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Poll: Americans Want GOP Congress, Not Obama, to Set National Agenda
A new poll shows that Americans voted for change a week ago, and not the kind of change that Obama had in mind. If Republicans deliver in the next two years, the White House will be their's to lose in 2016. If they allow the puny One to continue to thwart the will of the majority, then they will suffer the consequences.

Quote:Poll: Americans Want GOP Congress, Not Obama, to Set National Agenda

Times have changed. A new Gallup poll finds that a large majority of Americans would like the Republican-controlled Congress, rather than President Obama, to set the direction for the country in the coming year, a marked change from 2012, when a slim majority said they preferred for Obama to guide the agenda.

"Who do you want to have more influence over the direction the nation takes in the next year—Barack Obama or the Republicans in Congress?" Gallup asked 828 U.S. adults.

Fifty-three percent of those surveyed said they wanted Republicans in Congress to have the greater influence, 36 percent said Obama, and 8 percent, well, didn't seem to care, answering "same/neither."
Hoot Gibson Wrote:A new poll shows that Americans voted for change a week ago, and not the kind of change that Obama had in mind. If Republicans deliver in the next two years, the White House will be their's to lose in 2016. If they allow the puny One to continue to thwart the will of the majority, then they will suffer the consequences.
Translation: the 2014 election results were one great big, giant vote against Obama and his radical left-wing agenda.

Has anybody else been following Obama's embarrassing performance at the APEC summit? How many American business leaders lack the sense to spit out their gum before a photo-op or an important meeting with other executives? Putin looks calm and poised. Obama looks like a little boy who was forced to put on a suit and go somewhere he did not want to go. I believe that two years of no foreign policy might be an improvement over two more years of Obama's foreign policy.

I wonder how many 2016 campaign ads will feature Hillary and her red Russian policy reset button? Hillary says that the button worked. Imagine how bad our relations with Russia would be if the reset button had not worked!
Rodham, like Obama, is a creation of the media. The media will protect her as it does Obama. the voters who provide the margin of victory are low or no information voters. They are versed in the exploits of the Kardashians but know nothing about branches of government. And, of course, they know when their government checks will arrive.Thus, anyone running against Rodham will have a hard time overcoming the media bias.

The Republicans need to go on the offensive. Pass bills and send them to the little athletically challenged ferret for veto. Don't get caught up in wild goose chases like impeachment. It won't be successful since you need a 2/3 vote in the US Senate to convict. And, like Clinton, Obama would become a martyr to many.

Show some discipline but play hardball.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Translation: the 2014 election results were one great big, giant vote against Obama and his radical left-wing agenda.

Has anybody else been following Obama's embarrassing performance at the APEC summit? How many American business leaders lack the sense to spit out their gum before a photo-op or an important meeting with other executives? Putin looks calm and poised. Obama looks like a little boy who was forced to put on a suit and go somewhere he did not want to go. I believe that two years of no foreign policy might be an improvement over two more years of Obama's foreign policy.

I wonder how many 2016 campaign ads will feature Hillary and her red Russian policy reset button? Hillary says that the button worked. Imagine how bad our relations with Russia would be if the reset button had not worked!

Yes, I have been following that loosely.....I think you're being kind with your description.


Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Rodham, like Obama, is a creation of the media. The media will protect her as it does Obama. the voters who provide the margin of victory are low or no information voters. They are versed in the exploits of the Kardashians but know nothing about branches of government. And, of course, they know when their government checks will arrive.Thus, anyone running against Rodham will have a hard time overcoming the media bias.

The Republicans need to go on the offensive. Pass bills and send them to the little athletically challenged ferret for veto. Don't get caught up in wild goose chases like impeachment. It won't be successful since you need a 2/3 vote in the US Senate to convict. And, like Clinton, Obama would become a martyr to many.

Show some discipline but play hardball.

Harry Rex, you never fail to crack me up with some of your descriptions of Obama. It's as funny as Hoot's Moochelle comment.
Granny Bear Wrote:Yes, I have been following that loosely.....I think you're being kind with your description.


Harry Rex, you never fail to crack me up with some of your descriptions of Obama. It's as funny as Hoot's Moochelle comment.
The way I see it Moochelle is kinda demeaning to the American cow..No animal should be described in that manner..PETA is on this, I'm sure...:biggrin:

Juan MaCain is another of my favorites from Hoot.
Just curious if we are talking about the same Bill Clinton that went through impeachment proceedings and was debarred from practicing law? Or, is it the other one?
Granny Bear Wrote:Yes, I have been following that loosely.....I think you're being kind with your description.


Harry Rex, you never fail to crack me up with some of your descriptions of Obama. It's as funny as Hoot's Moochelle comment.

That sig pic made me laugh out loud!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
I am so glad I was able to do that for you, Spirit!!!
Bob Seger Wrote:The way I see it Moochelle is kinda demeaning to the American cow..No animal should be described in that manner..PETA is on this, I'm sure...:biggrin:

Juan MaCain is another of my favorites from Hoot.
I would love to take credit for coining both Moochelle and Juan McCain, but they are not originals. Rush started calling the more bovine of the Obamas Moochelle as early as 2008. I am not sure who first tagged McCain with the Juan name, but I think that I first heard it when Mark Levin used it - and he uses it often.

Levin hates RINOS almost as much as he does liberals and he has nicknames for all of them. I used to listen to a lot of talk radio but Levin is the only one who I still listen to on a semi-regular basis. IMO, he is the smartest guy with a show and he cracks me up when he goes on one of his rants.
Granny Bear Wrote:Yes, I have been following that loosely.....I think you're being kind with your description.
Well, I could take a page from Moochelle's book and say that for the first time I am ashamed of my country, but I am really just ashamed of our President, Vice President, First Lady, Senate Majority Leader, Speaker of the House, Attorney General, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Charley Rangel, Al Franken, Al Sharpton and people who look up to any of those in the list.
Granny Bear Wrote:[Image:]
That is just wrong, Granny! :lmao:

Granny Bear Wrote:Harry Rex, you never fail to crack me up with some of your descriptions of Obama. It's as funny as Hoot's Moochelle comment.
Harry Rex reminds me of Mark Levin. A lawyer with a great sense of humor. I would not be surprised if he hosts a talk show too.
After the truth (yet another scandal for this administration) has come to light about how "stupid" americans had to be tricked into wanting the health care law passed, it all but assures me how much of a circus this joke of a president has become.

Scandal after scandal after scandal.
This was a MAJOR deal today, and only Fox was willing to report on it. I wonder why...
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:After the truth (yet another scandal for this administration) has come to light about how "stupid" americans had to be tricked into wanting the health care law passed, it all but assures me how much of a circus this joke of a president has become.

Scandal after scandal after scandal.
This was a MAJOR deal today, and only Fox was willing to report on it. I wonder why...

Yes and when I think about all the chiding and nose thumbing Dems are guilty of perpetrating against Republicans who had the gumption to speak out against the ACA (Obama openly bragged about how well ObamaCare is working as lately as Friday), it becomes even more mind blowing.

There can no longer be any question in the mind of any voter. If Dems want to call the Republicans the party of no, they (Dems) must be the party of LIE.
Did anybody else see the front page of USA Today? It is very easy to see why Americans would have the Republican led Congress set US agenda rather than Mr Obama.

Russia announced their intentions to inflame the specter of Cold War to white hot levels with historic military air missions over the Gulf of Mexico. We're talking just off the coast of Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida here. Does anybody think Putin gives a flip what Obama may think about it? This is a big deal and we still have two years of crawfishing to do, and no remaining land mass in which to back up. He laughs at NATO and it's not hard to see why. When Obama cane into office Putin had his ears pinned back inside the borders of Russia. Poland had a missile deal to ensure his continued compliance and the US was still the undisputed leader of the free world.

Now it is the US who is backing up, Putin's tanks are rolling across the Ukraine, (likely the result of the missile defense system in Poland having been basically cancelled while Obama was being driven for the first time to the front door of the White House), and Putin is over in our neck of the woods threatening the US mainland with his air force. Meanwhile, our President is over in China giving away the store and making historic global warming deals to reduce man's carbon footprint on 'mother earth.' Back here behind our porous borders, Mr Obama is reportedly poised to grant upwards of 5 million aging foreign nationals a walk on the welfare 'red carpet' for life, compliments of the US taxpayer. Talk about disconnected. Liberals will be the end of us, that is if they haven't already succeeded.
Yes, I saw it. "Russia Flexes Military Muscles" is the head line just above "Obama Clears The Air On Climate Deal With China". Something else that bothers me is that our Commander in Chief was in China on Veteran's Day, but that's just me.....

Think I'll concentrate on the bigger story today about Kim Kardashian exposes her ample butt to the news media.

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