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Is Herman Cain a serious threat to win the nomination OR the White House?
Maybe more has came out since I watched the news yesterday but he stated that he touched himself under the chin to explain to someone that they were the same height as his wife.

I like to take people on their word, but going to the darkest parts of my mind, I still cannot see how that is sexual harassment. Which tells me, either 1, Cain is a bold-faced liar, or 2, the women were desperately seeking money in any possible way.

I will say this to all of you Cain fans, he needs some campaign money fast because his people are handling his campaign terribly now that he has hit the spotlight. He needs a good PR person to pull him aside before he hits the news shows and give him strategy. I heard him say he did not remember it, then that he remembered one but told no details, then told the story of how one happened...........A good PR person would have had him explain that it was a long time ago, come out and tell the details then OR ask for the accusers to come forward (if they were paid off, they obviously cannot, but it is great stategy. Come forward and give credence to your story and lose your money or sit back quietly and watch the story die) He REALLY needs a good PR person fast. This could go away quickly or it could fester and boil.

I am not saying that I am a Cain fan, I will not be sending a penny to any politician, but if you are a Cain fan, you better line his pockets because he wont last long the way his recent campaign is being handled.
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Is Herman Cain a serious threat to win the nomination OR the White House? - by LWC - 11-01-2011, 09:50 AM

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