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"In God We Trust"

I know this has been talked about for the last 10-15 years at the State and Federal level....

God will not bless a nation that turns from Him. The Bible teaches us this is true. Look at the "third world countries" who have turned from Him. Now does that mean that their aren't born-again believers in those areas, No. God will bless His people. He's prove that before as well.

With the generation of kids coming up seeing LGBTQ pride every time they turn around, seeing drug deaths and violent crime rising in "Small Town, USA"... the last thing that needs to happen is trying to eliminate God from everything that our wonderful nation still associates with Him.

I wish that motto would be changed to "In God We Always Trust"

And by God, I mean God Almighty. Not buddha, Not muhammad.... but The God Almighty.
Check out my YouTube channel.
How things have changed. Teddy Roosevelt said that God's name should not be put on money because it would be a slap in the face to put him on something as common as money.

Fast forward to now, and you have people wanting to remove God's name from practically everything - all the while, making sure anything non-Christian, gays, pro-choice groups, etc. have their room to "share" their views.

I believe that we are one nation under God - not buddha, muhammad, etc. We are a nation that was founded on God and the teachings of the Bible. I definitely feel that we should be one nation under God, but in today's time God does not necessarily mean the one true God of the Bible. Because of that, I am unsure how to feel about the issue but a gut feeling tells me we should definitely fight to keep his name first and foremost in our country.

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