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Is Herman Cain a serious threat to win the nomination OR the White House?
TheRealThing Wrote:Well let's see, Clinton was a slick talker, Obama is a slicker talker, and Romney is a slick talker. I've been slick talked enough. Cain not so much and Perry I believe gets shook up by the confrontational and direct assaults by Romney. I believe Perry is insulted and appalled by Romney's brazen attacks and the fact that these are carried out on national TV further exacerbates the rather tongue-tied, back on his heels, posture he has been pushed into on these debate forums. Therefore, he doesn't do well and stumbles.

The only thing I am disappointed in Perry about is his position on educating illegal immigrants on the taxpayer dime. The government can't legally carve out any group to give advantages to. No citizen is higher than his neighbor and therefore it's not justifiable to give things to any ethnic group, social, or political group or individuals. The government started giving people things back during the "Great Society" social giveaway program, which LB Johnson dreamed up and set in motion. At first America could afford to do that and since the average citizen wasn't crowded financially by the giveaways we just sailed along without a whimper and let it happen. Since the inception of the LBJ program, the problems of the listless and the indegent have been more or less purchased by the US Federal Government in that we have by law guaranteeed a safety net for these folks for life. Where once we could afford as a nation to finance the give away programs for these folks, the explosion of their ranks and the ever expanding scope of handouts (food, housing, clothing, medical-care, utilities and even cell phones) have grown to the point where we can no longer actually pay for all of it. Now we must borrow money starting in July of each year. Once we have borrowed money from countries all over the planet we can continue to give it away to the non working element of society. Of course, let's not forget to mention our sworn enemies of the arab world, dictators of South America etc. Sorry, I do go on.

Cain could be a breath of fresh air if he surrounds himself with the right people and has the good sense to listen to them on matters of foriegn policy and the military. Common sense wise, I just love him. I worry that he will not be all that in a national campaign but, if he's the Republican nominee I will certainly vote for him. However, he is a novice and not a true statesman and it is impossible to for see the kinds of blunders me may make if elected. Romney is just a republican in name only and he worries me because of that. I don't trust him and his record does not support his present position on a number of issues least of which is Romney-Care. If it comes down to Obama or Romney it's still a no brainer, ROMNEY!

Ron Paul scares me because he would whittle the military down to a little nub. I could live with Newt for sure but, he has a little baggage, bounced checks and bimbos.
Looks like Cain does his "slick talking" to women, in the form of sexual harassment.
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Is Herman Cain a serious threat to win the nomination OR the White House? - by TheRealVille - 10-31-2011, 08:27 PM

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