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NJ Gov. Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage Bill
TheRealThing Wrote:I'm willing to learn RV. Give me something in STONE. You keep ragging on the creationist websites. The vast majority of the time I cite resources from folks on your side of the argument. The first (functional) link I gave was from some scientists in Russia. Are you saying the Russians are creationists? Further, if you really think you've got the hammer on me on any one of the points I've made, pick one out and make your argument.

I don't expect the evolutionists to support findings that are contrary to their position. Therefore, just pooh-poohing everybody else's work, like so many kids on a schoolyard at recess, doesn't quite meet scientific muster in my mind.
I posted just one link on the man/dinosaur thing, I'm not going to argue science that has been considered proven for many years. 99% of paleontologists agree that the last dinosaurs disappeared 65 million years ago. I'm not an expert and will not argue science that has been proven with you. If you are really interested in the truth, it is out there. Look it up, this is the information age. You are more than welcome to believe all that christian science BS if you want, but don't expect the rest of the population to buy into it. Many things are proven, but you all will not listen to any scientist that disagrees with you. It's just like all of the biblical contradictions, you just explain them away with nonsense. You are more than welcome to believe all the christian BS, with faith in only a book, but don't expect the rest of the world to follow you around with the nonsense. If you won't listen to the real scientists, why would I expect you to listen to me. Everything you post comes from a creation science website, so it is obvious you don't go any further. Believe in your fairy tale all you want, it does nothing to me.
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NJ Gov. Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage Bill - by TheRealVille - 02-21-2012, 11:40 PM

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