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Ky. urged to bolster drunk driving laws
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The penalty proposed for a first offense DUI is insane. I sympathize for the surviving family members of any drunk driving victim but mandatory jail sentences for all first time offenders is no answer.

However, I agree that serial offenders (more than 2 or 3 offenses) should lose their driving privileges for life. That is punishment enough. If people are caught DUI after having their license suspended or revoked, then I support very stiff sentences. Imprisoning alcoholics who have not maimed or killed anybody is not going to reform them.

I also oppose mandatory substance abuse programs for offenders, especially if the state would be footing the bill. People have to want to kick bad habits and forcing them into programs is a waste of time and money. Get them off the roads, YES, but do not throw more taxpayers' money down a rat hole on programs that do not work.

Above all, though, regulating driving is a state responsibility. Kentuckians are capable of deciding who should and who should not be allowed to drive on Kentucky highways.

I disagree. People are much more less likely to do things if theres a greater risk involved.
Would you be more likely to drive drunk if you know you were going to get a slap on the wrist the first time or if you were going to jail for a mandatory 3 months the first time.
It's just like people getting caught selling drugs, especially to kids. IMO, if you made the penalty mandatory jail time for a year people wouldnt do this. And nobody can argue for the guilty because they are the ones who put themselves in the situation to begin with. Repeat offenders would go away forever if i had my say. It would simply make America better.
People can argue that this would ruin the lives of people making a simple mistake that they may never make again, but why take the chance? How many lives will they ruin being out on the street?
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Ky. urged to bolster drunk driving laws - by RunItUpTheGut - 01-14-2011, 06:10 PM

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