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The Case Against Donald J. Trump
TheRealThing Wrote:Right, Laffer and Huckabee are both unfit to quote, I don't know what I was thinking there.

And Steve Moore?; He spoke highly of Trump's plan today as well, and is another high ranking economist from the Reagan Administration. What's the rub with him?
I never said that anybody was unfit to quote. I related what Laffer has said about Trump. I think that he is an optimist because he dismisses the stupid things that Trump says as "showmanship" and believes the things that Trump has proposed with which he personally agrees. Has Laffer endorsed Trump's idea that this country will never default on its public debt because we can always just print more money? Or has Laffer dismissed that statement as Trump just saying things that he does not really believe?

I am a fan of Art Laffer and supply side economics. Where I part ways with Laffer is that I actually believe that Trump believes many of the stupid things that he says. Like I said, Laffer is an optimist. I guess I am not.

If I chose to believe only the things Trump says with which I agree, I would be waving pom-poms for him too. I am not to going to cherry pick Trump's positions just so I can justify voting for another bad Republican candidate.

According to Trump, he is counting on getting a large share of Bernie Sanders' supporters to vote for him in November. How do you think he plans on doing that? Does he plan to convert those socialists into conservatives over the next 6 months?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I never said that anybody was unfit to quote. I related what Laffer has said about Trump. I think that he is an optimist because he dismisses the stupid things that Trump says as "showmanship" and believes the things that Trump has proposed with which he personally agrees. Has Laffer endorsed Trump's idea that this country will never default on its public debt because we can always just print more money? Or has Laffer dismissed that statement as Trump just saying things that he does not really believe?

I am a fan of Art Laffer and supply side economics. Where I part ways with Laffer is that I actually believe that Trump believes many of the stupid things that he says. Like I said, Laffer is an optimist. I guess I am not.

If I chose to believe only the things Trump says with which I agree, I would be waving pom-poms for him too. I am not to going to cherry pick Trump's positions just so I can justify voting for another bad Republican candidate.

According to Trump, he is counting on getting a large share of Bernie Sanders' supporters to vote for him in November. How do you think he plans on doing that? Does he plan to convert those socialists into conservatives over the next 6 months?

Yeah you are cherry picking. I mean this is a thread about the case against Trump, right? You're picking out what could be construed to be negative. And I would say that is the difference between you and Laffer, he's more the pragmatist. I just cannot help but take his lead on Trump's financial plan knowing what I do about his role in the Reagan Administration. Steve Moore is no exception either, he is on board 100%.

Trump will get Sanders supporters for the obvious. Hillary cannot be trusted and nobody likes her. Surely you're not suggesting the brain dead Democrat voting block have suddenly awakened, and having done their homework, are rolling the dice in hopes Trump is faking everything he's been campaigning on are you? That would be trading one liar for another.
TheRealThing Wrote:Yeah you are cherry picking. I mean this is a thread about the case against Trump, right? You're picking out what could be construed to be negative. And I would say that is the difference between you and Laffer, he's more the pragmatist. I just cannot help but take his lead on Trump's financial plan knowing what I do about his role in the Reagan Administration. Steve Moore is no exception either, he is on board 100%.

Trump will get Sanders supporters for the obvious. Hillary cannot be trusted and nobody likes her. Surely you're not suggesting the brain dead Democrat voting block have suddenly awakened, and having done their homework, are rolling the dice in hopes Trump is faking everything he's been campaigning on are you? That would be trading one liar for another.
What. I am suggesting is that Trump will promise anything to get elected. With the nomination in hand, he is already abandoning positions that won conservative voters' support. I agree that Hillary is untrustworthy, I just see Trump as her equal in that regard. Both of them will be pandering to Sanders' supporters in the general campaign because neither of them have a chance of winning without their votes. The election will go to the candidate who can appeal to the most socialists.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What. I am suggesting is that Trump will promise anything to get elected. With the nomination in hand, he is already abandoning positions that won conservative voters' support. I agree that Hillary is untrustworthy, I just see Trump as her equal in that regard. Both of them will be pandering to Sanders' supporters in the general campaign because neither of them have a chance of winning without their votes. The election will go to the candidate who can appeal to the most socialists.

I disagree completely. Trump is certainly not on any kind of common ground with Hillary Clinton, your speculations to the contrary notwithstanding. The list of prominent people endorsing Trump grows each day, if there were anything to substantiate all this concern, surely somebody out there could come up with something more damning than the distortions falsely attributed to Trump regarding immigration, supposedly irritated women and black people. The same old tired and ridiculous fight about race and racial bias. Absolutely nothing new here.

There is so much mutually exclusive anti-logic floating around on the internet it's incredible. For example, it seems a difficult case to make IMHO, to say that Trump will be rejected by takers, while saying on the other hand the same militantly oppositional special interest groups might change their minds and vote for him anyway.
TheRealThing Wrote:I disagree completely. Trump is certainly not on any kind of common ground with Hillary Clinton, your speculations to the contrary notwithstanding. The list of prominent people endorsing Trump grows each day, if there were anything to substantiate all this concern, surely somebody out there could come up with something more damning than the distortions falsely attributed to Trump regarding immigration, supposedly irritated women and black people. The same old tired and ridiculous fight about race and racial bias. Absolutely nothing new here.

There is so much mutually exclusive anti-logic floating around on the internet it's incredible. For example, it seems a difficult case to make IMHO, to say that Trump will be rejected by takers, while saying on the other hand the same militantly oppositional special interest groups might change their minds and vote for him anyway.
I don't pay much attention to celebrity endorsements. My opinion of Trump is based on his own words and actions. I don't need somebody telling me what I should think about what Trump says and does.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't pay much attention to celebrity endorsements. My opinion of Trump is based on his own words and actions. I don't need somebody telling me what I should think about what Trump says and does.

But you do seem to feel the need to tell everybody else what to think about what Trump says and does. Not that I'm complaining, LOL.

But how about this one then? Today Rep Mick Mulvaney ® SC, and founding member of the House of Representative's 'Freedom Caucus,' came out today in full throated endorsement of Donald J. Trump for President of the United States.
TheRealThing Wrote:But you do seem to feel the need to tell everybody else what to think about what Trump says and does. Not that I'm complaining, LOL.

But how about this one then? Today Rep Mick Mulvaney ® SC, and founding member of the House of Representative's 'Freedom Caucus,' came out today in full throated endorsement of Donald J. Trump for President of the United States.
No, I tell everybody what I think about what Trump says and does. You obviously don't care and that is fine with me.

Let me make this perfectly clear for you. I have a great deal of respect for Ted Cruz and Mark Levin. If both of them endorse Donald Trump tomorrow morning and beg me to do the same, it will not make a bit of difference to me. God gave me a brain and He gave me five senses to gather data for that brain. I plan to continue to continue to use those tools to the best of my ability. I will not be citing anybody else's opinion to justify my own opinion.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No, I tell everybody what I think about what Trump says and does. You obviously don't care and that is fine with me.

Let me make this perfectly clear for you. I have a great deal of respect for Ted Cruz and Mark Levin. If both of them endorse Donald Trump tomorrow morning and beg me to do the same, it will not make a bit of difference to me. God gave me a brain and He gave me five senses to gather data for that brain. I plan to continue to continue to use those tools to the best of my ability. I will not be citing anybody else's opinion to justify my own opinion.

Got it!
Just as I, and thousands of other Trump detractors have pointed out, Trump never intended to self fund his campaign. If Trump had been telling voters the truth about self funding his campaign, then he would not have loaned his campaign millions of dollars, he would have donated the money to his campaign. Trump has been, is, and will continue to be a monumental liar. That is why Trump's campaign promises are worthless, even when compared to other politicians' campaign promises. The scale of Trump's dishonesty is staggering.

Quote:Trump Campaign Could Use New Donations to Pay Donald Trump $36M for Loan

After railing against a "corrupt" fundraising system in the Republican primaries, Donald Trump now says he will raise hundreds of millions of dollars to compete in the general election.

But the new money Trump raises is available not only for future campaigning — it can also go directly into Trump's pocket, reimbursing him for his personal spending in the primaries.

Trump aides say that option is not currently under discussion, NBC News has learned, but they also decline to rule out the possibility entirely.

After this article was published Friday, Trump said he is ruling out the possibility, telling MSNBC, "I have absolutely no intention of paying myself back for the nearly $50 million dollars I have loaned to the campaign." Trump's estimate appears to include additional money he loaned the campaign that has yet to be filed with the FEC, and he told MNSBC all of the loans are "a contribution made in order to 'Make America Great Again.'"

The Trump campaign has not actually converted the loans into a contribution, according to the FEC. After this article was published Friday, aides told msnbc they expect to make that formal change "in the near future."

Legally, Trump has the option of recouping any or all of the money he spent on the primaries.

That is because Trump almost never directly donates funds to his campaign. He has only spent about $317,000 of his own money outright.

The rest of his personal spending is structured as a loan to the campaign, which now owes Trump $35.9 million.
We have no problem with Trump seeking money for the general. It's the primary where candidates get bought.

I will donate.
So, if Goldman Sachs collects a few million dollars now to help repay Trump's campaign debt to Trump, it is different than had they donated the same money during the primaries? Sure, I see your logic.:hilarious:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So, if Goldman Sachs collects a few million dollars now to help repay Trump's campaign debt to Trump, it is different than had they donated the same money during the primaries? Sure, I see your logic.:hilarious:

I doubt that you do. Trump's positions were already stated during the primary season and the people made their choice. Anybody who wants to donate now does so knowing what they're getting.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So, if Goldman Sachs collects a few million dollars now to help repay Trump's campaign debt to Trump, it is different than had they donated the same money during the primaries? Sure, I see your logic.:hilarious:

I think Goldman Sachs is more prone to help the cruz campaign :biglmao:
TheRealThing Wrote:I doubt that you do. Trump's positions were already stated during the primary season and the people made their choice. Anybody who wants to donate now does so knowing what they're getting.
Trump lied when he said his campaign would be self funded. That was very obvious to anybody who looked at his FEC filings with an objective eye. The positions that he took during the primary season have already begun to shift. Trump will peddle influence in exchange for cash now, just as he has bought influence from politicians for most of his adult life. That was his plan when he loaned his campaign money instead of financing his campaign on a "pay as you go" basis.

If you review my previous posts on Trump lying about self funding his campaign, you will see that I was correct. I posted links to Trump's FEC filings, if you took time to notice them. Trump will take special interest money and retire his campaign's debt to himself.

Donald Trump accepting money from special interests is no different than Hillary Clinton accepting money from many of those same special interests. Money buys political influence and influence is the product that Hillary and Trump are peddling. Trump was an influence buyer who has morphed into a seller. Predictable.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I think Goldman Sachs is more prone to help the cruz campaign :biglmao:
Do you, now? Let's stay focused. Ted Cruz has suspended his campaign. Donald Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee and he lied to you about self financing his campaign. I never like being lied to, but I guess it is just something Trump supporters learn to live with it. :biglmao:

Quote:Trump Names Former Goldman Partner, Soros Money Manager As Finance Chairman

After acknowledging he will now raise money for the general election, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has named a national finance chairman who has a history with some organizations that could clash with his conservative populist message.

On Thursday, Trump named Steven Mnuchin, the chairman and CEO of private investment firm Dune Capital Management LP, to lead his fundraising.

Mnuchin, according to his Bloomberg profile, was a partner at Goldman Sachs, where he worked for 17 years. He also worked at Soros Fund Management LLC, founded by liberal mega-donor George Soros.

During the primary, Trump criticized rival Ted Cruz because the Texas senator’s wife worked for Goldman Sachs. “I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over him. Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton,” Trump said in February.
Most of Trump's supporters a little over a year ago were huge Ted Cruz fans. Whether it be the voter, politicians (e.g. Sarah Palin), or media analysts (Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Wayne Dupree). This was the guy that the establishment dreaded, that those on the outside were rooting for.

It's one thing to just prefer Donald Trump over the other candiates. For example, I had a difficult time choosing in the Kentucky primary for Governor and ended up choosing Hal Heiner. I thought he was the best choice of the four that ran. Did I start bashing Matt Bevin or turning against James Comer or Will T. Scott? No. I still held a tremendous amount of respect for them, knowing where they stood. It's one thing to prefer Donald Trump. Maybe you think he'll get in there and just completely wreck havoc, maybe you think he'll represent the people better and overthrow the establish - or maybe you like how he has been so strong against political correctness. Maybe you like his stance on immigration. If you like him more, that's one thing.

To be so attracted to Trump to let him convince you that the conservative who filibustered Obamacare for 23 hours, who took a stance against the gang of eight and busted that up, who has introduced conservative legislation left and right is all of a sudden some member of the establishment that is in cahoots with Goldman Sachs - who is very liberal on social issues that Cruz has gone against - that is just crazy.

If Trump wasn't able to get the support of people like Jeb Bush or Lindsey Graham, that would be one thing. But considering he is having just as much trouble getting support from the good guys (e.g. Mike Lee or Ben Sasse) that should be a wake up call. Two of his three key supporters, Chris Christie and John Kasich, both have strong estabilshment ties. I always defended the intelligence of the people of the Republican Party after seeing how Obama's supporters acted, but after this, quite frankly, we deserve Hillary Clinton.
^Maybe we are being unfair to the Trump supporters, Wide. Think about how difficult it would be if we decided to support Trump and decided to make the case for others to vote for him.

It is much easier to support somebody who espouses steadfast principles like Bernie Sanders or Ted Cruz, even if we do not agree with them. Supporting Trump versus supporting Cruz is like the difference in carrying 50 pounds of water in a sealed plastic bag versus carrying 50 pounds of water in a bucket with a handle.

Quote:Donald Trump’s spokesmen, Barry Bennett on CNN, "This words matter stuff is ridiculous.”

Supporting an awkward and constantly shifting burden is always a challenge.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Do you, now? Let's stay focused. Ted Cruz has suspended his campaign. Donald Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee and he lied to you about self financing his campaign. I never like being lied to, but I guess it is just something Trump supporters learn to live with it. :biglmao:

[Image: http://davidduke.com/wp-content/uploads/...79x300.jpg]

[Image: http://www.infiniteunknown.net/wp-conten...d-Cruz.jpg]

[Image: https://theconservativetreehouse.files.w...=232&h=300]

Im lazer focused :biglmao::biglmao::biglmao:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:[Image: http://davidduke.com/wp-content/uploads/...79x300.jpg]

[Image: http://www.infiniteunknown.net/wp-conten...d-Cruz.jpg]

[Image: https://theconservativetreehouse.files.w...=232&h=300]

Im lazer focused :biglmao::biglmao::biglmao:
No defense of the lunatic you are supporting for president. No surprise - there is no way to explain away the lies and hypocrisy. Saturday Night Live and the late night comedians are going to see a ratings surge as they ridicule Trump every night on multiple networks.

BTW, how did you like John Miller's praise of Donald Trump?


Was that crazy, or what?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:No defense of the lunatic you are supporting for president. No surprise - there is no way to explain away the lies and hypocrisy. Saturday Night Live and the late night comedians are going to see a ratings surge as they ridicule Trump every night on multiple networks.

BTW, how did you like John Miller's praise of Donald Trump?


Was that crazy, or what?

I like crazy. Its why he has my vote.
John Miller is an upstanding citizen. Its Trumps super cool alter ego that was top secret.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Trump lied when he said his campaign would be self funded. That was very obvious to anybody who looked at his FEC filings with an objective eye. The positions that he took during the primary season have already begun to shift. Trump will peddle influence in exchange for cash now, just as he has bought influence from politicians for most of his adult life. That was his plan when he loaned his campaign money instead of financing his campaign on a "pay as you go" basis.

If you review my previous posts on Trump lying about self funding his campaign, you will see that I was correct. I posted links to Trump's FEC filings, if you took time to notice them. Trump will take special interest money and retire his campaign's debt to himself.

Donald Trump accepting money from special interests is no different than Hillary Clinton accepting money from many of those same special interests. Money buys political influence and influence is the product that Hillary and Trump are peddling. Trump was an influence buyer who has morphed into a seller. Predictable.

No... he didn't. He did not accept funding from the power brokers because he wanted to prove the legitimacy of his campaign of and by himself. He ran his campaign by the seat of his pants, said anything he pleased, and he did self fund it. One could make the same charge you have made against a housing contractor. Very often they go to a bank and take out a construction loan. Then after the house sells, they pay back the loan and pray there is something left they can call profit. Is that an act of self funding? It is in my book. You were just as certain you were right when you made the post in which you charged Trump with running interference for Hillary in playing the stalking horse. How'd that one pan out? In any case he is the nominee and the people's choice. I do not get all the obsessing and whining about it now that it is over and done.

I was less than thrilled with Romney when he won, but at some point after, I became more familiar with his record and his ability to think on his feet, and he grew on me. So much so that I was genuinely crushed when he lost to Obama. Word has it that 93% of Republicans voted for him and the only way it seems that we will see a Dem go down to defeat is in wooing sufficient enough crossover voters to tip the balance. A balance BTW that becomes more insurmountable every day we allow a no enforcement border policy to continue. This is a good time to feature in one's mind how much worse the problem will be 8 years from now when Hillary gets done with us. Prior to his entrance, nobody at all dared to identity the problem as it is in truth. No, political correctness driven to the absurd precluded any such clarity of thought or word.

Trump has demonstrated the ability to get those votes in eye popping numbers and almost all of those who have endorsed him of late agree with that assessment. Ted Cruz is only 46 years old, it genuinely escapes me why he would be drop dead against filling the ticket with Trump. If he loves his country and feels a debt he can never repay as he claims, what's so bad about spending the next 16 years at the forefront of world prominence? I mean, if it really is his bent to serve 'the people,' that seems equivalent to being insulted with a 10 million dollar cashier's check. Not exactly punishment from where I sit.

But, if the love of money is the root of all evil, the power of money would seem to have been the bane of the land of the free. Men and women in office frequently these days sell their souls for favor, and that is a reflection of America's spiritual degeneration. Trump did give money to the establishment, he admitted that freely. His candor about it in the debates indicated to me that he was being forthcoming. Not forewarning America that he would employ those unsavory tactics if elected. Confession of offenses in one's life are more often the surety that that person has changed for the better, not a warning shot across the bow of what's coming.
TheRealThing Wrote:I doubt that you do. Trump's positions were already stated during the primary season and the people made their choice. Anybody who wants to donate now does so knowing what they're getting.
Apparently you have not noticed how Trump's strong stand on issues have eroded into mere "suggestions" since Cruz suspended his campaign. You can bet large donors were reminded that Trump would need donations to repay himself for loaning the Trump campaign money. The fact that Trump supporters are okay with being lied to and are trying to rationalize how he is not soliciting large donations to run his general campaign would have amazed me in past elections, but critical thinking skills are not Trump's forte. He has a low opinion of the intelligence of his supporters and so far they have not disappointed him.

Money buys political influence before, during, and after elections. Prepare to be disappointed if you think that Trump's "suggestions" in November 2016 are going to resemble what his positions were in November 2015. They will continue to evolve based on polls, focus groups, and Trump's financial supporters wish lists.
Remember when Donald J. Trump criticized Marco Rubio because he thought that Sheldon Adelson was about to personally endorse Marco Rubio and open up his wallet to help his campaign? Now he is boasting about Adelson's $100 million commitment to his own campaign.

What is it about hypocritical liars that Trump supporters find so appealing? I don't care for them myself.

This is from a candidate who falsely claimed to be funding his own campaign during the entire primary season. The entire time, he filed paperwork with the FEC that proved he was lying, but he arrogantly assumed that those who blindly followed him would refuse to believe the truth. Trump was right. The herd never suspected a thing.

[Image: http://www.bluegrassrivals.com/forum/att...1463363748]
Mr Adelsons contribution is well appreciated. The rest of the RINOS and nuts will fall in line like so for our emperor.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Mr Adelsons contribution is well appreciated. The rest of the RINOS and nuts will fall in line like so for our emperor.
It makes no sense to support Donald J. Trump for president while disparaging RINOs. Trump is the ultimate RINO - a Friend of Bill. This is the campaign between Hillary and Hillary's donor. :biglmao:
More evidence that Donald Trump lied about posing as his own publicist, John Miller. It was not a very good lie either. According to People magazine and journalist, Sue Carswell, Trump admitted the initial lie back in 1991 and apologized for posing as Miller.

This is the kind of lies that Bill Clinton tells. Lies when there would be no consequence of telling the truth. It is as if lying and getting away with it gives people like Trump and Clinton a thrill. Lying about a 25 year old incident when there were witnesses and a magazine article available to refute the lie just calls Trump's honesty and judgment into question again. It also opens him up to even more ridicule than the recording already had.

If you enjoyed the Bill Clinton presidency, then you will be happy no matter who wins in November. When presidents lie about little things, you can count on them to lie about important matters.

Quote:Inside Donald Trump's '91 Apology for Pretending to Be His Own Spokesman – How Marla Maples Shamed Him Into Fessing Up

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump flatly denied Friday that he posed as his own spokesman during a June 26, 1991 phone call to then-PEOPLE reporter Sue Carswell – a phone interview that Carswell taped at the time. When she played the recording for friends of Trump and his then-girlfriend, Marla Maples, they were unanimous: the voice was Trump's own, a ruse that Carswell noted in her story for the July 8, 1991 issue of PEOPLE.

By the time PEOPLE was putting its July 22, 1991 issue together, Trump had called Carswell to confess that he was, in fact, the so-called John Miller who called a couple weeks earlier. 'I'm very sorry,' he told the reporter and invited her and a colleague out on the town to make amends.

Now that Trump is the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee, audio of Trump's admitted impersonation of a fake spokesman using the name John Miller surfaced at The Washington Post last week. Carswell says she didn't give it to the newspaper and she suspects Trump himself leaked the recording. His Friday denial – 'it was not me on the phone,' he said on the Today show – raised questions of his truthfulness, so PEOPLE revisited the 1991 episode with Carswell. This is her story.
I know many Trump supporters have argued that Trump's shady, liberal past should not be held against him because he declared himself a conservative Republican candidate for president last year but is that any reason to ignore Trump's ongoing pattern of dishonest behavior?

Do recall Trump boasting of raising $6 million for veterans groups when he boycotted a Fox News debate? I do. The Trump campaign had been criticized for not dispensing the funds that were raised that night quickly enough - but apparently the promised funds were not available to dispense.

Well, here is a shock. It turns out that Trump did not raise $6 million for vets that night. The actual amount raised was as little as $3.1 million, although I believe that there has been a person or two close to the campaign who have cited the total as $4.5 million.

Either way, the truth is that Trump derived political benefit from boasting about raising $6 million for vets for months and he still has not personally explained the shortfall.

Quote:Military vets protest in front of Trump Tower, demanding that presumptive GOP nominee apologize for exaggerating fundraising for vets

A group of more than 20 veterans gathered in protest outside Trump Tower Monday, demanding that the presumptive GOP nominee apologize for exaggerating his donations to vets groups.

Former Marine Alexander McCoy and Army veteran Perry O’Brien, who led the demonstration, have repeatedly said that Trump overstated the amount of money he raised at a Jan. 28 fundraiser for veterans causes to inflate his reputation among Republicans.

"(Of) the $6 million that Donald Trump supposedly raised for veterans charities, a significant portion of that money either never existed or it just vanished,” O'Brien, 34, who served in Afghanistan for over three years, told the Daily News as his fellow veterans and their supporters touted signs reading “Vets Vs Hate.”

“It’s part of a very troubling pattern of Donald Trump consistently using veterans as political props, and exploiting men and women who are former service members for his own political gain,” he said. “Many of us … are particularly concerned that he has been using veterans to advance an agenda of bigotry and hate that is not shared by the majority of military and veteran community.”

“I served in Afghanistan with Muslims, with women, with Latinos, and with immigrants. All of whom don the uniform and serve their country, unlike Donald Trump,” O’Brien continued. “When he maligns those groups and tries to turn Americans against each other, we feel he does a great disservice to the people that have made such great sacrifices for this country.”

“He's creating anti-American propaganda, and he is lowering the bar for the moral standards of a conduct of war,” O’Brien said.

The Trump campaign didn’t respond to questions about Monday’s protest.

Trump skipped a GOP debate on Jan. 28 in Iowa to hold his own event centered around veterans issues.

Various media outlets have determined that the amount raised was only about $3.1 million.
Trump chickens out of another debate. Who could have seen this coming?

Trump made the right decision, for the right reason. His mistake was to even entertain the idea of debating the runner-up for the Democrats' nomination.

Whether Trump wins the election or not, he has already made some huge blunders in the general campaign. Presidential nominees should be focused on their opponent. Trump has repeatedly fallen into the trap of bickering with Hillary's surrogates.

If Trump does not learn what being "presidential" means soon, Hillary's female, black, Hispanic, and homosexual surrogates will take turns teeing off on Trump, while Hillary benefits from the distractions.

Quote:Sanders blasts Trump: 'What are you afraid of?'

Sanders, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, called Trump a “bully,” adding, “Well Mr. Trump, what are you afraid of?”

Trump and Sanders set the political world on fire this week by hinting that they might face off in an unprecedented debate before the California primary on June 7.

Trump said Friday he is no longer interested in participating.
#ChickenTrump...the only thing worse for Donald Trump would have been following through with his commitment to debate Bernie Sanders. Being the butt of so many jokes on Twitter must be killing Trump. :biglmao:

Agreeing to a debate with a socialist who is about to lose the Democrats' nomination to Hillary Clinton, demanding to hold the debate in a large stadium, and then saying, "Never mind." Could Trump have done anything more stupid?

It is not too late for Republicans to demand a credible candidate to run against whoever ends up running for the Democrats this fall. #NeverTrump #ChickenTrump #ChickenHillary #NeverHillary

[Image: http://www.bluegrassrivals.com/forum/att...1464438286]
There kinds of attacks on our justice system are just as wrong as Black Lives Matters and Barack Obama attacking police departments across the country for doing the jobs that they were hired to do. This is an abuse of power and Trump has not even won the election yet. This is exactly the kind of attacks that Bill Clinton made against Ken Star and others who tried to hold him accountable for his criminal behavior. #ChickenTrump should deal with his personal legal issues through his lawyers.

Poor little #ChickenTrump, everybody just hates him because he is so rich, so successful, and just so darned popular with women.

Quote:Trump Attacks Federal Judge in Trump U CaseSAN DIEGO–In one of his most personal attacks against an apolitical figure since becoming the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump delivered an extended tirade about the federal judge overseeing the civil litigation against his defunct education program.

Mr. Trump’s attack on U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel was extraordinary not just in its scope and intensity but for its location: Before a crowd packed into a convention center here that had been primed for the New York billionaire with a warm-up speech from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

“I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump, a hater. He’s a hater. His name is Gonzalo Curiel,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd of several thousand booed. “He is not doing the right thing. And I figure, what the hell? Why not talk about it for two minutes?”

Mr. Trump spoke for far more than two minutes about Judge Curiel and the Trump University case–he devoted 12 minutes of a 58-minute address to the litigation, which is scheduled to go to trial in San Diego federal court Nov. 28. Mr. Trump’s attorney said earlier this month that Mr. Trump would testify in the six-year-old case.

The plaintiffs in the Trump University case, whom Mr. Trump also condemned by name Friday, accuse him and the now-defunct school of defrauding people who paid up to $35,000 for real estate advice. Mr. Trump said Friday that Trump University received “mostly unbelievable reviews” from its 10,000 students.

To the San Diego crowd, Mr. Trump argued that Judge Curiel should be removed from the case because he is biased against him. The evidence Mr. Trump presented: Rulings against him and the fact that Judge Curial was appointed to the bench by President Barack Obama. The Senate confirmed Judge Curiel by a voice vote in September 2012.

An aide in Judge Curiel’s chambers on Friday said the judicial code of conduct prevents him from responding to Mr. Trump.

“We’re in front of a very hostile judge,” Mr. Trump said. “The judge was appointed by Barack Obama, federal judge. Frankly, he should recuse himself because he’s given us ruling after ruling after ruling, negative, negative, negative.”
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