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Glenn Beck to Fox News
Glenn Beck has a new show that will appear on FNC in 2009. I really like Beck and have even when he was with CNN. What do you guys think about this?
I don't like Glenn Beck at all, but he will fit in better over at Fox News.
alfus21 Wrote:I don't like Glenn Beck at all, but he will fit in better over at Fox News.

Im with you here Alfus, Beck is just as bad as the other right wing hacks like Hannity and Rush, he should fit in good at Fox.
He just was not a CNN guy , good for FOX! ! !
He's a perfect fit with Faux News!
Never heard of the dude since I don't watch Communist News Network, but it looks like the liberal hacks hate him so I like him already.Big Grin
Hannity is by far the worst. I can't even stand to listen to the guy. He used to be okay a few years ago. Now he has just gone over the top. I don't know if he does it for ratings, or is just frustrated with things.

Rush is decent, I used to not like him, as he does say some over the top things. However, he is a tough one to argue with. I like him a little more than Hannity, who I don't like at all. About the same with Beck, he seems to be getting more right wing crazy, I think most of them just do it for ratings, but who knows. They are all still better than Olberman and Rachel Madcow.
Beetle01 Wrote:Hannity is by far the worst. I can't even stand to listen to the guy. He used to be okay a few years ago. Now he has just gone over the top. I don't know if he does it for ratings, or is just frustrated with things.

Rush is decent, I used to not like him, as he does say some over the top things. However, he is a tough one to argue with. I like him a little more than Hannity, who I don't like at all. About the same with Beck, he seems to be getting more right wing crazy, I think most of them just do it for ratings, but who knows. They are all still better than Olberman and Rachel Madcow.

Who has Rush Limbaugh ever debated, in a public forum, where equal time was given to both parties? When it's "my show, my microphone," it's monopoly money: it won't spend.
thecavemaster Wrote:Who has Rush Limbaugh ever debated, in a public forum, where equal time was given to both parties? When it's "my show, my microphone," it's monopoly money: it won't spend.

Who brought up debate? I'm just saying the guy makes some points on most issues that are very hard to argue against. He usually then goes over the top, but he still does make valid points as to why he believes what he believes. Which is something you won't find from most liberal talking heads.
Beetle01 Wrote:Who brought up debate? I'm just saying the guy makes some points on most issues that are very hard to argue against. He usually then goes over the top, but he still does make valid points as to why he believes what he believes. Which is something you won't find from most liberal talking heads.

I would think "He is a tough one to argue with" is at least something of a reference to his ability to debate, is it not?
thecavemaster Wrote:I would think "He is a tough one to argue with" is at least something of a reference to his ability to debate, is it not?

His points are tough to argue with mostly. I listen to him every once in awhile on my way home from work. He makes alot of sense until he goes off on some tangent, then Ill just kick it over to some tunes.
Beetle01 Wrote:His points are tough to argue with mostly. I listen to him every once in awhile on my way home from work. He makes alot of sense until he goes off on some tangent, then Ill just kick it over to some tunes.

Like pundits left and right on the spectrum, fact checks often leave him in the winds of inaccuracy and distortion.
Beetle01 Wrote:Hannity is by far the worst. I can't even stand to listen to the guy. He used to be okay a few years ago. Now he has just gone over the top. I don't know if he does it for ratings, or is just frustrated with things.

Rush is decent, I used to not like him, as he does say some over the top things. However, he is a tough one to argue with. I like him a little more than Hannity, who I don't like at all. About the same with Beck, he seems to be getting more right wing crazy, I think most of them just do it for ratings, but who knows. They are all still better than Olberman and Rachel Madcow.

I agree with you on Hannity and Rush. Hannity is now just a complainer like most of the liberals. He makes my head hurt listening to him for five minutes. Rush is very smart and comes across better by making fun of the liberals rather than just complaining all the time. 95% of what he predicts comes true. The only guy I would rather listen to than Rush is Newt Gingrich.
Rush is a Big Fat drug addict!
DevilsWin Wrote:Rush is a Big Fat drug addict!

lol, didn't expect that kinda criticism from you.
Beetle01 Wrote:lol, didn't expect that kinda criticism from you.
Why not?

The guy eats 30 Oxys a day.

Just because I support the normalization of marijuana laws doesn't mean I think its ok to be a pill junkie.

There is a big difference in the 2.

In the last 10 years pills like Oxy, Vicodin and Xanax have destroyed Appalachia quicker than all other drugs combined over a 40 year period.
Beck wil be a great addition to the number 1 rated news network.
He'll fit in with Fox News because both are conservative and this only shows how biased and one-sided Fox News really is, at least the other networks make an attempt to show both sides of an issue.

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