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Boys:Hazard 4-Pburg-3
this was a great game...the dawgs were down 2-0 at the end of the first half and rallied back for the win...good job dawgs:1:
WOOOOOO!!!!! Good Job Bulldogs!!!!!
thats 2-0 for the dawgs against pburg...i believe the dawgs can sweep them, and congrats to caleb on scoring on his own team lol
Excuse me don't diss Caleb, he's a excellent player and one of the best in eastern kentucky.
Second I would like to say that the officiating was HORRENDOUS!
That last goal you all scored was OFFSIDES!
And please dont count on going 3-0.
Hazard did play a great, clean 2nd half. It was a pretty fair called game, im not gonna complain about that. Congrats to hazard....
I think Willie is the fairest ref you can get.
This was a good one, both teams played hard and it was a fair called game. Each team made mistakes to give up goals but Hazard was able to rally to a victory. Congrats to the Bulldogs!!!

(cant wait to see these teams meet for the third time)
How can you win a game when you have to play the other team and the refs, who clearly had no idea what they were doing. Hazard did play hard but the refs made it totally one sided.
if you guys actually think our last goal was offsides then u r blind, there was a defender past jolly around the left side of the box with frasure and he was clearly onsides by at least a good 6 feet...and caleb may be good for pburg but hes not a god like you all make him out to be, everybody has a weakness
Dawg15 Wrote:if you guys actually think our last goal was offsides then u r blind, there was a defender past jolly around the left side of the box with frasure and he was clearly onsides by at least a good 6 feet...and caleb may be good for pburg but hes not a god like you all make him out to be, everybody has a weakness

I never said anything like that.....
Blame the refs....classic
And Dawg15 is right, Caleb is not that good, he just looks better because of his teammates
Prestonsburg has some really good players on their team... Caleb is good at working the ball around and manuvering - nobody said he was a God but he is good - his teammates can hold their own whether he is on the field or not so you can't say thats why he looks good - its not looks... its reality

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