Poll: John McCain or Barack Obama?
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Barack Obama (D)
John McCain ®
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After years of straying from its limited-government principles, pandering to the culturally meddlesome religious right while allowing neo-conservatives to drive foreign policy, it is time for a clock cleaning.

A clock cleaning is the ticket to change within the GOP.

What constitutes a clock cleaning? A Democrat in the White House, more Democrats to the US House of Representatives, more Democrats in the US Senate, more Democrats in the State Assembly and State Senate.

Perhaps then the religious right will not be too concerned if people view marriage differently. Perhaps then we will work to minimize the number of abortions rather than worrying about passing legislation making the act criminal. Perhaps then we will abandon the war on drugs and adopt a policy of “least harm”. Perhaps then we will reclaim our communities. Perhaps then we will have a foreign policy that minimizes risk to

I hope the GOP gets the message. We have to return to limited-government. We need to return to the “big tent” that Ronald Reagan mentioned. If the GOP can’t get the message, the Republican Party may go the way of the Whig Party.
Beetle01 Wrote:Ive also heard people call him the messiah, the one, and the next coming of Jesus. People have called him their savior.

So yeah some right wing evangelicals call him the anti-christ, because of the way he motivates crowds, and the way people react to him. Christ says look for the signs of his return. The appearance of the anti-christ is one of them. Now I don't think Obama is the anti-christ, but he definelty does move crowds in a Hitler type fashion. Of course if they are right, then its inevitable he is going to take control, so I wonder if those people will be voting tomorrow. Seems to me like some people took Left Behind a little to seriously.

Go find some of Hitler's speeches on tape. There was a frenzy, a nationalism, a "gleam in the eye," and unthinking, blind furor in the crowd. To compare Obama, in much of any way, to Hitler is, at best, a far stretch, at worst, the kind of inflammatory rhetoric that does harm to legitimate political debate.
Mccain All The Way!!

Bumped into to someone on my travels last week and we were talking politics. He was a registered democrat and he told me that he had already cast an early ballot for McCain. Anyway, I've heard this before but never in this manner. He told me people here in the hills feel like they are turning their backs on their grandfathers and great-grandfathers by voting for a republican and that in reality, that's not the case. The democratic party our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were a part of belonged to FDR and that party has died now. Republicans are closer to that kind of party now than the current democratic party. I think it's a legit point that should be made and it's not said in any racist way as many Obama supporters would lead you to believe. This "change" has been happening for the past decade +.

With that said, go vote for the candidate of your choice tomorrow.
i am voting for John Mcain.
jammin' jamey Wrote:McCain/Palin

Bumped into to someone on my travels last week and we were talking politics. He was a registered democrat and he told me that he had already cast an early ballot for McCain. Anyway, I've heard this before but never in this manner. He told me people here in the hills feel like they are turning their backs on their grandfathers and great-grandfathers by voting for a republican and that in reality, that's not the case. The democratic party our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were a part of belonged to FDR and that party has died now. Republicans are closer to that kind of party now than the current democratic party. I think it's a legit point that should be made and it's not said in any racist way as many Obama supporters would lead you to believe. This "change" has been happening for the past decade +.

With that said, go vote for the candidate of your choice tomorrow.

By McCain/Palin reasoning, the New Deal was socialist. Your position here is nigh indefensible if one has any knowledge of historical evolutions within the party structures at all. As evolved, the national Republican Party favors the very wealthy ("If you have a job, thank a rich man"). This has become more and more detrimental to the middle and working classes as huge multi-national corporations have gained more and more power. The Democratic national Party has more belief in using the Government to enhance life, to regulate power, to guard against the kinds of disparity in wealth that deteriorate overall quality of life in a society. Neither party is perfect, of course. But, your analysis here exists in the Netherland of historical ignorance.
jammin' jamey Wrote:McCain/Palin

Bumped into to someone on my travels last week and we were talking politics. He was a registered democrat and he told me that he had already cast an early ballot for McCain. Anyway, I've heard this before but never in this manner. He told me people here in the hills feel like they are turning their backs on their grandfathers and great-grandfathers by voting for a republican and that in reality, that's not the case. The democratic party our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were a part of belonged to FDR and that party has died now. Republicans are closer to that kind of party now than the current democratic party. I think it's a legit point that should be made and it's not said in any racist way as many Obama supporters would lead you to believe. This "change" has been happening for the past decade +.

With that said, go vote for the candidate of your choice tomorrow.
Whoever that guy was, he is an idiot!
If you are Republican you are an idiot. I thought the Democratic party was the one open to different views and lifestyles? It's pointless arguing on here, because everyone is so set in their ways that anything to the contrary is blasphemy. Republican or Democratic.
Panther Thunder Wrote:If you are Republican you are an idiot. I thought the Democratic party was the one open to different views and lifestyles? It's pointless arguing on here, because everyone is so set in their ways that anything to the contrary is blasphemy. Republican or Democratic.

I don't think the purpose of debate is necessarily to change people's minds. However, actually reading, listening to what people's views are who disagree with us broadens the horizons of our thinking, of our own opinions.
I just try and spread the word about Obama. So that when he screws everything up, all these folks who supported him can't play the ignorance card. Because everyone has been warning that he will not do what he has promised, he is inexperienced, and a marxist. More than likely foreign enemies, Russia and China are gonna make some moves internationally.

Of course we will get to see if Iran holds to their word, because if Obama wins, I'd say its less than a week, no more than a month that Israel strikes Iran's nuclear facilities. Then we will watch Obama leave our only ally in the ME hanging.
thecavemaster Wrote:I don't think the purpose of debate is necessarily to change people's minds. However, actually reading, listening to what people's views are who disagree with us broadens the horizons of our thinking, of our own opinions.

I think Panther Thunder was saying that it's pointless to argue with someone who thinks that everyone else who disagrees with them is an idiot. It's an opinion I've seen on here multiple times, in which a poster implies that everyone who believes in a position different than theirs is uneducated, unintelligent, or immoral.

People should be able to debate a topic without resorting to name-calling.

Like I said, I just try and get it out there, so when this country goes down the drain, I don't want to get on here and see DW or Cavemaster saying well, Obama said he was gonna do this, or he said he was gonna do that, but he lied and said did otherwise. Because me along with many other people are gonna be sitting back saying I told ya so, and hopefully then you all will just leave the politics up to the people who have the best interest of this country in mind. Not just worried about our own wallets.
Beetle01 Wrote:Like I said, I just try and get it out there, so when this country goes down the drain, I don't want to get on here and see DW or Cavemaster saying well, Obama said he was gonna do this, or he said he was gonna do that, but he lied and said did otherwise. Because me along with many other people are gonna be sitting back saying I told ya so, and hopefully then you all will just leave the politics up to the people who have the best interest of this country in mind. Not just worried about our own wallets.
I voted on the premise that you will live to eat these words.
More Cowbell Wrote:I think Panther Thunder was saying that it's pointless to argue with someone who thinks that everyone else who disagrees with them is an idiot. It's an opinion I've seen on here multiple times, in which a poster implies that everyone who believes in a position different than theirs is uneducated, unintelligent, or immoral.

People should be able to debate a topic without resorting to name-calling.

Sometimes, a little name calling (Oxford Style debate) adds a little spice. With that said, the name calling is meant to add spice, not to actually question the intelligence or morality of the other side.
Well i am voting for mccain. really dont like what obama is going to do to this country.
I didn't vote in the poll because that would skew the results, but if I could vote I would cast my ballot for Barack Obama/Joe Biden.

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