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Shelby Valley- 74 Johnson Central- 53
BigBlueNation Wrote:Coach McKenzie has given all the players on the bench many opportunities to prove themselves. Sounds like to me this a parent of a player or a player that is not getting to play. These are the people that complain the program is in distress when your kid is not getting to play or you as a player are not playing.

Irrelevant, as either a player or parent. Look at the season, stats throughout the season and who was in the game at those times. I am not bashing anyone nor do I care who plays how much, but as a spectator I CAN SEE. Yes there are players sitting that could have made a difference in any one of JC losses. I have not traveled away with this team but have listened to most away games and have just about called coach M. moves before he applies it. I will not be convinced that jc should have lost this many games to whom that team has lost to. This group of kids is probably the most talented group as a whole Jc has had in years, and only a handful are permitted to see more than a minute or so. And in most cases the overlooked players are the very ones contributing in the end ???? I will close by stating a fact, In the Les Trimble, Mark Starns eras Jc gymnasium was all but filled, no problem finding a seat these days as not much happening in the way of wins. This is not the players at fault. You figure it out!!!
SE04 Wrote:Im not sure about them being a parent or not but I can tell you this much Coach McKenzie has a very deep bench that could help if they seen playing time. I do not agree with his starting 5 at all and I believe the best players he has are spending more time warming the bench then in the game.

EXACTLY STATED, and parent, player, spectator, Valley fan, Paintsville dad, mom, lawrence Co. Board member, or just an average joe. It does not matter. Ther are kids that can turn this program around if permitted.
SE04 Wrote:Im not sure about them being a parent or not but I can tell you this much Coach McKenzie has a very deep bench that could help if they seen playing time. I do not agree with his starting 5 at all and I believe the best players he has are spending more time warming the bench then in the game.

If you know so much please tell everyone the players that are spending more time on the bench than in the game? I have watched a few games and the only one that has any ground to stand on is the Parker kid but as a freshman I think he fits coming off the bench. I have not seen any player step up and demand more playing time. I think the Vance kid is coming along pretty good. I am not saying that you are wrong but I was just wandering who you are talking about?
I agree. JC has quality players on the bench. When you don"t prepare these players under the lights then they are not ready to play.
SE04 Wrote:Im not sure about them being a parent or not but I can tell you this much Coach McKenzie has a very deep bench that could help if they seen playing time. I do not agree with his starting 5 at all and I believe the best players he has are spending more time warming the bench then in the game.

I have visited this site for some time and have never posted but this thread has caught my attention. I also have noticed that Centrals startes are not getting the job done. I can't figure why so much more equal talent remains on the sideline and when given an opportunity it is too little too late.

20/20 Wrote:If you know so much please tell everyone the players that are spending more time on the bench than in the game? I have watched a few games and the only one that has any ground to stand on is the Parker kid but as a freshman I think he fits coming off the bench. I have not seen any player step up and demand more playing time. I think the Vance kid is coming along pretty good. I am not saying that you are wrong but I was just wandering who you are talking about?

I have witnessed some of the central games and other teams in the 57th. Some players that come to mind are Parker- for one is deserving and was a force I understand against SV. What about the Smith kid, he seems to be pretty solid and basically shut down Adams in the second half of Pikeville game. There is another player that central could benefit from , The Dale kid could step up and really make a difference with his ability to score. He has came in late and outscored some of centrals starters in only a couple minutes. Paintsville and montgomery Co. are a couple games for instance, If I recall I think he was centrals leading scorer against MC in only four or five minutes. Another that comes to mind is JK hall he has great defensive capabilities and looks more solid than most starters he really works his behind off in there and does not see the floor as often as he should. Yet another would be the older of the Bratton brothers he should be a force next year as a senior but does not see any time to develop himself. These are kids that should be playing more and maybe central could turn this around, however I think it might be not soon enough.
Congrats Valley
[quote=bballs]Irrelevant, as either a player or parent. Look at the season, stats throughout the season and who was in the game at those times. I am not bashing anyone nor do I care who plays how much, but as a spectator I CAN SEE. Yes there are players sitting that could have made a difference in any one of JC losses. I have not traveled away with this team but have listened to most away games and have just about called coach M. moves before he applies it. I will not be convinced that jc should have lost this many games to whom that team has lost to. This group of kids is probably the most talented group as a whole Jc has had in years, and only a handful are permitted to see more than a minute or so. And in most cases the overlooked players are the very ones contributing in the end ???? I will close by stating a fact, In the Les Trimble, Mark Starns eras Jc gymnasium was all but filled, no problem finding a seat these days as not much happening in the way of wins. This is not the players at fault. You figure it out!!![/quo

Please tell me then who should be playing, since apparently you know everything about this basketball team and its history with coaches. You know if you are this upset give Coach McKenzie a call. If not, then quit complaining on here, because no one on here can do anything about, but Coach McKenzie.
BigBlueNation Wrote:[quote=bballs]Irrelevant, as either a player or parent. Look at the season, stats throughout the season and who was in the game at those times. I am not bashing anyone nor do I care who plays how much, but as a spectator I CAN SEE. Yes there are players sitting that could have made a difference in any one of JC losses. I have not traveled away with this team but have listened to most away games and have just about called coach M. moves before he applies it. I will not be convinced that jc should have lost this many games to whom that team has lost to. This group of kids is probably the most talented group as a whole Jc has had in years, and only a handful are permitted to see more than a minute or so. And in most cases the overlooked players are the very ones contributing in the end ???? I will close by stating a fact, In the Les Trimble, Mark Starns eras Jc gymnasium was all but filled, no problem finding a seat these days as not much happening in the way of wins. This is not the players at fault. You figure it out!!![/quo

Please tell me then who should be playing, since apparently you know everything about this basketball team and its history with coaches. You know if you are this upset give Coach McKenzie a call. If not, then quit complaining on here, because no one on here can do anything about, but Coach McKenzie.

I don't profess to know anything, just stating facts. Sorry I upset you this bad apparently you are a parent and/or affiliated with school, coach or other???? looks like some on here agree though.:confused:
SE04 Wrote:Im not sure about them being a parent or not but I can tell you this much Coach McKenzie has a very deep bench that could help if they seen playing time. I do not agree with his starting 5 at all and I believe the best players he has are spending more time warming the bench then in the game.

Well whatever he is doing with his starters and bench, it doesn't seem to be working for him this year. JC should be doing better than they have been doing. Last night there was no DEFENSE at all. There is no excuse for this. Players standing around, no arms out and SV continually going back door on them while they just stood there. Where is the intensity????
To be honest, I have only seen JC 2 times this year. But I know these kids pretty well. And like 20/20 and BigBlueNation on here, I am interested in who some on here should be seeing more time. I really think that JC starts their best line-up. I saw where one on here didn't agree with any of them starting??? That blows me away!
Everyone of JC's fans were thrilled when McKenzie was named Head Coach, and now several seem to think he has done injustices to them.
bbduke mentioned the Dale kid, I really like Mike but against Paintsville, he was brought in and played against the second and third string. Paintsville was just trying to get the game over and JC was pressing like it was a 2 point game, came up with a few turnovers and Dale was lucky enough to convert. Does this mean he should start? Not IMO.
Parker has played great off the bench, but I would bring him off the bench as well. Maybe these kids need to get in done in practice more and earn their PT there instead of waiting for the team to fall apart so that they get it handed to them by default.
I honestly can't think of one kid that should start, that already isn't.
But I will admit that I am not as close to the situation as others, this is just an outsider looking in.
Maybe I need to keep it that
It's sad that those from within the program (parents, players, etc.) who are not happy-generally from a lack of playing time, will go to great lengths to destroy their program. I can understand the players getting frustrated, but I'm sure most understand why they are not playing-you have to earn it on and off the floor. These kids are torn though, I am sure, because there parents sit at home bashing the coach for all the "wrong" decisions being made. Basketball and all other sports are extremely important in the social, phsicial, and emotional development of these teenagers--too bad a few mad people-bballs andy bbduke (probably the same person/family) have to ruin it for their kids and the team

I truly hope that the players and Coaches at Johnson Central haven't read this thread. I do hope that Coach McKenzie will be at JrC for as long as he desires to be. He has a bright future with a lot of talented kids coming down the pike.
bballs Wrote:Irrelevant, as either a player or parent. Look at the season, stats throughout the season and who was in the game at those times. I am not bashing anyone nor do I care who plays how much, but as a spectator I CAN SEE. Yes there are players sitting that could have made a difference in any one of JC losses. I have not traveled away with this team but have listened to most away games and have just about called coach M. moves before he applies it. I will not be convinced that jc should have lost this many games to whom that team has lost to. This group of kids is probably the most talented group as a whole Jc has had in years, and only a handful are permitted to see more than a minute or so. And in most cases the overlooked players are the very ones contributing in the end ???? I will close by stating a fact, In the Les Trimble, Mark Starns eras Jc gymnasium was all but filled, no problem finding a seat these days as not much happening in the way of wins. This is not the players at fault. You figure it out!!!
Wow!!!! That's some statement. I think it was pretty much common knowledge to everyone that this was going to be the beginning of a major rebuilding period for Johnson Central. I think just about everyone knew that Tommy was going to be faced with the unenviable task of trying to work miracles with a very young group of players as a whole. It almost seemed unfair to stick him into the situation of having to clean up the mess and absolute disaster that Starnes left in his first year at the helm. You have to go back to the early 90's to find a team that anyone has had less to work with than this current squad, with perhaps Les Trimble's first team back in 2001 being the exception. There may be some future talent there, but it is all just that, future. Sheeesh, give both Tommy and the players both a chance to develope.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Wow!!!! That's some statement. I think it was pretty much common knowledge to everyone that this was going to be the beginning of a major rebuilding period for Johnson Central. I think just about everyone knew that Tommy was going to be faced with the unenviable task of trying to work miracles with a very young group of players as a whole. It almost seemed unfair to stick him into the situation of having to clean up the mess and absolute disaster that Starnes left in his first year at the helm. You have to go back to the early 90's to find a team that anyone has had less to work with than this current squad, with perhaps Les Trimble's first team back in 2001 being the exception. There may be some future talent there, but it is all just that, future. Sheeesh, give both Tommy and the players both a chance to develope.

I am sorry that everyone thinks I am some mad parent/player or Tommy basher. Everyone here is entitled to an opinion and mine is just as correct as anyone elses. REBUILDING!!!! There are several kids on the team young however all five starters are, 2 seniors 3 juniors. equals 5. at least 2 more juniors and 1 senior on team. equals 8. maybe a couple sophomore equals 10, over 2/3 of team has High school time under there belt so why do you state that Tommys job is so difficult, Oh yeah Blame it on Mark Starns he really came in and just tore things up didn't he?????? what are you saying that jc players are not disciplined??? You might have just made the worst statement on this thread as I have never said that there is nothing to work with on this team. We apparently only have a couple YOUNG kids there that you think will ever step up ?????? future talent, it is there now. Parker is as solid a player as some starters and Jk hall is already talented so are Smith, Dale,Vance and so forth. I simply do see talent at JC and what games I have made do believe that things could be different.You have to utilize these kids not throw them in when you know you are gonna lose???? I also will add that the starters are probably correct but my point has been there is more over there. Have some faith, If you are gonna lose this many games, experiment a little see what might happen, Try something different, dont panic, Tommy doesn't have it bad at all. Now it is apparent that you and Big blue nation are the experts and I am just a ticked off parent or player. SORRY.
57thScarlett Wrote:It's sad that those from within the program (parents, players, etc.) who are not happy-generally from a lack of playing time, will go to great lengths to destroy their program. I can understand the players getting frustrated, but I'm sure most understand why they are not playing-you have to earn it on and off the floor. These kids are torn though, I am sure, because there parents sit at home bashing the coach for all the "wrong" decisions being made. Basketball and all other sports are extremely important in the social, phsicial, and emotional development of these teenagers--too bad a few mad people-bballs andy bbduke (probably the same person/family) have to ruin it for their kids and the team

I truly hope that the players and Coaches at Johnson Central haven't read this thread. I do hope that Coach McKenzie will be at JrC for as long as he desires to be. He has a bright future with a lot of talented kids coming down the pike.

I am Not at all mad or frustrated. PLEASE refrain from calling me a Tommy Mckenzie Bashing parent ??? I guess because my opinion is what it is I have ruined JC basketball and those kids ??? WOW !!!!!
Spud,Conley,Welch and whitaker all started last year. Frustration from alot of fans because of the record. Don't know if this can be considered rebuilding. New coach, tough job and young talent that wants to see more action. Starn's struggled but Tommy was on his staff, shouldn't be that big of transition. Good luck in district play. They still are a very dangerous team.
bballs Wrote:I am sorry that everyone thinks I am some mad parent/player or Tommy basher. Everyone here is entitled to an opinion and mine is just as correct as anyone elses. REBUILDING!!!! There are several kids on the team young however all five starters are, 2 seniors 3 juniors. equals 5. at least 2 more juniors and 1 senior on team. equals 8. maybe a couple sophomore equals 10, over 2/3 of team has High school time under there belt so why do you state that Tommys job is so difficult, Oh yeah Blame it on Mark Starns he really came in and just tore things up didn't he?????? what are you saying that jc players are not disciplined??? You might have just made the worst statement on this thread as I have never said that there is nothing to work with on this team. We apparently only have a couple YOUNG kids there that you think will ever step up ?????? future talent, it is there now. Parker is as solid a player as some starters and Jk hall is already talented so are Smith, Dale,Vance and so forth. I simply do see talent at JC and what games I have made do believe that things could be different.You have to utilize these kids not throw them in when you know you are gonna lose???? I also will add that the starters are probably correct but my point has been there is more over there. Have some faith, If you are gonna lose this many games, experiment a little see what might happen, Try something different, dont panic, Tommy doesn't have it bad at all. Now it is apparent that you and Big blue nation are the experts and I am just a ticked off parent or player. SORRY.
I state that Tommy's job is difficult, because it is reality. Just the pressure of coaching at Johnson Central in its self makes it that way to begin with.

There would not be as many players on this team that would have very much experience at all if it hadn't been for the fact that last year Starnes's roster was depleated of a lot of players that just did not want to play for. Whether they had justifiable reason to do so or not do so is totally irrelevant. That fact is they did not, and as a result some underclassment got the chance. I think it is very debateable whether or not they were good enough to be considered talented replacements, but if it's all you have to put on the floor, then that's what you do. It doesn't matter if you like Starnes or not, whether you think he did a good job, or a bad job. Again, totally irrelevant. The plain fact is that the program was in shambles after his second year. That's just the plain truth of the situation.

Disciplined??? Well, I will say that there has been a major problem concerning discipline in the program for some time now that spans through many coaches tenures. Egos have at times been big problems. Player cohesiveness as well has been big concerns. And if you cannot bring yourself to realize that then you are living in a fantasy world. I will at least give Tommy credit for putting one player in check this season , for off the court issues. Some where, some time on down the line kids have to be held accountable for their personal actions. Yeah, that probably caused Tommy some problems when it came to putting the best 5 on the floor. But, it was something that IMO needed to be done, and I salute Tommy for doing what in the long run as the best thing over all for the kid. If some of this type of thing had been done in the last 15-25 years to several players (that I wont mention) you would probably see as an end result as there being an all around better program at Johnson Central. I admire him for taking a firm stand. It's about time.

As far as the worst statement ever made on here, well again you have a right to an opinion, but my statement was in fact , a true statement. There is not a great deal of upperclassman basketball talent. Some good kids and perhaps some good athletes, but I would certainly not describe them as polished basketball talent. Some may be able to shoot, but lack footspeed. Some may be able to jump, but may not have the physical stength to play at the varsity level. Some may be able to defend well, but lack the offensive capablitites. Some are just bangers , and nothing more. etc., etc., etc.

And as for your statement about anybody being an expert, maybe not, lol..... but I have probably seen more Johnson Central basketball than 98% of the the people have that post on this subject, because I can go all the way back to the inaguaral season back in '68-'69. Seen a lot of players and a lot of teams. Played the game on some pretty dang good teams. In fact, on one of the better teams to ever play in the 15th region. So I do tend to consider myself knowing of just a few things.

Again if you feel that this team is so much more talent laden than in years past, then all I have got to say, is this must be the first year you have ever watched Johnson Central play basketball.
cooter Wrote:Spud,Conley,Welch and whitaker all started last year. Frustration from alot of fans because of the record. Don't know if this can be considered rebuilding. New coach, tough job and young talent that wants to see more action. Starn's struggled but Tommy was on his staff, shouldn't be that big of transition. Good luck in district play. They still are a very dangerous team.
Spud, is a great little ball handler and can score somewhat, but he is in fact a type of player that should be considered a compliment type of player. He is not the type of player that should have the designation of being the go to guy. Conley has come a long way in a short amount of time but if you remember did not even play his freshman year. A good solid complimentary type player as well, again not someone who can take over a game. Whittaker is a good spot shooter, not someone with any footspeed at all and not much phsical strength. Remember you have to be able to play defense as well. Welch, is by far the best athlete on the team , but not a real good outside scooter or ball handler either for that matter. He does what he does with pure athleticism.

Tommy, as well as a couple of others may have indeed been on staff. but to think they may have had the first iota of an imput on anything would be very presumptuous.
Just a question to any administrators. Would it be possible to extend the edit time past 5 minutes to allow more time to go back to correct spelling or grammatical errors?
JC has only one win over a team with a winning record (West Jessamine). Tough to swallow for JC fans. Good post season could remedy everything for McKenzie.
cooter Wrote:JC has only one win over a team with a winning record (West Jessamine). Tough to swallow for JC fans. Good post season could remedy everything for McKenzie.

That's true, it might quieten some who have unrealistic expectations, but I am not so sure that he has not done just about as well as what the can considering all the factors. I remember seeing the squad at Eagle Madness, and knew then it could be a very ,very long season. And honestly they have already won more games than I thought they would. I am sure that mistakes have been made, but I hear and see people question the moves and motives of the likes of say a Bill Mike and Billy Clyde all the time as well. Goes with the territory of being a coach I guess.

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