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Should Harry Reid Resign?
Thoughts? Does a double standard exist?
I don't think he should......I think he needs to stay in order to cause more embarassment on the Democrate Party and the present administration.
Saturday Night Live skit in which, right after being inaugurated, Barack Obama goes all " 'hood," uses ghetto slang, and names his 'hoodie pals to Cabinet posts. Operating principle: Obama had to pretend "whiteness" to get elected. Harry Reid was suggesting that a person of color who appeared "too black" could not get elected in America (Obama light-skinned and well spoken). If Harry Reid believes a "too black" candidate could not get elected in America, and says so publicly, he violated Political Correctness common sense and probably should resign. The issue of whether or not he's accurate is a whole other can of worms.
thecavemaster Wrote:Saturday Night Live skit in which, right after being inaugurated, Barack Obama goes all " 'hood," uses ghetto slang, and names his 'hoodie pals to Cabinet posts. Operating principle: Obama had to pretend "whiteness" to get elected. Harry Reid was suggesting that a person of color who appeared "too black" could not get elected in America (Obama light-skinned and well spoken). If Harry Reid believes a "too black" candidate could not get elected in America, and says so publicly, he violated Political Correctness common sense and probably should resign. The issue of whether or not he's accurate is a whole other can of worms.
Obama, well spoken? You ARE aware of the infamous "shout out" right after the massacre, right?
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Obama, well spoken? You ARE aware of the infamous "shout out" right after the massacre, right?

Referring to what Harry Reid said... "well spoken" in terms of not too "black." However, if your implication is that Barack Obama is an ill-spoken politician, I disagree.
No, Harry Reid should not resign for what he said. Reid should have already resigned to avoid making Obama, a large number of Congressional Democrats, and himself into first class hypocrites. Well, it is too late to prevent that from happening, so I think that Reid should continue to "serve" as a constant reminder of just how hypocritical, tyrannical, and corrupt most Democrats currently serving in Congress truly are.

Had Democrats not repeatedly called for the heads of Republicans, some of whom were guilty of making less insensitive racial remarks in the past, a Reid apology would have sufficed. However, after Reid and Obama both demanded that Trent Lott step down even after he issued an apology, both men now look extremely hypocritical.

[INDENT]Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) in 2002 agreed with former Sen. Trent Lott's (R-Miss.) decision to resign his leadership role after Lott made what some felt were racist remarks at former Sen. Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday party.

"He had no alternative," said Reid at the time claiming, "If you tell ethnic jokes in the backroom, it's that much easier to say ethnic things publicly. I've always practiced how I play."[/INDENT]

...and yes, a double standard definitely exists. Just ask George Allen.
Lott envisioned a Strom Thurmond world. Allen used a racial slur. Reid suggested it was good that Obama was not so black that a lot of white people wouldn't vote for him. Lott and Allen: their words were racist in content... Reid was suggesting he believes the country is still divided racially... he was not uttering a slur. Those things are not the same.
thecavemaster Wrote:Lott envisioned a Strom Thurmond world. Allen used a racial slur. Reid suggested it was good that Obama was not so black that a lot of white people wouldn't vote for him. Lott and Allen: their words were racist in content... Reid was suggesting he believes the country is still divided racially... he was not uttering a slur. Those things are not the same.
So you do not believe that a majority of African-Americans in this country believe that the term Reid used to describe blacks is widely regarded as a slur among blacks? LOL! If Reid is ultimately forced to resign, which given Democrats' hypocrisy seems highly unlikely, I hope that you will finally acknowledge the truth like Speaker Pelosi has.
You can bet your sweet bippy he should resign. Yes, there is a double standard. A whole lot of hypocrits (such as race baiter Al Sharpton) came out today supporting Reid; however, had that been McConnell, they would have demanded his head. If he stays, it will be a plus for the Republicans in the Nevada Senate race.

I cannot wait to hear Bill Clinton's response to his comment to Ted Kennedy, "a few years ago, He (Obama) would be serving us coffee." Heh!
Kind of an old story, not realted in some manner to this case, but yet still another example of Democratic hypocricy. Where has been the democratic party's outrage over Robert C. Byrd's affliation with the KKK ? Why has his head never called for?
Joe Friday Wrote:You can bet your sweet bippy he should resign. Yes, there is a double standard. A whole lot of hypocrits (such as race baiter Al Sharpton) came out today supporting Reid; however, had that been McConnell, they would have demanded his head. If he stays, it will be a plus for the Republicans in the Nevada Senate race.

I cannot wait to hear Bill Clinton's response to his comment to Ted Kennedy, "a few years ago, He (Obama) would be serving us coffee." Heh!

Ah, a child of the 60's I see. lol
Compare Harry Reid's voting record on issues impacting African Americans with that of Trent Lott, George Allen. This whole "jot and tittle" comparison is funny. Chicken Little crying "not fair, not fair." The word "*****" is outdated, has passed from use; however, as I understand it, it is not viewed as offensively as suggesting that a Strom Thurmond segregationist/seccesionist Presidency would have been desireable.
trent lott was saying something at the birthday of a 100 year old man. I repeat a 100 year old man . Reid was speaking fact. Obama is a light skin ***** with no ***** dialect. But if Lott had to go then so must Reid. But it's still stupid.
I think liberal democrats are trying to have their cake and eat it too.......But, what has happened to free speech in this country.....A person is guaranteed the right to say what he wants without worrying about the consequences no matter how stupid he is or sounds
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Ah, a child of the 60's I see. lol

I came of age in the era of the 'funkadelic, groovy, and far out, man'. :biggrin:

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