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Can you read this?
nky Wrote:of course I can't use all caps in my title:yikes: Maybe this site is run by Reptilian humanoids:yikes: There has been some strange and unusual things going on around here lately, new listings, moderators changing, strange things indeed

What are you talking about? Don't you know that we all are descendants of the Anunnaki? They are the Reptilian race that crossed their DNA with Monkey DNA through genetic engineering to create us, their "cattle" slaves. They put us here to mine gold and other resources until they return on Nibiru in 2012. They return every 3600 years to collect and to feed on us. A few remained here on earth and shapeshifted into our world leaders. All of the world leaders are really lizards.Confusedhh: The name of their organization is the Illuminati. They oversee our enslavement. We have been tricked, they give us conveniences to make us feel comfortable and successful so that we happily continue to work and reproduce. When in reality our only real purpose is to stockpile resources and increase the number livestock(nearly 7 billion and growing.) They will come to take our gold and feed on our :moon:'s soon. Once they are finished they will ride off in sunset on Nibiru.
Messages In This Thread
Can you read this? - by nky - 05-05-2011, 11:39 PM
Can you read this? - by nky - 05-05-2011, 11:42 PM
Can you read this? - by torQQue - 05-06-2011, 01:58 AM

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