is no logic applicable to releasing the report you mention. Rather, it is blind allegiance to an ideological bent, pacifism and liberalism go hand in hand. And IMO, once attacked the ends do justify the means. One forfeits his standing when murdering over 3,000 innocent civilians and running up a 3 trillion dollar bill to clean up the mess. AFTR, I for one am sick of Obama trying to define "who we are", how would he know anyway, he spent much of his childhood out of country.

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