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Court Rejects Death Penalty for Raping Children
Unbelievable. Absolutely ridiculous..This is why our country is weakening each day. You rape a defenseless child or a mentally retarded person, you get three meals a day, a bed to sleep on, showers and free medical, dental and vision! I dont care what your view on the death penalty is, but this is wrong. People have nothing to fear in this country. NOTHING. Go out and kill, rape, steal, deal drugs, whatever you want to do, and always know that you got our weakass courts standing by your sick side. Always there to protect you. Not the victim mind you, because the victims have no backing, and if they defend themselves, THEY get the same treatment as those attacking them! Clean every single person out of Washington and start all over. Our country is a pathetic shell of what it used to be. I am absolutely sickened. Shame on the courts. Shame on anybody that could defend a child rapist. Shame on anybody that could find a reason for these animals to live. Read for yourselves, it makes me ****ing sick to my stomach.
How the **** is it ruled cruel and unusual punishment, IMO you should be sentenced to death if you rape a child. I mean WTF is the court thinking?
This country is beginning to become a joke!
THIS IS A SHAME, A PURE SHAME!!! This ****es me off at our government AGAIN.. Got to go, Im a loss for words.
Holy Cow!!! Make you sick doesn't it that these ******* liberal judges decides that the rape of a defenseless child doesn't warrant the death penalty! Shame on them!!
You know you could make a difference by calling your representatives in your area and trying to get something passed to recommend the death penalty for such an act. It is your right as an American to stand up for what you believe in. The more people who call, the more likely it is that your voice will be heard. If you want child rapists to be punishable by death, then you need to take an action. Make yourself heard! But do it legally. You may never change a thing, but at least you will have tried and failed.
I'm probably the only one on here that will say this but here it goes.

The death penalty, be it by lethal injection, firing squad, electric chair, gas chamber or hanging does infact constitute "cruel and unusual punishment".

Only in the case of treason or espionage should these punishments be used.

Now, as for punishment for the offenders.

Rather than giving them the "easy way out". How about we send them to labor camps and have them make little rocks into big rocks all day. No free medical. No free dental, no air conditioning, 3 crappy meals a day(like the ones served to servicemen before feeding of the troops was privatized and contracted out to Halliburton) Grade D beef was fine for me 1989-1992 why shouldn't it be fine for them now? The idea is that they won't live comfortable and they will die of natural causes at a quicker rate. This also gives time for appeal in the case that an innocent person was wrongly convicted by a corrupt justice system.

What part about any of the above listed death penalties is not cruel?
dawgmom Wrote:Holy Cow!!! Make you sick doesn't it that these ******* liberal judges decides that the rape of a defenseless child doesn't warrant the death penalty! Shame on them!!

7 of the current justices of the court were appointed by Republican presidents, while only 2 were appointed by a Democratic president.

Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito make up the Court's conservative wing.

Justices Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg and Breyer make up the Court's liberal wing.

Justice Kennedy (moderate) is considered most likely to be the swing vote that determines the outcome of certain cases.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Unbelievable. Absolutely ridiculous..This is why our country is weakening each day. You rape a defenseless child or a mentally retarded person, you get three meals a day, a bed to sleep on, showers and free medical, dental and vision! I dont care what your view on the death penalty is, but this is wrong. People have nothing to fear in this country. NOTHING. Go out and kill, rape, steal, deal drugs, whatever you want to do, and always know that you got our weakass courts standing by your sick side. Always there to protect you. Not the victim mind you, because the victims have no backing, and if they defend themselves, THEY get the same treatment as those attacking them! Clean every single person out of Washington and start all over. Our country is a pathetic shell of what it used to be. I am absolutely sickened. Shame on the courts. Shame on anybody that could defend a child rapist. Shame on anybody that could find a reason for these animals to live. Read for yourselves, it makes me ****ing sick to my stomach.

The rape of a child is reprehensible, of course. Though here's a deal: give up your freedom for the rest of your life, or twenty years, or ten. In exchange, you get dental care, eye care, and antibiotics. Also, you get to shower and sleep on a thin mattress with all the others who have lost their freedom. Of course, the Founders of our Country believed that every offender, even a child rapist, should have an adequate defense. Basically, in the truest sense, it is anti-American to seek to overthrow the Constitution and rule of law for the sake of vengeance.
IMO the death penalty is too cival of a punshiment for sick pathtic ****ing people. Tide is right about our goverment though. It is Weak. End of story. Even though the US goverment wont punish these sick indivudals there is someone who will....IMO people who get the death pentaly for this are getting off easy. Im not sure but I think it takes less then 5 mins for a leathel injection to fully work. I say while that is happing they should be beaten to death as well. But then that is just my view on it.
I do agree with ya to some extent Tide. But, just think. Job security. Also satisfaction. When that certain offender hits the yard and they get what they have coming or they get a PC Status and end up in a hole 23 hrs a day. And the only getting raped in there is them. Why put them to death and end it then. Don't you think that they should suffer much longer. You know as well as I do, what happens to them when they are figured out on the inside. I myself feel they shouldn't be PC'd. That way they get the defenseles feeling everyday.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Unbelievable. Absolutely ridiculous..This is why our country is weakening each day. You rape a defenseless child or a mentally retarded person, you get three meals a day, a bed to sleep on, showers and free medical, dental and vision! I dont care what your view on the death penalty is, but this is wrong. People have nothing to fear in this country. NOTHING. Go out and kill, rape, steal, deal drugs, whatever you want to do, and always know that you got our weakass courts standing by your sick side. Always there to protect you. Not the victim mind you, because the victims have no backing, and if they defend themselves, THEY get the same treatment as those attacking them! Clean every single person out of Washington and start all over. Our country is a pathetic shell of what it used to be. I am absolutely sickened. Shame on the courts. Shame on anybody that could defend a child rapist. Shame on anybody that could find a reason for these animals to live. Read for yourselves, it makes me ****ing sick to my stomach.
i agree these people should hang for this Charlie Daniels said it tall tree and short rope.
I'd feel a whole lot better and sleep a whole lot better if they'd let me hand out the execution, lol..screw the chair, the injections...all of that..put them in a ****ing casket,with a hole just big enough to send air through, run a hose from it to outside, give them 4 or 5 gallons of water, and bury them 10 feet underground..let them have the water so theyll live for a little while. The body can survive on water longer than it can food..and let them rot slowly. Let the sound of their screams be the only music theyll hear. Let them live long enough to wish they hadnt even thought about what they done. And after they die, then they face the REAL punishment. The REAL execution. And this one wont ever end. Which is exactly what they deserve and the fate they have earned..
OffTheHook Wrote:I do agree with ya to some extent Tide. But, just think. Job security. Also satisfaction. When that certain offender hits the yard and they get what they have coming or they get a PC Status and end up in a hole 23 hrs a day. And the only getting raped in there is them. Why put them to death and end it then. Don't you think that they should suffer much longer. You know as well as I do, what happens to them when they are figured out on the inside. I myself feel they shouldn't be PC'd. That way they get the defenseles feeling everyday.
DevilsWin Wrote:I'm probably the only one on here that will say this but here it goes.

The death penalty, be it by lethal injection, firing squad, electric chair, gas chamber or hanging does infact constitute "cruel and unusual punishment".

Only in the case of treason or espionage should these punishments be used.

Now, as for punishment for the offenders.

Rather than giving them the "easy way out". How about we send them to labor camps and have them make little rocks into big rocks all day. No free medical. No free dental, no air conditioning, 3 crappy meals a day(like the ones served to servicemen before feeding of the troops was privatized and contracted out to Halliburton) Grade D beef was fine for me 1989-1992 why shouldn't it be fine for them now? The idea is that they won't live comfortable and they will die of natural causes at a quicker rate. This also gives time for appeal in the case that an innocent person was wrongly convicted by a corrupt justice system.

What part about any of the above listed death penalties is not cruel?

While I see your point, and somewhat agree, I don't want to spend a great deal of my tax money having a place for such criminals. Death is not the easy way out. It's the most harsh punishment you could face. Anyone can make it through any type of imprisonment that we have, and America will never have a prison system that treats criminals like they're in a Nazi camp. I say that the death penalty should be an option, but also reformation should be an option. I think some should get a second chance, while some should get the death penalty. That would be decided upon by the jury and judge of course at the trials. Even though I would like to see some get second chances, that doesn't mean reform them and let them out of jail. I still think they should be given the second chance only when it's sincere and their actions are following suit, but they can be put to good use behind bars serving the public.
thecavemaster Wrote:The rape of a child is reprehensible, of course. Though here's a deal: give up your freedom for the rest of your life, or twenty years, or ten. In exchange, you get dental care, eye care, and antibiotics. Also, you get to shower and sleep on a thin mattress with all the others who have lost their freedom. Of course, the Founders of our Country believed that every offender, even a child rapist, should have an adequate defense. Basically, in the truest sense, it is anti-American to seek to overthrow the Constitution and rule of law for the sake of vengeance.

So, what the heck is actually your view on this?
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I'd feel a whole lot better and sleep a whole lot better if they'd let me hand out the execution, lol..screw the chair, the injections...all of that..put them in a ****ing casket,with a hole just big enough to send air through, run a hose from it to outside, give them 4 or 5 gallons of water, and bury them 10 feet underground..let them have the water so theyll live for a little while. The body can survive on water longer than it can food..and let them rot slowly. Let the sound of their screams be the only music theyll hear. Let them live long enough to wish they hadnt even thought about what they done. And after they die, then they face the REAL punishment. The REAL execution. And this one wont ever end. Which is exactly what they deserve and the fate they have earned..

That's pretty extreme man. But I'll give it to ya, if that ever happened to my child, I'd feel the same way.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I'd feel a whole lot better and sleep a whole lot better if they'd let me hand out the execution, lol..screw the chair, the injections...all of that..put them in a ****ing casket,with a hole just big enough to send air through, run a hose from it to outside, give them 4 or 5 gallons of water, and bury them 10 feet underground..let them have the water so theyll live for a little while. The body can survive on water longer than it can food..and let them rot slowly. Let the sound of their screams be the only music theyll hear. Let them live long enough to wish they hadnt even thought about what they done. And after they die, then they face the REAL punishment. The REAL execution. And this one wont ever end. Which is exactly what they deserve and the fate they have earned..
The wrath of TH32 is worse than that of Darth Vader. LOL:Clap:
Okay people, we're going a bit too far.
DevilsWin Wrote:I'm probably the only one on here that will say this but here it goes.

The death penalty, be it by lethal injection, firing squad, electric chair, gas chamber or hanging does in fact constitute "cruel and unusual punishment".
What part about any of the above listed death penalties is not cruel?
The fact that you are the only one here that is saying that says what???.

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