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the evil rich
This kills me. The rich are greedy. But that's usually how they get rich. But they have a right to be that way. Hell, I'm not rich by any means of the word. But I'm greedy. Does that make me evil??
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Either your born rich or you work to get rich. Bitching and complaining about being poor will get you no where .
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Either your born rich or you work to get rich. Bitching and complaining about being poor will get you no where .

Yeah, since Obama came to power getting rich is no longer acceptable. But, getting in the food stamp line and talking on your ObamaPhone is true Americanism. It's ridiculous on it's face, and US Senators like Jim Demint are suddenly rudderless because of Romney's loss. The dems vote buying scheme worked this time, but this is no time to throw in the towel.
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah, since Obama came to power getting rich is no longer acceptable. But, getting in the food stamp line and talking on your ObamaPhone is true Americanism. It's ridiculous on it's face, and US Senators like Jim Demint are suddenly rudderless because of Romney's loss. The dems vote buying scheme worked this time, but this is no time to throw in the towel.

Before Obama we had an economic collapse. We're the middle class was destroyed. Because the rich was getting richer.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Before Obama we had an economic collapse. We're the middle class was destroyed. Because the rich was getting richer.

Let me explain something to you and your 'liker'. According to the US constitution, the House of Representatives of the United States, enacts laws and appropriates money for the budgetary spending measures they vote on and approve, this is called federal spending. All the president does by law is see that their wishes for said law and budgetary spending measures are adhered to. George W did his job and you guys are maligning him for it. Budgets passed by congress were supported by W during his administration. BTW, there was a democratic super majority in the house and senate the last two years of W's 2nd term and the house was firmly in the hands of democrats throughout W's entire 8 year presidency. So blaming Bush for federal spending is beyond ignorant. Now, I know that the idea of the federal government operating under a budget passed by the House is a somewhat foreign notion to some of the young uns out there, because Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Senate Leader Harry Reid, have not allowed one to be passed in the last 4 years but, by law we are supposed to have a budget.

For 237 years America has functioned under the free enterprise system of finance. There isn't a thing wrong with rich people. What's wrong is allowing a president to subvert the whole American process of law by dividing the people with all this inflamatory rhetoric meant to incite class warfare. You better get with the program and start understanding what America is all about because there won't be any spoils filtering down to the poor once the dems get through destroying the balance of powers and our two party system. If you expect to make a good living, you had better hope your boss/owner is rich so he can afford to pay you. Make sense?
I am going to be honest. I suppose that, by many people's standards, I am "rich". I don't necessarily feel "rich" but I don't want some anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-constitutional socialist trying to take what I have to spread it among those who have less. I'll decide for myself what people I may want to help. I will help those who truly cannot help themselves. I won't help the deadbeats who reelected this reprobate. The socialist can declare all the rules for redistribution that he wants. Smart people can get around them.

And, for what I have and will continue to have, I apologize to no one.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Before Obama we had an economic collapse. We're the middle class was destroyed. Because the rich was getting richer.

Yeah, and Obama has certainly done a great job working with everybody to improve the situation.
Yea, the fact that thr Russians see us as more of a socialist rcommunist country then there old USSR should tell us something.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:I am going to be honest. I suppose that, by many people's standards, I am "rich". I don't necessarily feel "rich" but I don't want some anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-constitutional socialist trying to take what I have to spread it among those who have less. I'll decide for myself what people I may want to help. I will help those who truly cannot help themselves. I won't help the deadbeats who reelected this reprobate. The socialist can declare all the rules for redistribution that he wants. Smart people can get around them.

And, for what I have and will continue to have, I apologize to no one.

I'm not rich; not even close. I don't want you damn money!!

I would; however like the opportunity to keep what I've earned without the reductions going toward the parasites of society. I fully agree with that bolded statement, but I'm so sick of the socialist viewpoint! I'm sick of subsidizing the people who are more capable of working than I and funding health care for people that is better in quality that what I can afford for my family.

Some folks can get around some of the mandates, but it's getting tougher, IMO.

I'm not apologizing either!
Granny Bear Wrote:I'm not rich; not even close. I don't want you damn money!!

I would; however like the opportunity to keep what I've earned without the reductions going toward the parasites of society. I fully agree with that bolded statement, but I'm so sick of the socialist viewpoint! I'm sick of subsidizing the people who are more capable of working than I and funding health care for people that is better in quality that what I can afford for my family.

Some folks can get around some of the mandates, but it's getting tougher, IMO.

I'm not apologizing either!

Good for you, Granny Bear. I commend you.

Unfortunately, those who won't contribute and who feel entitled to free bounty from the rest of us decided the election. They, and those who use them for their own purposes, won. We, the actual income tax payers who are self supporting, lost. We will continue to lose unless we become like them. Their numbers will increase as more find out that it is easier to beg than to work.

Obama feels empowered to extend and expand his socialist, anti-traditional, anti-Christian, anti-freedom philosophy. That is just an alarming fact.

You, me, and the others who believe otherwise must take whatever measures may be necessary to protect our families and our loved ones. The time to begin is today. You can rest assured that I am doing so. I hope you are doing the same.

Again, we compassionately help those who are helpless in taking care of themselves. We urinate on the rest of them. We have no moral obligation to them.
I've said this before; I'll repeat it here. My husband of nearly 42 years and I should stop working, divorce, file bankruptcy, denounce American citizenship, move to Mexico, swim back and live in California.

Lord!! Forget it. It's not worth living in California!!!
Granny Bear Wrote:I've said this before; I'll repeat it here. My husband of nearly 42 years and I should stop working, divorce, file bankruptcy, denounce American citizenship, move to Mexico, swim back and live in California.

Lord!! Forget it. It's not worth living in California!!!

Also, you and your husband would be considered to be one of Obama's core constituencies of bums, misfits, freeloaders with rabbit-like moral standards. That, along with living in Fruit and Nut Land, would be a far too steep price to pay.
Granny Bear Wrote:I've said this before; I'll repeat it here. My husband of nearly 42 years and I should stop working, divorce, file bankruptcy, denounce American citizenship, move to Mexico, swim back and live in California.

Lord!! Forget it. It's not worth living in California!!!

:thatsfunn Having lived in Santa Anna for a few years I can tell you the climate is sublime but, the people are all about hand outs.

All joking aside, California is a total loss for the US. would you suppose there any way to apply a reverse secession? On the national front, the liberals/media, the illegals, the takers, and the green gestapo have managed in the last election to preserve the Obama led quest to make the US a non-sovereign, outlying, European also-ran. Therefore, with Romney relegated to the backwaters of history, their targets for defamation have changed. Next to destroy for the dems is House Speaker John Boehner, I mean, at some point the people may come to their senses and realize that Obama and Harry Reid are operating outside of powers given to them by the constitution. Boehner is too conservative and too loyal to the republic to be allowed to continue in such a position of power, to allow to remain unchallenged by those in the throes of "fundamentally transforming" the country. Mitch McConnell is another one of those pesky traditionalists, married to conservative interpretation of the constitution. Watch and see how viciously republican legislators will be attacked now by the dems and their complicitous media.

I believe we live in an historic time. The liberals have chosen this moment to try to purge the federal government of any that would dare to offer any real resistance to their agenda. That being conservative republicans. And, with a president who is reportedly indoctrinated by notions of American anti-colonialism, this coalition could well represent a threat to our nation as we know it, at least as potent as any we have faced off against in time of war. This is the time for conservatives to get serious, just because we had an awakening in the form of Tea Partiers and an energizing of the conservative base did not mean the liberals were going to just roll over and give up. We must redouble our efforts and fight the good fight. Our way of life is at stake.
Patrick Henry quote----"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." We let a golden opportunity get past us with Mitt Romney ready to lead our land. Now we have the mid terms of 2014 to atone for our lack of action in the presidential election of 2012.
TheRealThing Wrote::thatsfunn Having lived in Santa Anna for a few years I can tell you the climate is sublime but, the people are all about hand outs.

All joking aside, California is a total loss for the US. would you suppose there any way to apply a reverse secession? On the national front, the liberals/media, the illegals, the takers, and the green gestapo have managed in the last election to preserve the Obama led quest to make the US a non-sovereign, outlying, European also-ran. Therefore, with Romney relegated to the backwaters of history, their targets for defamation have changed. Next to destroy for the dems is House Speaker John Boehner, I mean, at some point the people may come to their senses and realize that Obama and Harry Reid are operating outside of powers given to them by the constitution. Boehner is too conservative and too loyal to the republic to be allowed to continue in such a position of power, to allow to remain unchallenged by those in the throes of "fundamentally transforming" the country. Mitch McConnell is another one of those pesky traditionalists, married to conservative interpretation of the constitution. Watch and see how viciously republican legislators will be attacked now by the dems and their complicitous media.

I believe we live in an historic time. The liberals have chosen this moment to try to purge the federal government of any that would dare to offer any real resistance to their agenda. That being conservative republicans. And, with a president who is reportedly indoctrinated by notions of American anti-colonialism, this coalition could well represent a threat to our nation as we know it, at least as potent as any we have faced off against in time of war. This is the time for conservatives to get serious, just because we had an awakening in the form of Tea Partiers and an energizing of the conservative base did not mean the liberals were going to just roll over and give up. We must redouble our efforts and fight the good fight. Our way of life is at stake.
Patrick Henry quote----"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." We let a golden opportunity get past us with Mitt Romney ready to lead our land. Now we have the mid terms of 2014 to atone for our lack of action in the presidential election of 2012.

Amen. Excellent post.
Benjamin Franklin---- "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." Well, the people have been busy voting themselves money of late in the form of enormous pensions and benefit packages for governmental employees, small and large local government employees such as maintanance, city streets and water district, on up to mayors and councilmen. As a result the state of California now teeters on the rim of financial ruin in the form of bankruptcy. Knowing Nancy Pelosi, she will no doubt get Obama to arrange a federal bailout for her state. Cities like domino topples, are falling into bankruptcy all across America.

"In June, Stockton, Calif., became the largest U.S. city to file for bankruptcy. San Bernardino, Calif., was the most recent city to approve a bankruptcy filing after City Council members learned the city had only $150,000 left in its bank accounts.

Central Falls, R.I., and Jefferson County, Ala., both filed for bankruptcy in 2011. Harrisburg, Pa., and Boise County, Idaho, also filed for bankruptcy, but their claims were rejected.

In Michigan, seven cities and school districts have emergency managers, and another three are under consent agreements. Gov. Rick Snyder most recently declared a financial emergency for the city of Allen Park. View our map and story about the state's efforts to turn around the distressed municipalities"

Just today news of Detroit, Michigan's intention to roll over on it's debt comes to light with City of Detroit Council Woman JoAnn Watson's recent comments confirming that possiblility, in a statement directed to Barack Obama. Quote---
“There ought to be a quid pro quo," said Councilwoman JoAnn Watson, according to My Fox Detroit. Nearly 75 percent of voters in Wayne County, which includes Detroit, voted for Obama on Nov. 6.

"After the election of Jimmy Carter, the honorable Coleman Alexander Young, he went to Washington, D.C., and came home with some bacon," Watson said. "That's what you do," Watson said.

See video---

The cities and soon entire states will be looking to have taxpayers pick up the tab for their own extravagance and demands for over the top retirement wage, compensations and retirement packages. I'm sure some on here are eager, ready and willing to see the substance of their personal bank accounts headed up to JoAnn Watson.
I appologize for the confusion, this is the link I was trying to put up demonstrating the wave of city bankruptcies or near bankruptcies. And should have been pasted in, instead of the one (first one) that is there now.

The double post of the same link above obviously applies only to the part of my post that concerns Detroit and Councilwoman JoAnn Watson's comments.
I apologize for confusion, too TRT.
I should've said it wasn't worth leaving the mountains...I love where I live.
TheRealThing Wrote:Let me explain something to you and your 'liker'. According to the US constitution, the House of Representatives of the United States, enacts laws and appropriates money for the budgetary spending measures they vote on and approve, this is called federal spending. All the president does by law is see that their wishes for said law and budgetary spending measures are adhered to. George W did his job and you guys are maligning him for it. Budgets passed by congress were supported by W during his administration. BTW, there was a democratic super majority in the house and senate the last two years of W's 2nd term and the house was firmly in the hands of democrats throughout W's entire 8 year presidency. So blaming Bush for federal spending is beyond ignorant. Now, I know that the idea of the federal government operating under a budget passed by the House is a somewhat foreign notion to some of the young uns out there, because Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Senate Leader Harry Reid, have not allowed one to be passed in the last 4 years but, by law we are supposed to have a budget.

For 237 years America has functioned under the free enterprise system of finance. There isn't a thing wrong with rich people. What's wrong is allowing a president to subvert the whole American process of law by dividing the people with all this inflamatory rhetoric meant to incite class warfare. You better get with the program and start understanding what America is all about because there won't be any spoils filtering down to the poor once the dems get through destroying the balance of powers and our two party system. If you expect to make a good living, you had better hope your boss/owner is rich so he can afford to pay you. Make sense?


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