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Judge Bork Dies at 84
Judge Robert Bork, one of the most qualified jurists ever nominated to serve on the United States Supreme Court, has died at the age of 84. Judge Bork, a retired member of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, was nominated to the highest court in the land by President Reagan.

He was defeated by the Democrat majority in the U.S. Senate and by the Democrat controlled Judiciary Committee. The opposition was led by Sen. Edward Kennedy who saw Bork as being "out of the mainstream of modern judicial thought"- rather ironic when you consider the source of the attack.

Eventually, Judge Bork's "seat" on the Court was filled by Justice Anthony Kennedy who presently serves as the Court's deciding vote in many cases.

It is also ironic that a person of Bork's stature and intellect was rejected and we now overwhelmingly confirm much lesser figures such as Sotomayor and Kagan. We are left with the stark reality that Obama could seriously shape the U.S. Supreme Court and the lower federal courts in the next four years. He will obviously do whatever he can to do so and this will probably be the most devastating outcome of his untimely reelection.

For those who pray for the continuence of our way of life, you better add a few petitions for the safety and health of Justice Scalia, Justice Thomas, Justice Kennedy, Justice Alito, and Chief Justice Roberts. They aren't perfect judicially (other than Scalia), but they are vital to a free society where one can protect the fruits of his labor.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Judge Robert Bork, one of the most qualified jurists ever nominated to serve on the United States Supreme Court, has died at the age of 84. Judge Bork, a retired member of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, was nominated to the highest court in the land by President Reagan.

He was defeated by the Democrat majority in the U.S. Senate and by the Democrat controlled Judiciary Committee. The opposition was led by Sen. Edward Kennedy who saw Bork as being "out of the mainstream of modern judicial thought"- rather ironic when you consider the source of the attack.

Eventually, Judge Bork's "seat" on the Court was filled by Justice Anthony Kennedy who presently serves as the Court's deciding vote in many cases.

It is also ironic that a person of Bork's stature and intellect was rejected and we now overwhelmingly confirm much lesser figures such as Sotomayor and Kagan. We are left with the stark reality that Obama could seriously shape the U.S. Supreme Court and the lower federal courts in the next four years. He will obviously do whatever he can to do so and this will probably be the most devastating outcome of his untimely reelection.

For those who pray for the continuence of our way of life, you better add a few petitions for the safety and health of Justice Scalia, Justice Thomas, Justice Kennedy, Justice Alito, and Chief Justice Roberts. They aren't perfect judicially (other than Scalia), but they are vital to a free society where one can protect the fruits of his labor.

that's why the overwhelming majority of the people in this country elected him
vector Wrote:that's why the overwhelming majority of the people in this country elected him

But then again, the overwhelming majority in this country just happen to be worthless deadbeats.:popcorn:
vector Wrote:that's why the overwhelming majority of the people in this country elected him

Come on man, I know your goal is to make liberals look stupid but show some respect...he passed away. Regardless of which party he came from or what his beliefs are, there are some hurt family members that could use prayers.
It's amazing what leading by example teaches those being led. I had the priviledge of learning what it means to be an American under one of America's greatest presidents, Ronald Reagan. Mr Reagan had a profound influence on millions of Americans and was respected and feared around the world. No hollow hogswallow emanated from the oval office in those days. Matter of fact, the Ayatolla Khomeini sent those hostages right on home, allowing themselves a comfortable time margin before Mr Reagan could legally put his finger on the trigger of our land's armed forces. Nobody doubted he would fulfill his threat to take Khomeini off at the ankles for the atrocities committed against America and those being held hostage.

Mr Reagan nominated Robert Bork to the SCOTUS. Within 45 minutes of Robert Bork's nomination to the Court, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) took to the Senate floor with a strong condemnation of Bork in a nationally televised speech, declaring, "Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the Government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens."[Wiki]

I watched Bork's confirmation hearing and I can tell you he got railroaded. That's when I began to realize the dems have something other than the "common good" up their sleeve. Joe Biden and Ted Kennedy took the lead in the character assassination of a man who was arguably the greatest jurist of our time. In the ultimate twist of irony, we now see an artist languishing in jail having been falsely charged by the present democrat led administration, with causing riots in the middle east by the production of a video. Of course, every word Kennedy spoke was a lie but then, the dems seem to think they have the right to lie about anything they want to.

Joe Biden deprived America of the services of Robert Bork and is now in a position to severely limit the right of Americans to own guns. While it is true, a majority of Americans whether dead, alive, legal or illegal, and citizens or not, voted for Obama, (at least once) in the last presidential election, we cannot allow the court to be shaped by these same parasites. But to say Obama got an overwhelming majority? :please: And I would just set the record straight about something else. I know a lot of folks that are older. Many of them are straight arrows who love their country, these folks worked their whole lives for every dime they have and many are ex-militay as well. Unfortunately, these folks would vote a straight democrat ticket even if Satan himself was running for office. There wouldn't be any sense in trying to explain to them how far left their party has veered off course, or the abortion issue, or any of the rest of it. The party they have trusted to represent their concerns for their entire lives has fallen under the control of the loons but, they either can't or won't see it. One's trust is only as good as the person or organization in which that trust is placed. In the old days, we could depend on the personal integrity of those running for office, now, with the the infiltration of every off the wall special interest group in existence into the democrat side of the aisle, that is no longer the case. Therefore, though immovable, their trust is misplaced.

America's best bet now is the midterms of 2014.
vector Wrote:that's why the overwhelming majority of the people in this country elected him

Vector, the majority of those who voted for Obama don't know the Supreme Court from a Taco Supreme. An honest appraisal would indicate that most of them are mental lightweights with only enough ambition to look for a free ride.

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