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Is Herman Cain a serious threat to win the nomination OR the White House?
TheRealVille Wrote:So sending naked pictures is more wrong than sexually harassing 3 different women?

Of course not. I was referring to your statement about the usual suspects running with this story. Whether you wiill admit it or not up to this day, there is plausable deniability here for Cain. On the other hand, Weiner was caught, dare I say it? red handed. Virtually in the act. And, don't forget, main stream media types avoided the story, and only in the face of irrefutable evidence did they finally give a cherished liberal over to his very deserving fate. Conversely, Cain is a 24/7 three ring spectacle on the main stream news these days. Their zeal to talk about Cain's past, how long ago was it, 12 years? is obvious.

Even Fox News gave Weiner the benefit of the doubt until his guilt was proven by the emerging facts. Besides all this you continue to miss the point. The reason I dropped the quarters on the likes of Anthony Weiner is this. It takes men and women of honor to successfully serve and govern with wisdom. Be they democrat or republican, just make them honorable. Not nitwits blinded by some ideology or junk science. Just rational, upstanding, fairminded folk that will uphold the constitution of the United States so help them God. Not haters, that fan the flames of insurrection and anarchy by starting an 'us against the rich' war of words. Not unlike those coming out of the white house no less. That's where the 99% versus the 1% propaganda originated. It's inflamatory hate speak pure and simple and, it needs to stop.

Honestly, I really don't know why people can't figure out that candidates will always be subjected to the highest scrutiny, especially the candidates for President. The facts will come out about Cain as they will about every candidate. The other hopefuls could learn something from Cain's courage and willingness to take a stand for traditional American values. 21 percent of all Americans are liberal the rest are either conservatives or independents, either way, this 79% group espouses traditional values. That is the secret to Cain's undeniable popularity. Maybe conservatives should counter the 'Occupy' lunacy with the slogan, I'm a 79 percenter!
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Is Herman Cain a serious threat to win the nomination OR the White House? - by TheRealThing - 11-04-2011, 01:27 AM

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