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Stop the Steal
(12-19-2020, 02:26 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 05:02 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Lying? What are you talking about?  

There is no fraud evidence.  Courts are throwing these cases out faster than Rudy can toot. If there is evidence, judges will not throw them out.

Seriously, do you believe every judge that has heard these stooge shows is corrupt? 

I don’t think I am the one that is struggling with the law. 

Whoa, Hootie, Comrade Barr put the brakes on the collusion investigation. Nobody was exonerated of anything.  I wonder what will happen over the next year if Biden allows the justice system to investigate without obstruction. 

I am on pins and needles on these pardons.  Can’t wait to see who Trump believes won’t flip on him. 

Trump owes this nation an apology.  He has corrupted our government, our citizens, and our reputation on the world stage.  His actions have killed Americans and his apathy has put our national security in jeopardy.

But worst of all he has divided this nation and is willing to push us to the brink of civil war to save his pride. 

Get over it. Enjoy 4 years of a President that will work for his citizens. You can rejoin your deathcult in 2024, or not, I’ve found Republicans love their socialism when it benefits them.

Right again, @Cardsfan1.  You are good!   I have told people this for three decades about conservatives loving socialist programs when they benefit. They are such hypocrites on so many levels.  Also, Trump will not apologize to anyone. My guess is that he has never apologized to anyone in his entire narcissistic life. In his mind, he never does or says anything that he needs to apologize for.  Didn't he once say that he never says he's sorry- that he has never asked God for forgiveness because he has never had anything to apologize for?

Yeah like as in election fraud when it benefits YOU? This is like being aboard the Titanic and watching the second class cheer because the 1st class is about to go down with the ship.

And at least an appreciable ratio of Republicans are among those who actually do shoulder the financial responsibility for all those socialist programs.
(12-19-2020, 01:44 PM)vector#1 Wrote: Hoot, I'm sure you are a fine man , a great patriot, and a staunch supporter of freedom, democracy, and small animals of all kind. However, I really don't understand the insulting of my progressive friends and fellow posters. Posting responses in an internet forum doesn't dictate a professional dissertation every time.  Most of us don't post on here thinking that our musings will be evaluated by a literary critic. I know I post just to have fun and share ideas. I don't write on here the way I would if I were writing a thesis and I think @vector#1 and others would concur. A lot of what we write is just "off the cuff" and not something we spend hours preparing.

Also, it's ironic that you would criticize a fellow poster when your political Messiah, Mr. Trump, is known to have a eighth-grade reading level.

That's just the way Hooter and TRT are if they can't defend there Dear Leader attack the spelling or writing that's all they can defend
Until you are able to write on an 8th to 10th grade level, nobody is going to take your opinions seriously. Writing below that level, which you are doing, reflects your inability to read or listen to, and understand information. Writing above a 10th grade level makes reading tedious for most people, which results in them ignoring or skimming what you write. I offer that advice as honest constructive criticism, vector, but you will almost certainly take it as an insult.

I always considered myself a good writer. I tested out of all of my English requirements in college and was always near the top of my English classes through high school. After five years of working as an engineer, the General Counsel of my new employer finally taught me how to write effective business letters and reports by marking up my drafts with red ink. An outside attorney, who was an alternate Kentucky Supreme Court justice, did the same thing. They were the two best writers with whom I ever worked. I credit those two lawyers with much of the success that I have had in my life.

My point is this: it is never too late to learn a new basic skill. Internet posts do not need to be literary masterpieces but your writing should not detract from your message.
Until you are able to write on an 8th to 10th grade level, nobody is going to take your opinions seriously. Writing below that level, which you are doing, reflects your inability to read or listen to, and understand information. Writing above a 10th grade level makes reading tedious for most people, which results in them ignoring or skimming what you write. I offer that advice as honest constructive criticism, vector, but you will almost certainly take it as an insult.

I always considered myself a good writer. I tested out of all of my English requirements in college and was always near the top of my English classes through high school. After five years of working as an engineer, the General Counsel of my new employer finally taught me how to write effective business letters and reports by marking up my drafts with red ink. An outside attorney, who was an alternate Kentucky Supreme Court justice, did the same thing. They were the two best writers with whom I ever worked. I credit those two lawyers with much of the success that I have had in my life.

My point is this: it is never too late to learn a new basic skill. Internet posts do not need to be literary masterpieces but your writing should not detract from your message.

What has all of this to do with your Dear Leader being the worst president this country has every had
And don't tell these people how you was a engineer you was a spad man you couldn't handle that
Like they have always say if you want guarantee income get a government job
(12-19-2020, 02:28 PM)vector#1 Wrote: Until you are able to write on an 8th to 10th grade level, nobody is going to take your opinions seriously. Writing below that level, which you are doing, reflects your inability to read or listen to, and understand information. Writing above a 10th grade level makes reading tedious for most people, which results in them ignoring or skimming what you write. I offer that advice as honest constructive criticism, vector, but you will almost certainly take it as an insult.

I always considered myself a good writer. I tested out of all of my English requirements in college and was always near the top of my English classes through high school. After five years of working as an engineer, the General Counsel of my new employer finally taught me how to write effective business letters and reports by marking up my drafts with red ink. An outside attorney, who was an alternate Kentucky Supreme Court justice, did the same thing. They were the two best writers with whom I ever worked. I credit those two lawyers with much of the success that I have had in my life.

My point is this: it is never too late to learn a new basic skill. Internet posts do not need to be literary masterpieces but your writing should not detract from your message.

What has all of this to do with your Dear Leader being the worst president this country has every had
And don't tell these people how you was a engineer you was a spad man you couldn't handle that
Like they have always say if you want guarantee income get a government job
Setting spads was something that I did one summer while I was an engineering student. I am sure that you think calling an engineer a "spad man" is an insult, but I never considered myself any better than the surveying crews and other people who worked for me. Why do you look down on surveyors?
(12-19-2020, 02:09 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(12-19-2020, 02:26 AM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 05:02 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Lying? What are you talking about?  

There is no fraud evidence.  Courts are throwing these cases out faster than Rudy can toot. If there is evidence, judges will not throw them out.

Seriously, do you believe every judge that has heard these stooge shows is corrupt? 

I don’t think I am the one that is struggling with the law. 

Whoa, Hootie, Comrade Barr put the brakes on the collusion investigation. Nobody was exonerated of anything.  I wonder what will happen over the next year if Biden allows the justice system to investigate without obstruction. 

I am on pins and needles on these pardons.  Can’t wait to see who Trump believes won’t flip on him. 

Trump owes this nation an apology.  He has corrupted our government, our citizens, and our reputation on the world stage.  His actions have killed Americans and his apathy has put our national security in jeopardy.

But worst of all he has divided this nation and is willing to push us to the brink of civil war to save his pride. 

Get over it. Enjoy 4 years of a President that will work for his citizens. You can rejoin your deathcult in 2024, or not, I’ve found Republicans love their socialism when it benefits them.

Right again, @Cardsfan1.  You are good!   I have told people this for three decades about conservatives loving socialist programs when they benefit. They are such hypocrites on so many levels.  Also, Trump will not apologize to anyone. My guess is that he has never apologized to anyone in his entire narcissistic life. In his mind, he never does or says anything that he needs to apologize for.  Didn't he once say that he never says he's sorry- that he has never asked God for forgiveness because he has never had anything to apologize for?

Yeah like as in election fraud when it benefits YOU? This is like being aboard the Titanic and watching the second class cheer because the 1st class is about to go down with the ship.

And at least an appreciable ratio of Republicans are among those who actually do shoulder the financial responsibility for all those socialist programs.

1.  There is no evidence of election fraud.  

2.  Do realize how ignorant it is to state Republicans are the only people who work and pay taxes in this nation?  And laughable considering YOUR HERO pays less in taxes than my 16 year old kid did this year. 

3. Republicans love their market manipulation and subsidies.  Next time you call somebody a socialist look in the mirror.
Setting spads was something that I did one summer while I was an engineering student. I am sure that you think calling an engineer a "spad man" is an insult, but I never considered myself any better than the surveying crews and other people who worked for me. Why do you look down on surveyors?

And you couldn't handle the job
I don't look down on spad men didn't say that so that makes you a liar would you agree with that
And again can you show anytime in history when your Dear Leader leaves office has any one done such a bad job as him

And at least an appreciable ratio of Republicans are among those who actually do shoulder the financial responsibility for all those socialist programs.

You need to wake up and look around you are right in the middle of some your Dear Leader's most staunches supporters
This is the check drawing capitol in the country

Here we go again


I guess we can give the Dear Leader credit for being loyal to Putin since he did hand him the election in 2016
(12-19-2020, 03:09 PM)vector#1 Wrote: Setting spads was something that I did one summer while I was an engineering student. I am sure that you think calling an engineer a "spad man" is an insult, but I never considered myself any better than the surveying crews and other people who worked for me. Why do you look down on surveyors?

And you couldn't handle the job
I don't look down on spad men didn't say that so that makes you a liar would you agree with that
And again can you show anytime in history when your Dear Leader leaves office has any one done such a bad job as him

And at least an appreciable ratio of Republicans are among those who actually do shoulder the financial responsibility for all those socialist programs.

You need to wake up and look around you are right in the middle of some your Dear Leader's most staunches supporters
This is the check drawing capitol in the country

Here we go again


I guess we can give the Dear Leader credit for being loyal to Putin since he did hand him the election in 2016
Liar. This is the last of your posts that I will be responding to. You are either nearly total illiterate or just a troll. Either way, you are a waste of space and time. You are not a decent human being.
Liar. This is the last of your posts that I will be responding to. You are either nearly total illiterate or just a troll. Either way, you are a waste of space and time. You are not a decent human being.

Here you go again can't handle the facts what do you do put your tail between your legs and run home
(12-18-2020, 11:52 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-18-2020, 11:09 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: As I have said before, I have a brother who is a lawyer (and a damn good one, he has forgotten more rule of law than you will ever know, Hoot) and is also a strong Republican. We actually have civilized conversations about politics, even though we are diametrically opposed, and he has told me from the word go that the Trump attempts to overturn the election are a complete farce. “Notice how the high-powered lawyers who would normally be salivating to get a piece of this are nowhere to be found?,” he pointed out to me. “Because they know there’s no meat on that bone. There is just nothing credible in hardly any of the accusations the Trump crowd is throwing out.”  He said he was embarrassed by it, and while he doesn’t want Biden as president, the people we want in don’t always win.  I wonder if you guys will ever be mature enough to  see it that way? I’ll start holding my breath now.
You're not your brother and being related to a lawyer does not make you a legal expert. Your brother may be a fine lawyer, but Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are two of the top attorneys in this country. I am not an attorney but I have worked closely with some outstanding attorneys in both my careers as an engineer and as a software architect. So, although your brother may have forgotten more about the rule of law than I know, I am pretty sure that you cannot say the same.

I have a great deal of respect for Rudy Giuliani but I believe in hindsight, Trump's legal team should have focused on the Dominion voting equipment and software and on the mail-in ballot fraud, as Sidney Powell has done. Too much time has passed to have only one comprehensive forensic audit done. If auditors get possession of the machines in time, that has the potential of swaying state legislatures to do the right thing.

I have enough training and experience in statistics and sampling theory to know that after the vote counting stopped in five battleground states on election night, several statistical impossibilities occurred before voting supposedly resumed the next morning.

You’re not real.  No real person respects these lawyers. 

Serious question: Why are you so shocked Trump lost?  Hell, he lost the popular vote last time by 3 million to Hillary, a terrible candidate. After a disaster presidency you should be happy he kept it under 10 million.  

FWIW, in response to your pompous complaint about the position of my post, this version of the message board puts your consecutive messages together sometimes.

Lou Dobbs contradicts the very BS that ran on his show.  

Why would he do such a thing?  

Fox running the same segment on other charlatans’ programs.
Why are they doing that I wonder? 

It couldn’t be because they are spreading lies and these companies are going to sue their tails. 

Also reported today, the Trump campaign is instructing staff to preserve all their documentation regarding Sidney Powell and Dominion  because the tech company will be putting the smack down on her soon. 

All this has been entertaining, but watching these liars tuck tail is going to be a real hoot!
(12-03-2020, 05:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:15 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: It looks like Georgia Democrats may have skipped the part of the election fraud manual that explains disabling security cameras before you attempt to steal an election.  Big Grin

One America News Network (OANN), also known as One America News (OAN), is a far-right,[14] pro-Donald Trump[22] cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., launched on July 4, 2013.[27] The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and New York City.
Its prime time political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the "greatest supporters" of Trump.[28] Trump himself has promoted both the network and some of its hosts.[4][29][30][31]
The channel is prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[40] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy, for falsely claiming a COVID-19 cure.[41]

Just more Lies and Bullsh!t
275,000 dead from the Trump Flu He's got to go pull up the moving vans
That's it, dumbass, don't trust your own eyes and ears. Trust Wikipedia. It has to be right because anybody can add information to their articles.  Big Grin 

You have to believe that hundreds of witnesses who have testified about the felonies that they saw during the 2020 election are willing to lie and go to prison to testify for Trump to think that the election was not rigged. This video was most likely provided in response to a subpoena from either one of Trump's attorneys or L. Lin Wood. 

Wood has subpoenaed all of the security footage taken while votes were counted in Georgia. They will probably be able to track those suitcases full of ballots shown in the video from the loading dock to the vote tabulators. Democrats got sloppy with their election fraud and they got caught in multiple states. 

Joe Biden will never be the legitimate President of the United States. Even 30 percent of Democrats believe that he stole the election.

(12-19-2020, 08:14 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https:/www.newsweek.com/fox-host-lou-dobbs-airs-debunking-election-fraud-claims-made-his-own-show-1556143%3famp=1

Lou Dobbs contradicts the very BS that ran on his show.  

Why would he do such a thing?  

Fox running the same segment on other charlatans’ programs.
Why are they doing that I wonder? 

It couldn’t be because they are spreading lies and these companies are going to sue their tails. 

Also reported today, the Trump campaign is instructing staff to preserve all their documentation regarding Sidney Powell and Dominion  because the tech company will be putting the smack down on her soon. 

All this has been entertaining, but watching these liars tuck tail is going to be a real hoot!
Right here is why

Legal Notice and Retraction Demand from Smartmatic USA Corp to Fox News - DocumentCloud

Hooter and TRT claim to be wave flagging citizens nothing but traitors trying to attempt a coup it's a disgrace
(12-19-2020, 09:50 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:15 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: It looks like Georgia Democrats may have skipped the part of the election fraud manual that explains disabling security cameras before you attempt to steal an election.  Big Grin

One America News Network (OANN), also known as One America News (OAN), is a far-right,[14] pro-Donald Trump[22] cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., launched on July 4, 2013.[27] The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and New York City.
Its prime time political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the "greatest supporters" of Trump.[28] Trump himself has promoted both the network and some of its hosts.[4][29][30][31]
The channel is prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[40] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy, for falsely claiming a COVID-19 cure.[41]

Just more Lies and Bullsh!t
275,000 dead from the Trump Flu He's got to go pull up the moving vans
That's it, dumbass, don't trust your own eyes and ears. Trust Wikipedia. It has to be right because anybody can add information to their articles.  Big Grin 

You have to believe that hundreds of witnesses who have testified about the felonies that they saw during the 2020 election are willing to lie and go to prison to testify for Trump to think that the election was not rigged. This video was most likely provided in response to a subpoena from either one of Trump's attorneys or L. Lin Wood. 

Wood has subpoenaed all of the security footage taken while votes were counted in Georgia. They will probably be able to track those suitcases full of ballots shown in the video from the loading dock to the vote tabulators. Democrats got sloppy with their election fraud and they got caught in multiple states. 

Joe Biden will never be the legitimate President of the United States. Even 30 percent of Democrats believe that he stole the election.

(12-19-2020, 08:14 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https:/www.newsweek.com/fox-host-lou-dobbs-airs-debunking-election-fraud-claims-made-his-own-show-1556143%3famp=1

Lou Dobbs contradicts the very BS that ran on his show.  

Why would he do such a thing?  

Fox running the same segment on other charlatans’ programs.
Why are they doing that I wonder? 

It couldn’t be because they are spreading lies and these companies are going to sue their tails. 

Also reported today, the Trump campaign is instructing staff to preserve all their documentation regarding Sidney Powell and Dominion  because the tech company will be putting the smack down on her soon. 

All this has been entertaining, but watching these liars tuck tail is going to be a real hoot!
Right here is why

Legal Notice and Retraction Demand from Smartmatic USA Corp to Fox News - DocumentCloud

Hooter and TRT claim to be wave flagging citizens nothing but traitors trying to attempt a coup it's a disgrace

It is a disgrace, indeed. All these people who have perpetrated this fraud about fraud should be locked up. They don't deserve the freedom and privileges that they pretend to hold so dear.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Old School Hound's post:
  • Cardfan1
(12-19-2020, 10:11 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(12-19-2020, 09:50 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:15 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: It looks like Georgia Democrats may have skipped the part of the election fraud manual that explains disabling security cameras before you attempt to steal an election.  Big Grin

One America News Network (OANN), also known as One America News (OAN), is a far-right,[14] pro-Donald Trump[22] cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., launched on July 4, 2013.[27] The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and New York City.
Its prime time political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the "greatest supporters" of Trump.[28] Trump himself has promoted both the network and some of its hosts.[4][29][30][31]
The channel is prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[40] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy, for falsely claiming a COVID-19 cure.[41]

Just more Lies and Bullsh!t
275,000 dead from the Trump Flu He's got to go pull up the moving vans
That's it, dumbass, don't trust your own eyes and ears. Trust Wikipedia. It has to be right because anybody can add information to their articles.  Big Grin 

You have to believe that hundreds of witnesses who have testified about the felonies that they saw during the 2020 election are willing to lie and go to prison to testify for Trump to think that the election was not rigged. This video was most likely provided in response to a subpoena from either one of Trump's attorneys or L. Lin Wood. 

Wood has subpoenaed all of the security footage taken while votes were counted in Georgia. They will probably be able to track those suitcases full of ballots shown in the video from the loading dock to the vote tabulators. Democrats got sloppy with their election fraud and they got caught in multiple states. 

Joe Biden will never be the legitimate President of the United States. Even 30 percent of Democrats believe that he stole the election.

(12-19-2020, 08:14 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: https:/www.newsweek.com/fox-host-lou-dobbs-airs-debunking-election-fraud-claims-made-his-own-show-1556143%3famp=1

Lou Dobbs contradicts the very BS that ran on his show.  

Why would he do such a thing?  

Fox running the same segment on other charlatans’ programs.
Why are they doing that I wonder? 

It couldn’t be because they are spreading lies and these companies are going to sue their tails. 

Also reported today, the Trump campaign is instructing staff to preserve all their documentation regarding Sidney Powell and Dominion  because the tech company will be putting the smack down on her soon. 

All this has been entertaining, but watching these liars tuck tail is going to be a real hoot!
Right here is why

Legal Notice and Retraction Demand from Smartmatic USA Corp to Fox News - DocumentCloud

Hooter and TRT claim to be wave flagging citizens nothing but traitors trying to attempt a coup it's a disgrace

It is a disgrace, indeed. All these people who have perpetrated this fraud about fraud should be locked up. They don't deserve the freedom and privileges that they pretend to hold so dear.

On the day that American candidates and therefore the citizens who support them don't have the right to challenge election results, it's truly over. Much less getting hauled off to prison for trying to exercise those very constitutional rights. When and if that day comes you might cheer it on, but you'll be just as vulnerable.

There are two sides here. The traditional constitutional nation of laws side of the past 240 years, or the progressive side which wants to wash all that away. You can play "Roll Out the Barrel" all you want but your protections will be gone along with those of your contempt who're calling for the prescribed constitutional checks.
On the day that American candidates and therefore the citizens who support them don't have the right to challenge election results, it's truly over. Much less getting hauled off to prison for trying to exercise those very constitutional rights. When and if that day comes you might cheer it on, but you'll be just as vulnerable.

There are two sides here. The traditional constitutional nation of laws side of the past 240 years, or the progressive side which wants to wash all that away. You can play "Roll Out the Barrel" all you want but your protections will be gone along with those of your contempt who're calling for the prescribed constitutional checks.

You have had your day in FACT you have had 47 days and it's been one lie after another time to stop the votes have been counted, recounted and again recounted all 50 states have certified there votes if you keep up with all the false info.
Then YES you should be responsible for your actions lot of damage is being done

(12-03-2020, 05:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:15 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: It looks like Georgia Democrats may have skipped the part of the election fraud manual that explains disabling security cameras before you attempt to steal an election.  :D

One America News Network (OANN), also known as One America News (OAN), is a far-right,[14] pro-Donald Trump[22] cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., launched on July 4, 2013.[27] The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and New York City.
Its prime time political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the "greatest supporters" of Trump.[28] Trump himself has promoted both the network and some of its hosts.[4][29][30][31]
The channel is prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[40] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy, for falsely claiming a COVID-19 cure.[41]

Just more Lies and Bullsh!t
275,000 dead from the Trump Flu He's got to go pull up the moving vans
That's it, dumbass, don't trust your own eyes and ears. Trust Wikipedia. It has to be right because anybody can add information to their articles.  :D 

You have to believe that hundreds of witnesses who have testified about the felonies that they saw during the 2020 election are willing to lie and go to prison to testify for Trump to think that the election was not rigged. This video was most likely provided in response to a subpoena from either one of Trump's attorneys or L. Lin Wood. 

Wood has subpoenaed all of the security footage taken while votes were counted in Georgia. They will probably be able to track those suitcases full of ballots shown in the video from the loading dock to the vote tabulators. Democrats got sloppy with their election fraud and they got caught in multiple states. 

Joe Biden will never be the legitimate President of the United States. Even 30 percent of Democrats believe that he stole the election.

(12-20-2020, 08:56 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
Here is just more lies and Bull sh!t time to make these people responsible for there actions they are committing treason
People who have participated in or supported the theft of the presidential election are traitors and should be dealt with accordingly.

The cover up continues...

(12-03-2020, 05:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:15 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: It looks like Georgia Democrats may have skipped the part of the election fraud manual that explains disabling security cameras before you attempt to steal an election.  Big Grin

One America News Network (OANN), also known as One America News (OAN), is a far-right,[14] pro-Donald Trump[22] cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., launched on July 4, 2013.[27] The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and New York City.
Its prime time political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the "greatest supporters" of Trump.[28] Trump himself has promoted both the network and some of its hosts.[4][29][30][31]
The channel is prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[40] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy, for falsely claiming a COVID-19 cure.[41]

Just more Lies and Bullsh!t
275,000 dead from the Trump Flu He's got to go pull up the moving vans
That's it, dumbass, don't trust your own eyes and ears. Trust Wikipedia. It has to be right because anybody can add information to their articles.  Big Grin 

You have to believe that hundreds of witnesses who have testified about the felonies that they saw during the 2020 election are willing to lie and go to prison to testify for Trump to think that the election was not rigged. This video was most likely provided in response to a subpoena from either one of Trump's attorneys or L. Lin Wood. 

Wood has subpoenaed all of the security footage taken while votes were counted in Georgia. They will probably be able to track those suitcases full of ballots shown in the video from the loading dock to the vote tabulators. Democrats got sloppy with their election fraud and they got caught in multiple states. 

Joe Biden will never be the legitimate President of the United States. Even 30 percent of Democrats believe that he stole the election.

(12-20-2020, 11:07 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: People who have participated in or supported the theft of the presidential election are traitors and should be dealt with accordingly.

[/url]Election officials have certified Joe Biden as the winner of the U.S. Presidential election

(12-03-2020, 05:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:15 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: It looks like Georgia Democrats may have skipped the part of the election fraud manual that explains disabling security cameras before you attempt to steal an election.  Big Grin

One America News Network (OANN), also known as One America News (OAN), is a far-right,[14] pro-Donald Trump[22] cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., launched on July 4, 2013.[27] The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and New York City.
Its prime time political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the "greatest supporters" of Trump.[28] Trump himself has promoted both the network and some of its hosts.[4][29][30][31]
The channel is prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[40] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy, for falsely claiming a COVID-19 cure.[41]

Just more Lies and Bullsh!t
275,000 dead from the Trump Flu He's got to go pull up the moving vans
That's it, dumbass, don't trust your own eyes and ears. Trust Wikipedia. It has to be right because anybody can add information to their articles.  Big Grin 

You have to believe that hundreds of witnesses who have testified about the felonies that they saw during the 2020 election are willing to lie and go to prison to testify for Trump to think that the election was not rigged. This video was most likely provided in response to a subpoena from either one of Trump's attorneys or L. Lin Wood. 

Wood has subpoenaed all of the security footage taken while votes were counted in Georgia. They will probably be able to track those suitcases full of ballots shown in the video from the loading dock to the vote tabulators. Democrats got sloppy with their election fraud and they got caught in multiple states. 

Joe Biden will never be the legitimate President of the United States. Even 30 percent of Democrats believe that he stole the election.

(12-20-2020, 11:56 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: The cover up continues...

Election officials have certified Joe Biden as the winner of the U.S. Presidential election

[-] The following 1 user Likes vector#1's post:
  • Cardfan1
Remembering a typical 2020 campaign rally by the worst presidential candidate in the history of presidential campaigns.  Big Grin Big Grin

If Joe Biden wins the election, I recommend banning Brownie troops from the Oval Office. This photo reminds me of Wag The Dog.

(12-03-2020, 05:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:15 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: It looks like Georgia Democrats may have skipped the part of the election fraud manual that explains disabling security cameras before you attempt to steal an election.  Big Grin

One America News Network (OANN), also known as One America News (OAN), is a far-right,[14] pro-Donald Trump[22] cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., launched on July 4, 2013.[27] The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and New York City.
Its prime time political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the "greatest supporters" of Trump.[28] Trump himself has promoted both the network and some of its hosts.[4][29][30][31]
The channel is prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[40] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy, for falsely claiming a COVID-19 cure.[41]

Just more Lies and Bullsh!t
275,000 dead from the Trump Flu He's got to go pull up the moving vans
That's it, dumbass, don't trust your own eyes and ears. Trust Wikipedia. It has to be right because anybody can add information to their articles.  Big Grin 

You have to believe that hundreds of witnesses who have testified about the felonies that they saw during the 2020 election are willing to lie and go to prison to testify for Trump to think that the election was not rigged. This video was most likely provided in response to a subpoena from either one of Trump's attorneys or L. Lin Wood. 

Wood has subpoenaed all of the security footage taken while votes were counted in Georgia. They will probably be able to track those suitcases full of ballots shown in the video from the loading dock to the vote tabulators. Democrats got sloppy with their election fraud and they got caught in multiple states. 

Joe Biden will never be the legitimate President of the United States. Even 30 percent of Democrats believe that he stole the election.

(12-20-2020, 12:23 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: If Joe Biden wins the election, I recommend banning Brownie troops from the Oval Office. This photo reminds me of Wag The Dog.

Election officials have certified Joe Biden as the winner of the U.S. Presidential election
[-] The following 1 user Likes vector#1's post:
  • Cardfan1
Biden did what was best for the country, which was avoid superspreader events with maskless, lobotomized crowds (you know, like the one in Tulsa that drew, what, a million folks?) Oh wait, that’s right, just several thousand. You know, way overblown crowd numbers, like the Trump inauguration in 2017.

  Biden did all he needed to do, which was let Trump be himself. Don’t think, that me and Cardfan, and vector and the Outsider and the Old School Hound are just isolated keyboard warriors. We are isolated in a way, in that we live in a region, (I’m assuming here from their posts that they live in this general area as well, don’t actually know where any of them are based) that has vastly more Trump supporters. But I’m finding out daily just from my interactions with the public at my job, that there are a lot more of us, JUST AROUND HERE, than I imagined. They just feel a little more empowered to speak out now.

  Your man lost, not by hook or crook, because the majority of American people were completely worn out by his antics. Again, it wasn’t an unstoppable opponent, (there are a number of Democrats who would have had bigger margins. Michelle Obama would have won by 10-20 million votes). It was his own unstoppable self. Can’t stop himself from saying the wrong thing, doing the wrong thing, representing the wrong thing. I understand why he won four years ago, it was the perfect storm for him. That storm has now been downgraded, it has just a couple of weeks of hot air left in it, then it will disappear from the map. The cleanup can begin on Jan. 20th.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Van Hagar's post:
  • Cardfan1
This Stop the Steal rally in Taiwan was bigger than any of Biden's 2020 campaign rallies. Yet, Americans are supposed to believe that Joe Biden received more votes than any presidential candidate in American history. The fix is in.

(12-03-2020, 05:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:15 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: It looks like Georgia Democrats may have skipped the part of the election fraud manual that explains disabling security cameras before you attempt to steal an election.  Big Grin

One America News Network (OANN), also known as One America News (OAN), is a far-right,[14] pro-Donald Trump[22] cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., launched on July 4, 2013.[27] The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and New York City.
Its prime time political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the "greatest supporters" of Trump.[28] Trump himself has promoted both the network and some of its hosts.[4][29][30][31]
The channel is prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[40] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy, for falsely claiming a COVID-19 cure.[41]

Just more Lies and Bullsh!t
275,000 dead from the Trump Flu He's got to go pull up the moving vans
That's it, dumbass, don't trust your own eyes and ears. Trust Wikipedia. It has to be right because anybody can add information to their articles.  Big Grin 

You have to believe that hundreds of witnesses who have testified about the felonies that they saw during the 2020 election are willing to lie and go to prison to testify for Trump to think that the election was not rigged. This video was most likely provided in response to a subpoena from either one of Trump's attorneys or L. Lin Wood. 

Wood has subpoenaed all of the security footage taken while votes were counted in Georgia. They will probably be able to track those suitcases full of ballots shown in the video from the loading dock to the vote tabulators. Democrats got sloppy with their election fraud and they got caught in multiple states. 

Joe Biden will never be the legitimate President of the United States. Even 30 percent of Democrats believe that he stole the election.

(12-20-2020, 12:32 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: This Stop the Steal rally in Taiwan was bigger than any of Biden's 2020 campaign rallies. Yet, Americans are supposed to believe that Joe Biden received more votes than any presidential candidate in American history. The fix is in.

Election officials have certified Joe Biden as the winner of the U.S. Presidential election
[-] The following 1 user Likes vector#1's post:
  • Cardfan1
Joe Biden, the man who put vice back into the Vice Presidency.

[Video: ]
So we now have reports of Trump hosting looney Sidney Powell and pardoned criminal Mike Flynn in the Oval Office talking Insurrection Act and Martial Law. Some hair-brained scheme of rerunning the elections in contested states after American soldiers are deployed in those states.

These are the REAL AMERICANS??!!

3k Americans are dying a day, a Russian cyberattack threatening our national security, and this is what our President is focused on. Nothing but disgusting.
(12-03-2020, 05:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:15 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(12-03-2020, 05:05 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: It looks like Georgia Democrats may have skipped the part of the election fraud manual that explains disabling security cameras before you attempt to steal an election.  Big Grin

One America News Network (OANN), also known as One America News (OAN), is a far-right,[14] pro-Donald Trump[22] cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., launched on July 4, 2013.[27] The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and New York City.
Its prime time political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the "greatest supporters" of Trump.[28] Trump himself has promoted both the network and some of its hosts.[4][29][30][31]
The channel is prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[40] On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy, for falsely claiming a COVID-19 cure.[41]

Just more Lies and Bullsh!t
275,000 dead from the Trump Flu He's got to go pull up the moving vans
That's it, dumbass, don't trust your own eyes and ears. Trust Wikipedia. It has to be right because anybody can add information to their articles.  Big Grin 

You have to believe that hundreds of witnesses who have testified about the felonies that they saw during the 2020 election are willing to lie and go to prison to testify for Trump to think that the election was not rigged. This video was most likely provided in response to a subpoena from either one of Trump's attorneys or L. Lin Wood. 

Wood has subpoenaed all of the security footage taken while votes were counted in Georgia. They will probably be able to track those suitcases full of ballots shown in the video from the loading dock to the vote tabulators. Democrats got sloppy with their election fraud and they got caught in multiple states. 

Joe Biden will never be the legitimate President of the United States. Even 30 percent of Democrats believe that he stole the election.

(12-20-2020, 02:12 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: So we now have reports of Trump hosting  looney Sidney Powell and pardoned criminal Mike Flynn in the Oval Office talking Insurrection Act and Martial Law.  Some hair-brained scheme of rerunning the elections in contested states after American soldiers are deployed in those states. 

These are the REAL AMERICANS??!!

3k Americans are dying a day, a Russian cyberattack threatening our national security, and this is what our President is focused on. Nothing but disgusting.

I put the blame on his cult members he has 2 very strong ones here on this site
True. We do have a member posting a Tweet calling for Martial Law, Insurrection act, suspending habeas corpus, and instituting military tribunals. All the while telling the rest of us we are unamerican.

I don’t support this, but imagine if the same were being encouraged come January 21st.
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