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Xe, xyr, vir
How many different gender pronouns are there now? 200?
I have no idea.

Afraid I don't care.
Still the same as we learned in school long ago: he, she, it.
^^ Yep, and the situation is comparable to the evolution of Evolution.

Evolution started off as a whimsical observation. Charles Darwin watched Marine Iguanas feeding on algae under water, on the rocks of the Galapagos Islands. From that idle moment came the impossibly complex scaffolding which is the modern day system of classification, and into which the subsequent and laughable attempts to interface the finds of the fossil record have been made.

Surely the left gender blender can whip up as many absurd variants as their little imaginations will allow. However, as you mention are only two, and The Lord will recognize only two at the judgment. Why because man was created in the image of God.
Judeo Christian "values" in full swing.

Jesus wept.
Jesus wept. That happens to be the shortest verse in the Bible, and I happen to be familiar with it.

John 11:35 (KJV)
35 Jesus wept.

I like the following verse too.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (KJV)
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, [COLOR="Magenta"]but ye are sanctified[/COLOR], but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Definition of effeminate:

(of a man) having or showing characteristics regarded as typical of a woman; unmanly.

Abusers of themselves with mankind:
Those who practice the sin of homosexuality.

It is interesting that you would chose to quote John 11:35 in an attempt to blow off the seriousness of the sin of gender bending (effeminacy) and homosexuality, (abusers of themselves with mankind.) 'Jesus wept,' your verse, for those who were alive and walking after Lazarus had died. He wept because He knew that the horrors facing most of those folks at the coming judgment, would make the passing of Lazarus seem like child's play. And He 'wept,' because He knew most people will by far, choose to believe the lie rather than the truth. One does not get to live with Him in heaven by rejecting the word of truth. God will judge every man make not mistake about it. And the standard we are to be measured against will be His perfect example, not other fallen and flawed sinful men.

There will be no mitigation of the pain and horror of The Judgment for any man whom has not "been washed' in the shed blood of The Lord Jesus. And having bowed before God in repentance accepting Jesus as Savior affords one 'sanctification.' In other words our place in heaven is secure from that day forward. Because to be 'justified,' means that our sins are ALL (past present and future tense) covered by the shed blood of Christ. Therefore we will stand before Him Washed, justified, and ready to go to live with Him forever.

Jesus wept for those billions who unfortunately will of their own will, choose to reject the good news of the Gospel. Preferring to think they are likely as good as anybody. And they're right about that, but we aren't saved by being good. Men are saved by accepting the unspeakable gift of Christ's substitutionary death on the cross. Dying in our place that we might live forever. Thus the excitement on Easter Morning, when Christians around the world exclaim: He is risen!! And we with Him!
Isn’t it possible that Jesus simply wept because he knew Lazarus, considered him a friend, saw how deeply grief-stricken were the other mourners? Plus, a pretty stark foreshadowing of where he himself was headed? Also, Christ wanted his followers to see others as they really are, to see the shame and sorrow and suffering behind the curtains, and to proclaim and confirm the Gospel of God’s enduring love for all human beings. The “culture war” does not excuse contempt, nor does compassion excuse the dismissal of sin. Balancing the pendulum is the work of the Spirit.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Isn’t it possible that Jesus simply wept because he knew Lazarus, considered him a friend, saw how deeply grief-stricken were the other mourners? Plus, a pretty stark foreshadowing of where he himself was headed? Also, Christ wanted his followers to see others as they really are, to see the shame and sorrow and suffering behind the curtains, and to proclaim and confirm the Gospel of God’s enduring love for all human beings. The “culture war” does not excuse contempt, nor does compassion excuse the dismissal of sin. Balancing the pendulum is the work of the Spirit.


But you keep angling towards what would have to be some sort of declaration in which you assert that God is somehow universally accepting of all man's behavior. A notion which is precluded in the above quoted 1 Corinthians 6:9 & 10, passage. If there were a pass waiting in everybody's future, that would mean that Christ died for nothing. In point of fact every sin will be accounted for, in the case of the unforgiven. Even one sinful action is enough to condemn any man to eternal separation from God.

God does love all human beings and gave His only Son in sacrifice on the cross in expression of that love. His love is also on display in His daily provision for the inhabitants of this earth; As well as in the fact that He provides eternal life to those who meet the requirement of accepting Christ as Lord and Savior. However, He does not mitigate, wink at, or otherwise dismiss or excuse sin in any degree, for anyone who is not "washed." Further, He has condemned all men, in that He has declared that every man is born 'dead,' in trespass and sin. Ephesians 2:1 (KJV)
1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;

So then, men must choose to submit themselves in repentance before The Lord. And in so doing to use modern day vernacular, they choose to snatch for themselves life, from the jaws of certain death.

That is why Christ used the term born again. Only in said case, being born again is to be 'born' into life eternal. John 3:7 (KJV)
7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

I find it remarkable that any would find solace in being part of this earthly brotherhood of men, as if by force of number, such commonality of their mutually sinful nature is somehow in itself some sort of sanctuary. I mean, one can't hope to be shielded from the judgment in any degree, by citing the fact that he like all men, is flawed, sinful, and lost. But make no mistake, Christians are washed, as they are forgiven. And they no longer take part in the sinful actions listed in verses 9 and 10. ANY who do, are not saved.
In fact, Christ did know Lazarus, his sisters, and had stayed with them. There were times Christ wept as a man weeps, not as some universal, symbolic avatar.

As to “universal brotherhood,” that is a straw distortion. “He was not ashamed to call us his brethren” has some rather clear and obvious meaning, though nowhere do I assert all accept that brotherhood. At any rate, I’ll leave it for the religious forum.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
In fact, Christ did know Lazarus, his sisters, and had stayed with them. There were times Christ wept as a man weeps, not as some universal, symbolic avatar.

As to “universal brotherhood,” that is a straw distortion. “He was not ashamed to call us his brethren” has some rather clear and obvious meaning, though nowhere do I assert all accept that brotherhood. At any rate, I’ll leave it for the religious forum.

Here are the facts. YOU rode in as always to highjack a conversation. In this case between me and 4real. One in which he had indicated that the Christian point of view, as that might apply to sin and the penalty there of, was wrong. And that as the result, Jesus wept, or weeps, because the going liberal view is one of not judging, which I took to be a slam of my comparison of Evolutionism and the moral lapses of our time. And you're right there with him on that, are you not? At any rate, moral behavior is the topic of this thread, and God is the purveyor of all things moral. If it is all the same to you, I will take His word on the pitfalls of effeminacy and or homosexual deviancy.

I am fully aware as to the intricacies of the passage involving the death and raising of Lazarus including the background and the ramifications from the point of view of the disciples.

He is not ashamed to call ONLY CHRISTIANS His brethren. The rest of humanity are not saved and outside of the only provision for eternal life that God the Father has afforded them. But that doesn't deter or even slow you down any from coming on here to spew your heresies now does it? You know how to fake it, that much I grant you. God does not forgive sin but by one and only one way. The acceptance of Jesus as Savior AND Lord.
“I am fully aware...”

“Dare you teach me, you unwashed heathen,”saith the man. I hear that echo.

As to “moral behavior,” that is a slippery enough slope. It is immoral to nigh exclusively build CAFO’s in areas where the economically and politically powerless dwell, yet so it is.

I believe 4real was suggesting that you often come across as one in whom mercy is constrained, with the pendulum swung toward contempt. I believe you were suggesting that, if mercy means calling sin a lifestyle choice, count you out. From there, you attempted a futile bridge connecting dissimilar ideas. But, hey, it’s a political forum. Have at it.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:“I am fully aware...”

“Dare you teach me, you unwashed heathen,”saith the man. I hear that echo.

As to “moral behavior,” that is a slippery enough slope. It is immoral to nigh exclusively build CAFO’s in areas where the economically and politically powerless dwell, yet so it is.

I believe 4real was suggesting that you often come across as one in whom mercy is constrained, with the pendulum swung toward contempt. I believe you were suggesting that, if mercy means calling sin a lifestyle choice, count you out. From there, you attempted a futile bridge connecting dissimilar ideas. But, hey, it’s a political forum. Have at it.

You can't even define the stuff you post, much less my posts. You were completely wrong to say Jesus calls humanity His brethren. That distinction is reserved exclusively for those who are truly saved. In making such equivocations about God's Word, you give hope or support for those who are lost and looking to salve their own conscience. And yet when called out for it you just dodged, as usual. Keep mitigating the truth, it is obviously your calling.
The reason, of course, this is rubbish, is that the enjoinder to the Gentiles, and the Pauline oratory in Athens is definitive dissent. Once again, TRT, let us retire here to the religion forum and reason from the Scriptures. You know, not just prooftexted shenanigans, but the entirety of the record.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆️
The reason, of course, this is rubbish, is that the enjoinder to the Gentiles, and the Pauline oratory in Athens is definitive dissent. Once again, TRT, let us retire here to the religion forum and reason from the Scriptures. You know, not just prooftexted shenanigans, but the entirety of the record.

You lie.

Once again Sombrero, for the sake of those others who may read the rubbish you put up on here where the Lord is concerned, I have no qualms with correcting you. But I refuse to dignify that rubbish, or waste my time by arguing with you about it on any forum whatever. You put up your lies, And unless I've already done so, I will straighten you out.
TheRealThing Wrote:You lie.

Once again Sombrero, for the sake of those others who may read the rubbish you put up on here where the Lord is concerned, I have no qualms with correcting you. But I refuse to dignify that rubbish, or waste my time by arguing with you about it on any forum whatever. You put up your lies, And unless I've already done so, I will straighten you out.

As Aerosmith once retorted, “Dream On.” My invitation stands.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:As Aerosmith once retorted, “Dream On.” My invitation stands.

For those of us who actually do understand accurately, correct doctrine and interpretation of God's word, it takes more than your dropping the term 'Pauline' to impress. You cannot by any means whatever, validate the claim you made in which you said that Christ refers to all of mankind as His brethren. Paul never indicated any such thing, not ever. But he would have deferred to The Lord I'm certain. And what follows is what He said.

Revelation 22:14-15 (KJV)
14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

The short of it is this; God willingly subjected Himself to the cross to pay man's sin debt. You can say what you will because you never back it up, but for God to die for us is no small thing. ONLY those who bow before Him, accepting the fact that they are hopelessly lost, yet trusting and believing that Jesus is the Son of God; And in repentance freely confessing their sins, and in so doing realizing there is but one way to hide those sins. That being the shed blood of Christ, only then can they then be saved and only then is any man a brother to Christ. So, Christians rightly call each other brother, but theirs is an exclusive brotherhood of believers only. The price paid was just too dear for equivocations and compromise, and believe me when I tell you He will never compromise. Think of it as absolute truth. Spreading a heresy in which you say all men are His brethren evidently means nothing to you. You're trying to win a debate point, right? But tell you what, why don't you explain to us how you know The Lord refers to the lost as brethren? And just for the sake of variety, why not back up your contention with actual Scripture for a change?

Or, you could always admit the truth.

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