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Top 10 Matches That Define The Attitude Era ('98-'01)
Originally, one of these 2 matches was going to be #1. However, I watched a match recently that made me change that. So #2 is a tie

[SIZE="3"]#2 (Tie)

Mankind vs. The Undertaker
Hell in a Cell (King of the Ring 1998)[/SIZE]

Full Match:


Dude. This match. This match right here is probably the most watched Attitude match of all time. At least the most replayed. If there was anything that everyone knew about wrestling, it would be two things. Stone Cold is a bad ass. Mick Foley is a crazy ass.

Just re-watching this match, I can't believe Taker thought it was a bright idea to do a choke slam. Not only that, but the retard bring a steel chair just to place it on the ground. He didn't even bother to use it. When Mick Foley got choke slammed, he went through the cell and the steel chair hit him straight in the mouth. Who knew that Taker didn't turn out to be some dumb big man wrestler. He sure showed it in here. On top of that, I can't believe Taker let Mick give him a piledriver onto a steel chair while Mick was dazed out.

The match itself isn't really impressive. It's more of a spectacle then anything else. In fact, this match was not meant to be a classic. Taker/Mick were barely feuding. They were just put in a match and added a random stipulation because they had wrestled countless times already. This is probably one of the most insane things any wrestler has done for the WWE. The match certainly got Mick Foley noticed, as he would be put on Main Event storylines until he retired. This match probably did great damage to Mick's physical body and career length.

Even though this match was all about Mick, you do have to give credit to Undertaker. He wrestled this match with a BROKEN FOOT and he climbed up the cage faster and better than Mick Foley. Apparently, Mick was K.O legit after the chokeslam and knocked out a tooth that went up his nose. He probably was not prepared to take the move. I guess you learn with trial and error. He sure worked hard here as he put over the thumbtacks. It was the first time in history that the WWE showed thumbtacks. Mick worked his ass off more than any play in history.




[SIZE="3"]#2 (Tie)

Stone Cold Steven Austin vs. The Rock
NoDQ Match for the WWE Championship (Wrestlemania 17)

First, just watch this:

Isn't that one of the best build-up promo package you've ever seen?

Full Match:


Pretty much one of the greatest rivalries in the history of the WWE. Had this match not ended the Attitude Era, it would surely be number one. It is defining in a sense that it was a very well fitting end to a great time in wrestling but it sure isn't the defining moment of what the Attitude Era is about. This match had it all. Wrestling, entertainment, blood, personal vendettas, heel turn, and amazing storytelling.

Austin was pretty relentless in this match. One of the first I ever seen him use his knee brace as a weapon. He showed Rock no remorse with definite heel tendencies. He wrestles very heel here and despite this gets cheered like crazy. The Rock fights back too and shows his side of retribution by busting Austin wide open. This was about who is getting the top spot. This match is one of the best pieces of storytelling in a wrestling match ever. You know Stone Cold is desperate for the gold. He does every tactic in the book to try and win. From taking off a turnbuckle, to using the ring bell, to EVEN doing a million dollar dream hold, as well as teaming with his mortal enemy. Austin's frustration grows more and more obvious within the match. That's what I love about it. That it makes it so easy to catch that.
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Top 10 Matches That Define The Attitude Era ('98-'01) - by Mr. Pike Central - 02-07-2012, 04:23 PM

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