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Obama's family says he was born in Kenya
Beetle01 Wrote:According to DW everyone who doesn't get sucked into the ploys and lies Obama spews is a Racist, unpatriotic, right wing extremist.

The sad part is the biggest reason Obama is so popular is because people hate Bush so much, so they are basing their decision for President not because of Obama's politics, but on their hate for Bush. LOL pretty sad if you ask me. Trading one extreme for another.
The only thing more sad than that is people like you voted for Bush 2 times!:eek:

So you created the situation.

Bush and his supporters excersized such bad judgement that Obama and McCain won their primaries.
DevilsWin Wrote:The only thing more sad than that is people like you voted for Bush 2 times!:eek:

So you created the situation.

Bush and his supporters excersized such bad judgement that Obama and McCain won their primaries.

I voted for Bush 2 times? That would be impossible.
Beetle01 Wrote:I voted for Bush 2 times? That would be impossible.
"people like you":p
DevilsWin Wrote:"people like you":p

People like me couldn't have voted for Bush 2 times, and if it wasn't for John Kerry forcing me to vote for Bush, I wouldn't have in 04.
Beetle01 Wrote:People like me couldn't have voted for Bush 2 times, and if it wasn't for John Kerry forcing me to vote for Bush, I wouldn't have in 04.
OK I'm missing something here.
DevilsWin Wrote:OK I'm missing something here.

Pretty much if John Edwards or even Hillary would have ran against Bush I probably would have voted for them over Bush. Not Kerry though, he was and is a complete moron.
Were you not 18 in 2000?
DevilsWin Wrote:Were you not 18 in 2000?

Awe your just a baby then. LOL
thecavemaster Wrote:We all compete in the marketplace of ideas and images by stating our views. Some believe in "trickle down" economic theory. Some do not. Some argue and appear to think "trickle down" refers to wetting oneself; freedom of expression is great and interesting and aggravating. Thank goodness we have it.

I agree. Freedom of expression is great. However, my point is that liberals are all for freedom of expression if it fits with their ideaology. If it doesn't they cry that the opposition is intolerant. You can't have it both ways.Wink

It seems to me that liberals don't think just tolerating an opposing view is enough, they actually don't think that you have "true tolerance" unless you unequivocably embrace and accept their liberal spew.
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:I agree. Freedom of expression is great. However, my point is that liberals are all for freedom of expression if it fits with their ideaology. If it doesn't they cry that the opposition is intolerant. You can't have it both ways.Wink

It seems to me that liberals don't think just tolerating an opposing view is enough, they actually don't think that you have "true tolerance" unless you unequivocably embrace and accept their liberal spew.
Would you be so kind as to give us an example that we would all recognize?
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:I agree. Freedom of expression is great. However, my point is that liberals are all for freedom of expression if it fits with their ideaology. If it doesn't they cry that the opposition is intolerant. You can't have it both ways.Wink

It seems to me that liberals don't think just tolerating an opposing view is enough, they actually don't think that you have "true tolerance" unless you unequivocably embrace and accept their liberal spew.

When someone yells, "Terrorist" or "Kill him" from the cheap seats, it is hard to tolerate. If a person believes that homosexuals have no rights in a "equal protection under the law" society, that's not tolerant. You don't have to be for homosexuality or gay marriage, for instance, to recognize basic civil rights.
thecavemaster Wrote:When someone yells, "Terrorist" or "Kill him" from the cheap seats, it is hard to tolerate. If a person believes that homosexuals have no rights in a "equal protection under the law" society, that's not tolerant. You don't have to be for homosexuality or gay marriage, for instance, to recognize basic civil rights.

No one yelled "terrorist" or "kill him" at the Palin debate . . . more liberal spew. Homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals under the law, no arguement there . . . they just don't need "special" rights or to try to force us to redefine marriage. Rolleyes
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:No one yelled "terrorist" or "kill him" at the Palin debate . . . more liberal spew. Homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals under the law, no arguement there . . . they just don't need "special" rights or to try to force us to redefine marriage. Rolleyes

So, you are suggesting that "terrorist" did not get spoken, nor did "kill him"? I'm not saying Palin said it or condoned it...or McCain. I am saying that the tenor of a speech can arouse passions in a crowd, or in a person, that lead to unintended places. See the history of mobs.
BIGREDDAWG Wrote:No one yelled "terrorist" or "kill him" at the Palin debate . . . more liberal spew. Homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals under the law, no arguement there . . . they just don't need "special" rights or to try to force us to redefine marriage. Rolleyes
I guess you don't have an answer to my question because your you can't back up your statement.
DevilsWin Wrote:No! Every person in Ky that voted for Hillary duiring the primary used race as the determining factor in their decision. The nomination was wrapped up for Obama by then and if those same people vote for McCain they might as well go buy some white sheets.

Really.. Every person used race as the determining factor in their decision. Every person that voted for Hillary in Kentucky is racist then. Well, I guess all those black folks who are democrats down in eastern kentucky are racist for voting for Hillary then. Yep. I know black folks who are republican and still won't vote for Obama. Are they racist as well? Sounds like the stereotyping is coming from the accuser here.
WheelsNdaSky Wrote:Really.. Every person used race as the determining factor in their decision. Every person that voted for Hillary in Kentucky is racist then. Well, I guess all those black folks who are democrats down in eastern kentucky are racist for voting for Hillary then. Yep. I know black folks who are republican and still won't vote for Obama. Are they racist as well? Sounds like the stereotyping is coming from the accuser here.
No, you miss my point.

By the time we voted in KY the Democratic Nomination was wrapped up.

No chance Hillary could win.

So why vote for her?


As for Republicans of any color,....well you know how I feel about that by now. Surely!Big Grin
DevilsWin Wrote:No, you miss my point.

By the time we voted in KY the Democratic Nomination was wrapped up.

No chance Hillary could win.

So why vote for her?


As for Republicans of any color,....well you know how I feel about that by now. Surely!Big Grin

So let me get this straight, republicians are worthless, the downfall of all that is human, and just stupid. LOL But the democrats are smart, saviors of the free world, HOWEVER, roughly half of them are racists...I think I am starting to understand...Do you really believe everything you say or just see what kind of response yuou can get out of it?
Udon'tKnowMe Wrote:So let me get this straight, republicians are worthless, the downfall of all that is human, and just stupid. LOL But the democrats are smart, saviors of the free world, HOWEVER, roughly half of them are racists...I think I am starting to understand...Do you really believe everything you say or just see what kind of response yuou can get out of it?

I am embarrassed for the Kentucky Democratic Party!

I'm actually considering changing my party affiliation after this election.

The National Democratic party is getting it right though!
People like you should not be allowed to live in America. You are what give this nation a bad name! You disgust me! Do not make your picture with a cross in it, you do not represent God and I would be ashamed to call you one of His children.

DevilsWin Wrote:This really is pathetic.

Nothing more than a panic because the White establishment is afraid their gonna loose control over all that they hold dear.

Like the stupid middle aged men that show up to McCain rallies with Monkey dolls with Obama written on them and the father that sent his kid to school with the "Obama is a terrorists best friend".

They are afraid the evil black man is gonna destroy America and all they hold dear.

I got news for ya people.

Times change. They always will and if you don't keep up your gonna get left behind.

They are on the wrong side of history and we are on the right side of history by supporting Barack Obama!

Don't be the biggot! Be the better person and help Unite America rather than divide America.

Republicans had their chance and they blew it!

Now it's our turn!
Kysportsfan Wrote:People like you should not be allowed to live in America. You are what give this nation a bad name! You disgust me! Do not make your picture with a cross in it, you do not represent God and I would be ashamed to call you one of His children.
I'm so glad you feel this way!:p

Tollerance is as American as it gets and you have proven that you have none.
DevilsWin Wrote:I am embarrassed for the Kentucky Democratic Party!

I'm actually considering changing my party affiliation after this election.

The National Democratic party is getting it right though!

Well. ok....however, over 40% of democrats on the national level voted for Sen. point is that for most Americans race has nothing to do with it. Heck, the democrats just about put chains on the doors when President Bush tried to appoint minorites to very high ranking positions. My point is its not about race its just a diffence in political thought.
Kysportsfan Wrote:People like you should not be allowed to live in America. You are what give this nation a bad name! You disgust me! Do not make your picture with a cross in it, you do not represent God and I would be ashamed to call you one of His children.

Did you just label someone as a reprobate, in direct contradiction to jesus' teaching in the sermon on the mount? "If you say, 'you fool'.... (check meaning of term "fool" in original language). By the way, you sound a little like the older brother in the parable of the prodigal son. Republicans are Americans with opinions, as are Democrats. It's great to be able to debate and argue, free of Big Brother.

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