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Obama's greenhouse gas rules survive Senate vote
Quote:[WASHINGTON – In a boost for the president on global warming, the Senate on Thursday rejected a challenge to Obama administration rules aimed at cutting greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and other big polluters.
The defeated resolution would have denied the Environmental Protection Agency the authority to move ahead with the rules, crafted under the federal Clean Air Act. With President Barack Obama's broader clean energy legislation struggling to gain a foothold in the Senate, the vote took on greater significance as a signal of where lawmakers stand on dealing with climate change.
"If ever there was a vote to find out whose side you are on, this is it," said Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee.
The vote was 53-47 to stop the Senate from moving forward on the Republican-led effort to restrain the EPA.
TheRealVille Wrote:
Another nail in the coffin of the coal industry. Obama rules!!! Who needs those high paying jobs mining coal anyway or the affordable utility bills that come from burning coal.

Obama can just reach into his stash and help people pay their bills when utility bills soar like he promised that they would during the campaign.

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