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irs targets conservative voting groups
look at this


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Internal Revenue Service inappropriately flagged conservative political groups for additional reviews during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status, a top IRS official said Friday.

Organizations were singled out because they included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their applications for tax-exempt status, said Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups.
In some cases, groups were asked for their list of donors, which violates IRS policy in most cases, she said.

"That was wrong. That was absolutely incorrect, it was insensitive and it was inappropriate. That's not how we go about selecting cases for further review," Lerner said at a conference sponsored by the American Bar Association.
"The IRS would like to apologize for that," she added.

Lerner said the practice was initiated by low-level workers in Cincinnati and was not motivated by political bias. After her talk, she told The AP that no high level IRS officials knew about the practice.

Agency officials found out about the practice last year and moved to correct it, the IRS said in a statement. The statement did not specify when officials found out.

About 75 groups were inappropriately targeted. None had their tax-exempt status revoked, Lerner said.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky called on the White House to investigate.

"Today's acknowledgement by the Obama administration that the IRS did in fact target conservative groups in the heat of last year's national election is not enough," McConnell said. "I call on the White House to conduct a transparent, government-wide review aimed at assuring the American people that these thuggish practices are not under way at the IRS or elsewhere in the administration against anyone, regardless of their political views."
"Lerner said the practice was initiated by low-level workers in Cincinnati and was not motivated by political bias."

"Organizations were singled out because they included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their applications for tax-exempt status, said Lois Lerner"

doesnt this say it all
WideMiddle03 Wrote:"Lerner said the practice was initiated by low-level workers in Cincinnati and was not motivated by political bias."

"Organizations were singled out because they included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their applications for tax-exempt status, said Lois Lerner"

doesnt this say it all
is anyone susprised by this. They also try to make it look like it was just some low level employees in Cincinnati when they had moved the approval process to Cincinnati.
^ On a thought though, I can see where it might send up a flag. I can see where the mix up came into play. Organizations that file 501C3 status have very limited stuff they can do involving lobbying, and absolutely can not support political candidates.
TheRealVille Wrote:^ On a thought though, I can see where it might send up a flag. I can see where the mix up came into play. Organizations that file 501C3 status have very limited stuff they can do involving lobbying, and absolutely can not support political candidates.

I know of no other 501C3 group that ever got involved in poltics.

ACORN was composed of a number of legally distinct nonprofit entities and affiliates including a nationwide umbrella organization established as a 501©(4) that performed lobbying; local chapters established as 501©(3) nonpartisan charities; and the national nonprofit and nonstock organization, ACORN Housing Corporation. ACORN's priorities included: better housing and wages for the poor, more community development investment from banks and governments, better public schools, labor-oriented causes and social justice issues. ACORN pursued these goals through demonstration, negotiation, lobbying for legislation, and voter participation.[15]

ACORN might as well be listed as a branch of the DNC.

Were all groups with progressive or community action or something like that in their name treated the same? HELL NO.
the other guy Wrote:I know of no other 501C3 group that ever got involved in poltics.

ACORN was composed of a number of legally distinct nonprofit entities and affiliates including a nationwide umbrella organization established as a 501©(4) that performed lobbying; local chapters established as 501©(3) nonpartisan charities; and the national nonprofit and nonstock organization, ACORN Housing Corporation. ACORN's priorities included: better housing and wages for the poor, more community development investment from banks and governments, better public schools, labor-oriented causes and social justice issues. ACORN pursued these goals through demonstration, negotiation, lobbying for legislation, and voter participation.[15]

ACORN might as well be listed as a branch of the DNC.

Were all groups with progressive or community action or something like that in their name treated the same? HELL NO.
I'm not taking up for any of them, either side. If they go against tax exempt rules, nail all of them to the wall. If the liberal organizations didn't get the same lengthly questionnaires, it's needs to be invesigated.
TheRealVille Wrote:I'm not taking up for any of them, either side. If they go against tax exempt rules, nail all of them to the wall. If the liberal organizations didn't get the same lengthly questionnaires, it's needs to be invesigated.
only one problem these groups were denied approval during the election cycle in 2012 so unlike acorn and others who were allowed to work under 501C3 they were not.The Obama adminstration knew that they had to get past the election on every issue they could and they did everything they could to do (legal and otherwise)
the other guy Wrote:only one problem these groups were denied approval during the election cycle in 2012 so unlike acorn and others who were allowed to work under 501C3 they were not.The Obama adminstration knew that they had to get past the election on every issue they could and they did everything they could to do (legal and otherwise)
While I don't condone what happened, there is zero proof Obama knew what was going on. I'm sure he doesn't know every detail of things going on in all department. I'm sure this happens all the time from both parties.
TheRealVille Wrote:While I don't condone what happened, there is zero proof Obama knew what was going on. I'm sure he doesn't know every detail of things going on in all department. I'm sure this happens all the time from both parties.
Boy we agree I also think Obama knows nothing.
look at this
the irs senior officials knew
and this was released by the ap surprisingly

TheRealVille Wrote:While I don't condone what happened, there is zero proof Obama knew what was going on. I'm sure he doesn't know every detail of things going on in all department. I'm sure this happens all the time from both parties.

Harry Truman always said the buck stopped with him. The same rule should apply to Obama. Of course, his line is always that he never saw the buck or that the buck belongs to someone else- usually Bush.

Whether Obama knew directly about the IRS purge or not is immaterial. Ultimately, as Truman said, he is responsible for what happens on his watch. If one has any knowledge of the workings of the IRS, he knows how absurd it is to try to blame it on low level employees in Cincinnati. That is manure and the smell is strong. Obama and/or some of his close associates need to clean their shoes.
To think this is the same IRS that will be incharge of ObamaCare. How safe do you think your medical records will be?
More corruption from the "transparency for thee but not for me" administration. The IRS has been targeting conservative groups since at least 2011 and its top brass is lying every time that they claim that they were unaware of the allegation.

In March, 2012, Mark Levin, President of Landmark Legal Foundation and a nationally syndicated talk radio host, sent a letter to the Treasury Department's Inspector General's office about the IRS's targeting of conservative organizations.
Quote:“Shortly after they got the letter, two agents from the Treasury Department’s inspector general’s office[Image: http://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png] did interview me fairly thoroughly at our offices at Landmark — wanted all the information we had, which I provided them and I also discussed with them what I considered the law to be and what I considered the violations to be. I gave them our various contacts and then they left and we never heard from them again, which is typical.”
[/INDENT]Fox News and other conservative media outlets had covered the IRS abuses prior to Levin's letter but no action was taken and Levin referenced those media reports in his letter. (Remember that 2012 was an election year and the Obama administration had a campaign to wage.)

It seems that the response by liberals to any Obama scandal is to immediately resort to the "everybody does it" defense, without offering any evidence that anybody else actually did whatever "it" is.

Using the IRS for political purposes is one of the abuses that brought down the Nixon administration. There is no excuse for it and there is no excuse for the ongoing cover-up.
It's simple. Fire them.

Also it's funny that you guys play the buck stop here saying. When everyone blames bush you guys say "we'll democrats was in office" "we'll they agreed with it" " blah blah blah blah" but when Someone just notions that Obama knew nothing of this scandal, " THE BUCK STOPS AT OBAMA"

Lol you guys crack me up.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:More corruption from the "transparency for thee but not for me" administration. The IRS has been targeting conservative groups since at least 2011 and its top brass is lying every time that they claim that they were unaware of the allegation.

In March, 2012, Mark Levin, President of Landmark Legal Foundation and a nationally syndicated talk radio host, sent a letter to the Treasury Department's Inspector General's office about the IRS's targeting of conservative organizations.
[/INDENT]Fox News and other conservative media outlets had covered the IRS abuses prior to Levin's letter but no action was taken and Levin referenced those media reports in his letter. (Remember that 2012 was an election year and the Obama administration had a campaign to wage.)

It seems that the response by liberals to any Obama scandal is to immediately resort to the "everybody does it" defense, without offering any evidence that anybody else actually did whatever "it" is.

Using the IRS for political purposes is one of the abuses that brought down the Nixon administration. There is no excuse for it and there is no excuse for the ongoing cover-up.

It is ridiculous. Liberals themselves are the very embodiment of corruption, in that they are not willing to wait for society to adopt the liberal agenda in due time. Proving their own naivety they rush forward in amateurish impatience, often, even usually, employing the very same corrupt tactics they continually accuse republicans of. Stanch liberal Jehmu Greene, a Democratic Party operative who was the national director of Project Vote, a group with close ties to the corrupt ACORN organization, made the same kind of political move only this morning in an attempt to direct attention away from the administration. Unbelievably equating the IRS assault on 1st amendment rights of Tea Party Organizations to the fruitless efforts of George W to run down the WMD's which intelligence sources said were in Iraq.

I mean, the IRS is targeting groups for studying the US Constitution and they justify that by yet another touch-n-go from the threadbare WMD issue. LOL, and Jay Carney has the cheek to call the Benghazi Scandal "an old story"? :please:
TheRealThing Wrote:It is ridiculous. Liberals themselves are the very embodiment of corruption, in that they are not willing to wait for society to adopt the liberal agenda in due time. Proving their own naivety they rush forward in amateurish impatience, often, even usually, employing the very same corrupt tactics they continually accuse republicans of. Stanch liberal Jehmu Greene, a Democratic Party operative who was the national director of Project Vote, a group with close ties to the corrupt ACORN organization, made the same kind of political move only this morning in an attempt to direct attention away from the administration. Unbelievably equating the IRS assault on 1st amendment rights of Tea Party Organizations to the fruitless efforts of George W to run down the WMD's which intelligence sources said were in Iraq.

I mean, the IRS is targeting groups for studying the US Constitution and they justify that by yet another touch-n-go from the threadbare WMD issue. LOL, and Jay Carney has the cheek to call the Benghazi Scandal "an old story"? :please:

what about the lie bush told the American people about WMDS in Iraq ?
vector Wrote:what about the lie bush told the American people about WMDS in Iraq ?
How about you sticking to the thread topic for a change? Honest liberal Democrats see a problem with the IRS targeting groups opposed to the administration. Are you honest?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:It's simple. Fire them.

Also it's funny that you guys play the buck stop here saying. When everyone blames bush you guys say "we'll democrats was in office" "we'll they agreed with it" " blah blah blah blah" but when Someone just notions that Obama knew nothing of this scandal, " THE BUCK STOPS AT OBAMA"

Lol you guys crack me up.
It's not funny that this nation will be left in the hands of a generation of idiots who are unwilling to hold their government responsible for screw ups and abuses of power. Nixon used the IRS to do his bidding and he left office because his own party told him that they would support his impeachment if he did not leave on his own. What a difference a couple of generations make.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It's not funny that this nation will be left in the hands of a generation of idiots who are unwilling to hold their government responsible for screw ups and abuses of power. Nixon used the IRS to do his bidding and he left office because his own party told him that they would support his impeachment if he did not leave on his own. What a difference a couple of generations make.
Who held Bush and Cheney accountable? I don't remember one single republican on this board that held them accountable fort the Iraq war. All I've ever heard from the people here is, "the democrats voted for it also".
TheRealVille Wrote:Who held Bush and Cheney accountable? I don't remember one single republican on this board that held them accountable fort the Iraq war. All I've ever heard from the people here is, "the democrats voted for it also".
I don't blame you for attempting to change the subject each time a new Obama scandal erupts, RV. If I had voted for Obama twice, I would be too ashamed to open my mouth. Bush has not been president for more than 4 years. Obama's incompetence and corrupt administration is the problem facing Americans now. Thanks!
TheRealVille Wrote:Who held Bush and Cheney accountable? I don't remember one single republican on this board that held them accountable fort the Iraq war. All I've ever heard from the people here is, "the democrats voted for it also".

So, you would have Bush and Cheney "held accountable" and give all the dems who were equally responsible a pass. Sounds about par for the course coming from a liberal. The Benghazi cover up has been epic in the annals of misleading information and that is by comparison to any other administration you could name. Bush did not lie. Liberal websites have repeated that lie so many times they think they have everybody bamboozled at this point. There are a few of us who know the truth still standing though.
TheRealThing Wrote:So, you would have Bush and Cheney "held accountable" and give all the dems who were equally responsible a pass. Sounds about par for the course coming from a liberal. The Benghazi cover up has been epic in the annals of misleading information and that is by comparison to any other administration you could name. Bush did not lie. Liberal websites have repeated that lie so many times they think they have everybody bamboozled at this point. There are a few of us who know the truth still standing though.
No, I didn't say that. I said I've never heard the first one of you hold Bush and Cheney responsible for the Iraq war, and misleading the public. Bush absolutely did lie. There were 4488 killed in that lie. Until you have concrete proof there were WMD's in Iraq when we invaded, Bush lied, and 4488 died.
TheRealThing Wrote:So, you would have Bush and Cheney "held accountable" and give all the dems who were equally responsible a pass. Sounds about par for the course coming from a liberal. The Benghazi cover up has been epic in the annals of misleading information and that is by comparison to any other administration you could name. Bush did not lie. Liberal websites have repeated that lie so many times they think they have everybody bamboozled at this point. There are a few of us who know the truth still standing though.

the BUCK stops here
TheRealVille Wrote:No, I didn't say that. I said I've never heard the first one of you hold Bush and Cheney responsible for the Iraq war, and misleading the public. Bush absolutely did lie. There were 4488 killed in that lie. Until you have concrete proof there were WMD's in Iraq when we invaded, Bush lied, and 4488 died.
Unlike in the case of Benghazi, there is zero evidence that the Bush administration manipulated the intelligence reports that it received from the CIA or from foreign intelligence agencies to deceive anybody. The Clintons believed that Iraq had WMD when they left office. We all know that they are liars, but did they lie about their belief that Iraq had WMD? Even if there is never proof that Iraq had WMD, that will not prove that Bill Clinton or Bush lied.

In the case of Iraq, there are satellite photos of large convoys of trucks moving from Iraq to Syria during the lead-up to war, and virtually nobody questions the fact that Syria has WMDs and has used them. It really should not be difficult, even for an Obama lover, to acknowledge that the Ba'ath Party government in Iraq may have shipped WMD to the Ba'ath government of Syria for safekeeping - there is at least one former Iraqi general who claims that is exactly what happened.

For somebody so eager to brand Bush a liar, you sure seem to be ignoring a mountain of evidence that the current regime has lied to you, right along with the rest of us.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Unlike in the case of Benghazi, there is zero evidence that the Bush administration manipulated the intelligence reports that it received from the CIA or from foreign intelligence agencies to deceive anybody. The Clintons believed that Iraq had WMD when they left office. We all know that they are liars, but did they lie about their belief that Iraq had WMD? Even if there is never proof that Iraq had WMD, that will not prove that Bill Clinton or Bush lied.

In the case of Iraq, there are satellite photos of large convoys of trucks moving from Iraq to Syria during the lead-up to war, and virtually nobody questions the fact that Syria has WMDs and has used them. It really should not be difficult, even for an Obama lover, to acknowledge that the Ba'ath Party government in Iraq may have shipped WMD to the Ba'ath government of Syria for safekeeping - there is at least one former Iraqi general who claims that is exactly what happened.

For somebody so eager to brand Bush a liar, you sure seem to be ignoring a mountain of evidence that the current regime has lied to you, right along with the rest of us.

they just lied that's all
WideMiddle03 Wrote:[Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/h...6959_n.jpg]
Great find, WM! I had already read about the family ties but only a picture does justice to the incestuous relationship between the Obama administration and the mainstream media.
vector Wrote:they just lied that's all
:Thumbs: I fully agree. Obama and RV did lie.
Hoot Gibson Wrote::Thumbs: I fully agree. Obama and RV did lie.

don't like the truth just spin it :blabbermo
vector Wrote:don't like the truth just spin it :blabbermo
How did I lie? The buck stops with Bush. When you have proof about the WMD's that is concrete, I'll gladly admit I'm wrong. I've saw that convoy picture you speak of, and it is zero proof that those are wmd's going to syria.
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