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Reid Wheels and Deals As Obamacare Get's 60th Vote
I know wheeling and dealing is common in DC politics, but this healthcare bill accounts for about one-sixth of our economy. I have to wonder what incentives the other 57 senators are receiving in exchange for their support.

At first there were two democratic and one independent senators who decided to vote against the healtcare bill keeping them form obtaining the 60 votes needed to pass the senate. There was the senator Mary Landrieu from Louisiana who decided to vote for the healthcare bill after she was guaranteed 300 million dollars in taxpayer monies for here state of Louisiana. Then there was Joe Lieberman who said he would not vote for the bill, but after meeting with Obama he changed his mind, I wonder what he recieved in exchange for his vote. Then today Senator Nelson changed his mind and has now decided to vote for the plan thus giving Reid and Obama the 60 votes needed to pass the healthcare bill. So what did Nelson recieve, according to early reports, we will now have two health care systems in this country; one for Nebraska and one for the other 49 states. Because Medicaid is a program whose costs are split between the federal and state governments, this expansion in eligibility raise costs dramatically for states. States will be forced to either raise taxes or cut other services to accommodate the forced increase in Medicaid spending.

Unless that state is Nebraska.

Below is the text for Nelson’s bribe. Under this language the federal government will forever cover the costs of Medicaid expansion in Nebraska. Taxpayers in every other state will forever be responsible for the expanded Medicaid program in Nebraska.

BTW Senator Nelson also secured an exemption from a new insurance tax for non-profit companies in his state. Mutual of Omaha and Nebraska’s Blue Cross/Blue Shield won’t have to pay a tax other companies will be required to pay.
ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, if people continue to vote for someone just because there granddad was a democrat or repubican this is what we get. Wake up folks know what you are voting for. As far as Nelson is concerned I will find who runs aganist him in the next election and send a small donation. The other states which have democrat senators should be mad as ----. Why didn't their state get this special deal.


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